Chapter 32

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After the wedding, mom and the dude she married, I think his name was Tim, moved into our old house. Obviously, I stayed with Riker at his place. There's no way I could leave seeing his face every morning when I wake up.

Like usual, we both fell asleep in the same bed. Together!

This time, I slept in his bed with him. As usual, I wiggled out of his arms to take my early morning walk. For thirty minutes, or more, depending on my mood, or how much I needed the exercise. Then, as usual, I snuck back in, zigzagging back into his arms again, but with my track clothes on this time. He always wakes up two hours later, like me. But I wake up a few minutes earlier, so I can stare at his adorable, sleepy face. It's really hard not to pinch his cheeks. One time, I almost did, only to be scared when he stirred, but then he fell right back asleep. Then I decided not to try doing that again. But just for that day. Hehe!

I was staring at his cute face when my phone started vibrating. I got out of Riker's arms and headed out into the hallway, picking up the call.


"Well, hello, darling!"

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

She laughed and I could feel her nodding, even though I couldn't see her. Crazy, right?

"How's life with your prince charming?" I asked her.


"Good to know!" I giggled.

"Thank you for finally accepting me as your mother again," her voice was cracking up. "I'm so thankful to have a daughter like you!"

"Don't cry, no, please don't," I whispered.

She breathed in and laughed. "So, how are you and Riker?"

I blushed at this topic. "We're f-fine! Great, actually! Mom, I'm really happy! He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm totally in love with him!"

"I'm so glad you've found someone again!" she replied.

"But, if he ever hurts you, he's dead," she said, gravely. "Got that?"

I laughed and she joined in. Then I heard Riker calling me name.

Aw! He's missing me!

"Call you later, mum," I answered. "Riker is calling me."

"OK, bye, honey!"

I nodded and disconnected the call, heading inside Riker's room.

"Missed me?" I asked him.

He nodded and held out his arms. I went in close, and he grabbed my waist, pulling me onto his lap. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Get ready, babe," I whispered. "I'll make you breakfast, because Carrie's out!"

He nodded and I got up, making way for him. He got up, stumbling all the way to the bathroom.

I giggled and sprinted to the kitchen.

OK, what to make?

Riker had taught me to make a lot of things. Carrie had also taught me a lot of dishes. My decision right now was to make an omelet for him. I got out all the ingredients, pushed back my sleeves and got to work in making the best omelet for my boyfriend which was possible.

As I was chopping the vegetables, a pair of arms gently grabbed my waist. I blushed and smiled to myself, leaning back and taking in the scent.

It was definitely Riker. That boy, always so playful. It was the main reason I was so in love with him.

"When will you stop being so playful?" I asked, putting down the knife in my hand and turning myself to face him.

"Never!" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and put the chopped vegetables into the mixture. Then, I put the mixture onto the pan, and started frying.

I heard a chair being pulled back. Riker, sitting down, no doubt. He yawned, which made me chuckle.

"Are you done yet?" he wailed.

"Nope! Almost done, just a minute!"

When I was done, I cut it in half and put one piece on my plate and put the other on Riker's.

"This tastes amazing!" he said, food in his mouth.

I smiled at him, and continued eating my breakfast. Why was he so adorable?


Later that day, we went to the park, for a little walking around date. We held hands, as we strolled through the park, taking in the fresh air.

He also brought his dog, Aladdin. I know! Odd name!

We walked around, talking a bit while the dog chased around a butterfly. We spent all day together.

Then we dropped the dog back home, but continued strolling around.

It was night now, probably nine or something. We decided to sleep on the beach, since I'd never slept outside before, (parents) so we brought a blanket. Riker and I sat down on the ground, and he put the blanket around us.


I looked towards him, his beautiful eyes glistening like stars. I let out a love-struck sigh. He chuckled at my reaction. "Yeah?"

"How much do you love me?" he asked.

"Let's just put this in four simple words!" I answered.

He looked confused at why I wasn't saying anything else. I laughed. I loved pestering him.

"Tell me already!" he whined.

"No thank you!"

He grabbed my head and tilted it towards him, making me stare into his eyes. His... gorgeous, brown eyes.

"I'm gonna force it out of you!"

"Go ahead!"

He smirked and started kissing me passionately. Slow at first, and then he sped up. He was trying to annoy me. It wasn't really working. But he still didn't give up. He pushed himself towards me, making me fall down onto my back. He was on top of me now. I smirked against his lips. Then, he pulled away, breathless and panting, like me.

"How about now?" he panted.

I laughed and gave in. "Fine!"

He smiled and got off me. I sat up and stared at the moonlit sky. I sighed and looked at him. He was  staring at me, with large and expectant eyes.

"You are my world!"


The end! Book's over ppl! We'll still be in touch, and keep on following me. If you don't follow me, then I won't follow you either. Unless the stuff you write is amazing, then I'll follow even if you won't follow me. Haha, I'm weird, right? Yeah, I know I am.

Please vote and comment. Bye bye, love you all!!! Peace out ✌

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