Chapter 27

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My alarm clock rang loud enough to wake me up on the first ring. I looked at the time.

6:45 am.

Bright and early, a good time to wake up so you can get ready properly for school.

I heard knocking on my door.

"Come in," I said, groggily.

In came Riker, smiling happily,  holding a tray full of breakfast in one hand.

"Morning, my love," he grinned. "Breakfast in bed for you."

"What's with the romantic gesture?" I asked.

"Can't a guy just make breakfast for a girl for her to eat in bed?"

"Guys usually don't," I laughed.

"Well, I do, so here!"

He came up to my bed and put the tray onto my lap. On it, were delicious looking waffles with blueberries and syrup, some orange juice, and even an omelet.

"Wow, I didn't know I was this regal to have such a fancy looking breakfast."

"You are," he claimed. "To me."

I blushed and started gorging my food. It was finesse. Master Chef quality.

I grinned at him, with food in my mouth. He burst out laughing at my ridiculous expression. I'd laugh too, but there was food in my mouth, and if I laughed, it'd spurt all over Riker.  Now, that would be disgusting. 

He stayed the whole time while I ate, looking intently at me, waiting for me to finish. As soon as I was done, he grabbed my tray and burst out of my room before I could blink.

I shrugged it off and decided to get ready. I put on a pink dress with white flats, braiding my hair.

When I exited my room, I saw Riker standing outside, crossed arms and a  serious expression. As soon as he saw me, he perked up and came towards me.

"Let's go," he said.

I nodded and we both got into his car, driving off to school.

Over there, he did everything to please me. He waited for me near my locker, he waited for me outside of my class, he carried my books. There was so much more he did as well, but it'd take FOREVER to describe, so let's just leave it at that

Maddie and Scarlet came up to me  while I was taking my books out for my next class.

"We saw what he's doing," said Maddie.

"It looks like he wants to please you!" exclaimed Scarlet.

"I know that already," I explained. "But why he's doing it, that I don't know."

"I think I know why. " replied Scarlet.

"Would you care to share with us?" I suggested.

"I can tell you," said Maddie, the happiness clear in her voice.

"He wants you to be his girlfriend!" they both yelled at the same time.

I rolled my eyes and shut my locker door.

"You don't believe us?" asked Maddie.

I shook my head and headed to class.

"Believe us," screamed Scarlet, behind me. "It's true! He loves you!"

I blushed and ignored them, declining the fact.


When I headed outside, I saw that Riker wasn't waiting for me. Then I remembered he had basketball practice. I decided to pay him a visit.

I walked over to the basketball court. Inside, I snuck a peak and saw Riker, with some other dudes, practicing.

Without invitation, I walked in. Riker was the first to spot me and as soon as he did, he came running over, the ball still in his hand.


"Just wanted to see you," I responded.

He smirked at me and gestured me to a seat.

"See how good I am!" he yelled.

I nodded and sat down onto my seat, taking in the view.

Riker dodged attacks, headed to the hoop, avoided the person blocking him and made a perfect shot from afar.

He yelled happily and patted his friends on the back, as they did the same thing to each other.

Then he came towards me, grinning widely. I got lost in his smile and his beautiful eyes, until he called my name, signalling that it was time to go.


I waited outside the showers for Riker. He came out after 15 minutes, wearing a flannel button down, ripped jeans and red high tops.

"Ready to go?"

He nodded and suddenly picked next up, bridal style (as always).

"Will you ever stop doing this?" I asked, happily.

"Nope!" he answered.

I laughed and let him carry me to his car.

We drove off, but not to his house. But to the beach.

"Why here?" I asked, taking off my flats and clutching them in my hands

"No reason," he affirmed. "I just love this place."

He sat down and I followed him, placing my shoes next to me. I leaned into him as he put his arm around my shoulders.



I took a deep breath and said my question.

"Why do you like me?" I asked. "Why did you wanna date me?"

He looked startled by my question. Then he smiled.

"Well, there are many reasons as to why I like you," he confirmed.

"Like?" I pushed on.

"For starters:  you're clumsy.  Example:  the first time we met."

I puffed my cheeks and looked down at the ground.

"Second: you're really sweet and passionate in whatever it is you do,"

"Third: you're a real believer."

"Meaning?" I spoke.

"You believe anyone can do anything. That anything is possible."

I smiled at that.

"Also, you're the most amazing person I've ever met," he said, taking my hand in his. "And it would be an honor, if you would become my girlfriend."

I gaped at him. Finally, the thing I'd been waiting for since we first started dating. It's finally happening. Or more precisely, just happened.

"Yes!" I yelled. "Yes, a thousand times, yes! "

He smiled and kissed me, letting go of my hand and putting an arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him.

Then he pulled away and grabbed my hand, the one in which I wore my ring.

"Nice to know you're still wearing it," he smiled. "Like it?"

"Of course! It shows that I belong to you, so obviously I wear it."

He smiled and kissed me again.

"I hope you'll stay mine forever," he whispered.

"I hope so too!"


Uhhhh, tomorrow is my stinking maths exams. Hopefully, I'll get good marks. Wish me luck.

Oh, and please vote and comment on this. Also, if you follow me, I'll make sure I follow you back. If I don't, then tell me, so I can.

OK, bye now. Peace out people! ✌

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