Chapter 25

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"Luna, wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Riker standing above me. I gave him a small smile and got up into sitting position.

"What time is it?" I asked.

He started laughing. "It's 12 pm."

"I've been asleep all night!?!?" I yelled.

He nodded, still laughing. I blushed and hid my face behind my hair.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked, timidly.

"Because I wanted to be able to carry you," he grinned. This comment made me blush even more. "And you looked so cute and peaceful when you were asleep. I didn't want to wake you up."

I smiled, but still hid behind my hair. Then I heard Riker sighing and getting up.

"Breakfast time is over now," he said. "Want lunch?"

I nodded slightly and slowly got out of bed. For the first time I looked around and saw I was in the guest room. Well, maybe this is my room now, since I'll be living here.

Riker took my hand in his and led me out the door. We kept on walking till we reached his kitchen (which I'd only seen from the outside before).

"What do you want to eat?" asked Riker.


He smiled and started taking out the ingredients.

"You can cook?" I laughed.

"Obviously! Can't you?"

"No, since we had a cook, and I was never allowed to try and make anything."

"Is that why you didn't take Home Ec?"

I nodded.

"Well, take it. I'm in it." he smiled.

"Oh, the dashing prince charming, saviour of the captivated princess, knows how to cook and wants her to be with him, so he can teach her?"

"Why, of course!"

I laughed and he went back to my pancakes.

"Wanna help?" he asked.


"Their yours to eat, so you're ruining your own food."

"Have you had lunch yet?" I asked him.

"Yup," he said, popping the p. "We had delicious pizza!"

I pouted and turned away from him. Then I decided I wanted to try to help him. I pulled up the sleeves of my shirt and went near him.

"Gonna help?"

I nodded and got to work. He guided me through the whole thing. I messed up a lot, but in the end, I was done.

He tasted them and made a face which made it hard to tell if they were good enough. Then he saw my worried expression and burst out laughing.

"This is Master Chef quality!" he proclaimed.

"Yeah, right," I said, taking a bite.

"No, they're really good. I've never,  EVER, made pancakes that were THIS good!"

I blushed once again and looked down at my pancakes.

"I love..."

Then I stopped myself from what I was about to say. It was too soon for what I was about to utter.

"What?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I love... these  pancakes! "

He smiled at me brightly. "You helped, it's why you're so happy."

"I guess so!" I laughed, nervously.

Then, Riker got up. I stared up at him, wondering where he was going to go.

"Get up," he said, happily. "I've got something to show you!"

"But I'm not done eating," I affirmed.

He rolled his eyes and came closer to me. As always, that idiot picked me up, bridal style. Unlike other times, I didn't complain because that solved absolutely nothing at all.

He carried me outside, into his garden. As soon as we arrived,  he gently put me down and pointed to something.  I looked up and saw a basketball hoop. I glanced to the side and saw balls in a metallic shelf-type-thing, and there was at least ten, big, round and orange basketballs.

"Question: you play?"

He just nodded.

"Follow up Question: how did I never notice this before? Oh, and why didn't you ever tell me?"

I figured he'd go mad with all those questions I was throwing at him. Instead of dodging, he caught them and answered.

"You never noticed because it was covered up. And I never told you because I stopped playing."

"Why?" I asked.

"Some... things in the past. Nothing important."

"You can talk to me, you know that, right?" I assured.

I took a step closer to him.

"I'm here for you."

He pulled me into a tight hug and whispered.

"Wanna know my past, now do you?"


He pulled away and smiled weakly.

"OK, so it was two years ago, before my father was sent to jail. I was playing basketball with my teammates, practicing for an upcoming game."

"While we practiced, a teammate came up to the rest of us and told us our captain is sick and couldn't compete in the game. It was terrible, and everyone started panicking. "

"Someone picked me to be the captain,  and I said no. I just couldn't be given such a hard job. They kept forcing this important duty on me. I couldn't handle it. So... I quit. I didn't like the pressure on me, so I left."
"You could have tried," I suggested.

"Yeah, right!" he scoffed.


"I don't wanna play anymore, and you're not forcing me."

"I'm not," I announced. "I'm just saying do whatever you want."


I nodded. He looked at me sceptically,  but then smiled and nodded. He picked up and ball and made a perfect shot into the hoop.

"I wanna play again," he said, nodding.

I squealed and flung myself at him.

"Whoa, easy there, lass."

"So. Happy. Won't. Stop."

"Will you stop if I do this?"

I looked at him, confused. He smirked and kissed me.

"Do that more often and I'll stop flinging myself onto you," I spoke.

"No, don't stop," he responded.

I giggled and ran back into the house. I looked out the window and saw Riker shooting hoops. Now, that's a sight to see. I smiled and went into my room, leaving Riker alone, giving him time to embrace his passionate spark of his favourite sport.


Damn, my computer exam today did NOT go all that well. Let's say it was OK, because it definitely wasn't great.

Oh well!  Hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and comment. I'll see you another free night.

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