Ch. 4 The Unholy Spirit

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The next morning, you and Issei were walking to school, but Issei seemed upset about something.

(Yn): You okay, dude? He said with concern.

Issei: Not really. He said with a disappointed look.

(Yn): What's the matter? He asked with concern.

Issei: Well, after I finished my job yesterday, Rias sent me on a summoning job as well, but on my way back, I encountered a fallen angel. And because of that, Rias is angry with me. He said with disappointment.

(Yn): Why is she mad at you? He asked in confusion.

Issei: Because I got overconfident when I unlocked my sacred gear, and now the fallen angels know that I have it. He said while almost crying.

You felt bad for my thinking that, so you tried to cheer him up.

(Yn): Cheer up, dude. Think of it this way, now that you have unlocked your sacred gear, you can actually fight them, but just don't do it on your own. He said with a smile.

Issei: Well, what if she's still pissed off at me? He asked with a neutral look.

(Yn): She won't be angry for long. Just do your best. He says with a smile.

Issei: But what if-- He says as you interrupt him.

(Yn): You really are an idiot. He says as he rolls his eyes.

The two of you then hear someone trip on the other sidewalk and look over to see a blonde haired girl in a nun's outfit facedown on the pavement.

(Yn): Hey, are you okay? He asked with a worried look.

???: Oh man. I fell down again. She said with a disappointed voice.

She then looks over to see the two of you watching her.

???: Oh, I'm fine. I'm starting to get use to it. She said with a neutral expression.

You walk across the street and reach your hand out to her.

(Yn): Well, you shouldn't have to. He said with a smile.

She takes your hand and you help her stand back up. As she's standing up, the wind blows her veil off and Issei sees how beautiful she is, and he blushes.

(Yn)'s thought: At least not a perverted smile. He thought was a neutral look.

???: Thank you for helping me. She says as she bows to you.

The wind then starts to carry her veil away, but Issei grabs it before it can get far. However, this was when Issei's perverted smile came out, and as soon as you saw this, you punched him in the arm again.

(Yn): How many warnings is it going to take? He asked with an annoyed look.

Issei: Not funny. He said with an annoyed look as well.

Issei gives the veil back to the girl and she puts it back over her head.

???: Thanks you two. She said with a smile.

(Yn): It's the least we could do seeing how you had fallen over. He said with a neutral look.

Issei: Hey, the weather sure is nice out here. Am I right? He said nervously.

You faceplanted yourself as you knew what he was trying to do, and from the looks of it, his expression told you that he regretted saying that as well.

???: Uh, do you think that you two could help me a little? I'm kinda lost. She said with an innocent smile.

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