S2 Ch. 12 Open House

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The next day was open house, and the whole school was making final preparations for the parents to arrive.

You didn't care about it very much because you knew that your family wasn't coming, but you still helped out with anything the teachers and other students asked about.

The parents soon started to show up, but you just hung out in the trees and watched as they all went inside. As you were watching, you felt a very powerful energy coming from the crowd of parents.

You looked through the crowd more carefully until you spotted Sirzechs and someone else standing next to him. He looked very similar to Sirzechs except he seemed to be older.

(Yn): That must be Rias's father. He says with a neutral look.

The person you assumed to be Rias's father stopped walking and looked up to where you were. He then said something to Sirzechs, but you couldn't hear what he said, or what Sirzechs responded with.

Rias's father nodded at whatever Sirzechs said and then they went into the school.

You then felt the tree shake and you grabbed onto the branch to keep from falling off. You looked down the tree and saw that Ryuga had punched the tree to get your attention.

(Yn): Ryuga? He said with a confused look.

You jumped down from the tree and landed next to him.

(Yn): What are you doing here? He asked with a confused look.

Ryuga: Isn't today open house? He asks with a neutral look.

(Yn): Yes, but why are you here? He asks with a confused look.

Ryuga: Dad wanted me and Undyne to come to the event and see how your school work was progressing. He says with a neutral look.

(Yn): But, can't he do that anyway? With those visions that show him everything in th multiverse? He asks with a confused look.

Ryuga: He can, but he's decided not to use them to spy on you. He says with a neutral look.

(Yn): Well, that's good to know. Personally, I didn't like that he could just see everything I do. He says with relieved look.

Ryuga: Plus, if Undyne and I are gonna be a part of your life, we need to get to know more about your life style. He says with a neutral look.

(Yn): That's true, but can you and Undyne try to stay away from the other devils at the school. He says with a neutral look.

Ryuga: Why? He asks with a confused look.

(Yn): I just haven't told them that you are on our side now, and when they see you, it might cause all kinds of misunderstandings. He says with a neutral look.

Ryuga: I understand. Oh, also, one other person will be attending the open house for you. He says with.

(Yn): Oh crap. Who? He asks with an annoyed look.

Ryuga motions with his hand for you to turn around, and when you did, you saw Mahad in his human form.

Mahad: Good day, Master (Yn). He says with a neutral look.

You exhale with relief.

(Yn): Oh, thank God it's you. But why are you here? You already know about my school life. He says with a confused look.

Undyne: He's posing as our father so that we can visit you. She says from behind you.

You turn back to Ryuga and see that Undyne has shown up out of nowhere.

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