Chapter 28

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The beautiful sunset and the graceful wind is enough to make your day perfect. Riker and I stood on the shore of the beach, taking in the awe-inspiring view.

"Don't you just love this astonishing view, and this spine-tingling wind?" I gasped.

"The only view I'm loving is the view of my beautiful girlfriend loving what's in front of us."

I rolled my eyes and took Riker's hand in mine. He squeezed it tight and then loosened his grip.

"Have I ever told you how much I'm in love with you?" he whispered.

"Yes," I giggled. "Like a million times!"

"Wanna hear it once more?" he asked.

"You bet,"

"Fine," he responded. "Then, Luna Ann Williams, let me tell you how much I am so in love with you."

OK, the middle name was a little offputting, but other than that, it was sweet.

"Aren't you cheesy?"

"Maybe," he shrugged. "But it's true! I do love you."

"And so do I!"

He chuckled and let go of my hand, deciding to put that arm around my shoulders instead. I leaned into him and closed my eyes, taking in his scent. Now, I know what you're thinking. That I'm weird and a total freak, but it's true. And his scent was amazing. Like, it was a mixture of blueberries, mint and honey. Odd combo, one that could NEVER go together, but for him, man, it so did.

And then my phone buzzed, ruining a perfectly whimsical moment. Ugh, I felt like throwing my phone in the ocean right now. Instead, I picked it up and checked the called ID.

And it was the person I least expected to call me: ex-mom.

I groaned and disconnected my call, putting my phone on silent.

"Who was that?" asked Riker.

"Ex-mom!" I said, with disgust in my voice.

"Bothering you again?"

I nodded and leaned into Riker once more, trying to clear my mind of all negative thoughts, trying to be positive. Yeah, like that was working.



"Take me back home!"

He looked a little alarmed. Just what was going on inside his little head?

"You're old home?"

I laughed. "No, silly! Why would I wanna go there?"

He breathed a sigh of relief. It made me laugh even more.

"I meant your home!"

He smiled and picked me up in his arms, getting up. "You mean, our home?''

I blushed and hid behind my hair. "Yeah, our home."

He carried me to his car and we drove off. To our home! I liked the sound of that.


"Riker! Get out of that darn shower!"

I went out into the hallway to see what the problem was. There, in front of the bathroom door, stood Riker's sister, Karen.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, your stupid boyfriend here isn't letting me use the bathroom!" she yelled, mostly to the door, with Riker on the other end.

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