Chapter 18

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The camping trip was over. We were all back home. As always, my parents couldn't care less about me. Only Laura cared. As soon as I entered my room, she tackled me. I fell on my butt so hard that I almost cried. 

After all that, I took a nap. I was so tired that as soon as my head hit the pillow, it was lights out.

After two hours, I woke up to hear my phone ringing. I checked the caller ID. 



"Oh my god, Luna!" answered a girl.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

"You probably don't remember me now." she said, sadly.

"Yeah, I don't." 

"It's me. Lacey. You know, your oldest-"

"I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong number." I said.


"I told you! This is a wrong number," I almost shouted. "I don't have more than one sister! Get the hell lost!"

"Look, I know you're upset," she said, smoothly. "I would be too if it was the other way around. But you have to believe me when I say my name is Lacey Williams, I'm 25 and I am your oldest sister, older than Laura."

"No, I don't want to!" I said, starting to panic.

"Why won't you," she pleaded. "What did your parents tell you?"

She said 'your' as if they weren't hers. But seeing the situation, it didn't seem like she wanted them to be, after what they had done to her. I mean, I was devastated, but she could have tried to contact me, which she didn't. Heck, I don't even know where she lives. No one knows, and no one has known. For 5 years. 

See, our parents threw her out just because she didn't get the job they wanted her to get. They had an argument, and next thing I know, is that she gets kicked out. 

"Look, I know you think I never contacted you because I never cared. Truth is, I was blackmailed to never contact you or Laura."

"Blackmailed? By who?" I asked.

"Ou- uh, I mean 'your' parents!"


Oh my god! They blackmailed her? No wonder she never came back, let alone called. My parents suck!

It wasn't my place to judge her for just giving up. She was blackmailed. How could she have even tried?

Sometimes, I wish my parents had feelings. They're like emotionless drones. All they ever do is care about their own stupid needs. When have they ever cared about us? 

That's it. I'm gonna teach them a lesson.

"Lacey, come back. Right now!"


"No complaining," I interrupted. "I have a plan!"


"What is the meaning of this?" Dad yelled as Lacey came into our lounge.

"Quiet," said Laura. "Let her talk."

"How dare you speak to him like that?" shouted Mom.

"Oh, just zip it already." I groaned.

That shut her up.

"Mr and Mrs Williams," began Lacey. Obviously, she'd never called them Mom and Dad again after what had happened. "I'm going to stay in this house with my sisters, and you have no right to stop me,"

"Oh yes we-"

"No, you don't," she yelled. "I'm your daughter too. But you were so selfish, that you threw me out. Just 'cause I didn't get a stupid job. Well, let me tell you something. It's because I never went to get it."

Those two looked like they'd been hit my a bus. 

"I never got it, because I told them I didn't want to apply. So they let me be. But when you found out, you got furious for no reason. You are the worst!" she was yelling now.

They still didn't answer. Just looked at each other.

"So... I've decided I'm staying here, and you can't tell me what to do anymore. And you can't tell my sisters either," she said, pulling us both closer to her. "They are free from your rules and constant taunting."

"We won't ac-"

"You have to." I said.

"Luna!" yelled Dad.

"I don't care what you guys say," said Laura. "It's our house too, and we can do whatever we want. We don't give a damn about what you two say."

I stormed out of the room followed by the other two, out into the street. 

I took a deep breath and cleared all my negative thoughts.

"Let's go shopping!" I beamed.

"Awesome! We can catch up easily that way!" said Laura.

"Hm, why not?" said Lacey.


We shopped for new items all day. Lacey helped us be rebellious. We bought jeans, mini-skirts, new boots, sneakers, etc. Laura even got pink streaks done in her hair. I had my hair trimmed and curled, as in, permanent curls that'll never open. Because before, my hair wasn't all that curly. More like a mixture between straight and frizzy. My hair will stay like this, unless I want a new hairstyle, that is.

After all that, we were exhausted. So we headed back home. We avoided our parents, and helped Lacey move back in. Then we got caught up in conversations about what happened to her and all that. She had a boyfriend who was totally devoted to her, and her only. They had already started talking about their marriage. Wow, she's fast.

 Suddenly, the topic drifted on to me. 

"How's your love life going?" asked Lacey.

"Now that's an interesting question." said Laura, smirking at me. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I. Don't. Have. One." I said bluntly.

"Aw, too bad. Want to me to help?" offered Lacey.

"Please no! I already-"

"Already what," interrupted Laura. "Like someone? And is that someone a guy name Riker by any chance?"

"N-no!" I stammered. I realized I was blushing.

"OK, whatever you say." she said, looking away.

"Uh, who's Riker?" asked a confused Lacey.

"Oh none other than Luna's b-"

"Friend," I interrupted. "He's just a friend! God, you always exaggerate so much!"

"But it's true!" she yelled.

"It. Is. So. NOT!"

"OK! I got it," screamed Lacey. "He is your friend/boyfriend."

"He...uhhhh!" I groaned.

"You're out of words!" beamed Laura.

"I'm out of here!" I said, getting up.

"Night, sis!" beamed the other two.

I stuck my tongue out at them, and left the room.

It was nice to have Lacey back, but just like Laura, she always goes on and on about my poor relationship skills. Come on! What the hell is with those two?


Trying to revise my exams! So far, not good! :'(

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