"You do deserve this promotion. For every reason you listed why you think you'd make a bad Vice Admiral, I think was exactly why you were chosen."

-1 day later-

On the ship you were with someone else who was getting a Vice Admiral promotion, someone else you got along okay with. But not necessarily friends.

"So Smoker-San, you're finally accepting your promotion after all these years, I'm surprised."
He glared at you while smoking his signature cigars.
"Are your lungs protected by your logia fruit too?I've always wondered."
The men around you all choked on a laugh they didn't dare let loose. Smoker had a temper, so did you but it took a while for it to bubble to the surface. Unlike his, but you found it funny when he got mad so you always tried to annoy him.

"You did not just ask that out loud." You let out a laugh. You'd known Smoker since you joined. He knew what you were trying to do and didn't fall for it.
He always had an eye on you, in a brotherly way and helped you on the sly when he thought you didn't notice.

"I'm glad I'm not going by myself though, it's nice to be going with someone who doesn't hate my guts." He looked at you and ruffled the top of your head, and gave a light chuckle.

"You know Y/N, not as many people hate you as you think."  You gave him a look that said you didn't believe him.
You went back to staring at the sea, you let your mind wander for a minute before Smoker decided to comment on the amount of men staring at you.

"You'd think they'd make eyes at you more subtly. But no they're staring a hole into your back." You looked behind you, only to have all of them resume with whatever task they had. "The way you dress doesn't help." You gave a pout.

"What are you my big brother?" You wore yoga style pants that had the word Marines down the left leg, ankle cut sneakers, and a grey long sleeve crop top. You stood 5'6, you had a slim waist due to your constant activity, and you had a good set of curves on your chest and ass. You wore your H/L in a pony tail and had your dragon fly hair pin clipping it in place. However, you had scars marring your body. You had just recently received the scars on your rib cage given to you by Blackbeard at Marineford. You had a scar on your left arm from an encounter with a tiger back when you were kid, and some on your back from your training period. You weren't ugly by any means, your eyes were definitely your biggest draw in, they were the color of an Opal stone, and they contrasted with your H/L H/C. You also weren't overly pretty. But you got attention.
"How I dress is my business. The stares don't bug me I hardly notice them." He chuffed a breath but dropped the issue.

The rest of the trip was the two of you catching up since the Paramount War, and talking about what the Worst Generation had been up to since.

"I heard that The Surgeon of Death recently put in an application to be a Warlord. Is that true?" You asked Smoker. He became agitated as he spoke.

"Yes he did. And it looks like he's going to get it. He delivered 100 pirate hearts to Marineford a week after the war."
100 hearts? Dayum, no wonder he's getting the title Warlord he just did a big portion of our job for us and made it look like child's play.

"Jewelry Bonney went after Blackbeard, but he easily defeated her and her crew. Akainu went to apprehend her and bring her to Impel Down. But she somehow escaped with her men." That made you pause.

"Did she seriously think she could take him on? She must've thought very highly of herself up until that moment." You went to eating your curry and rice Smoker was looking at you but you did bother to look back.

One Piece:Lunar Lovers: Eustass Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now