Chapter 6

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School wasn't as bad as yesterday. Once you get used to it, everything is fine. And Maddie, aka: the girl I bumped into, has become my new bestfriend. Also, I haven't heard from Riker all day. I seriously think he's avoiding me. But I've got absolutely no idea why.

The day was still young, so I decided to dial up Riker and make sure he's still alive. It rang 5 times before going to voicemail.

Odd! He usually picks up at the seond ring! 

Now I was worried. I dialed up his landline, which I've never had to do before so I wasn't sure who would answer. Turns out, it was Riker himself.


"Riker!" I gasped.

He laughed. A weak laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I was worried sick!" I almost yelled.

"Well, um..."

There was a long pause. I started to think that maybe he had left. Then he broke the silence.

"I was trying to make up with Kristy." he answered.

"Who?" I asked.

Kristy? Was this his girlfriend? I felt a pang of jealousy arising in the pit of my stomach. Anger was boiling inside. Please say it wasn't so!

"My girlfriend." he admitted.


Wait, why the hell am I angry? I should be happy for him. Just because I don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean he shouldn't be in love either. But still, I was really upset. Why would he want to go after the girl who ripped out his heart and stomped all over it? Was she really that amazing? He must really love her, huh? 

After I cooled down, (mentally, as in my anger) I spoke up.

"So, did she accept? Are you guys an item again?" I asked.

I was expecting a yes, but instead I got a sigh.

"No. No, we're not getting back together. We never will." he said, sadly.

"I'm sorry for you!" I said, sympathetically. I really meant it. I wasn't pretending.

"Well, it's OK! I've decided to lay low and stay single for a while." he said, happily.

"I'll be there for you every step of the way!" I said, smiling.

"Thanks!" he said.

Our conversation shifted from love to school. He was going on and on about how his mom thinks his grades suck and he needs to get a tutor. Frankly, I did B's are a good grade, so does he. But his parents think otherwise.

After an hour or so, he had to go. I asked him about his cellphone, because he said it got a virus so he didn't get my call. He said it would be fixed by next week. So I'd have to either talk to him on his landline, or meet him in person. We both prefered the second choice way more than the first. But it's not like we didn't have enough of that before as well. Now, we may just get more time. 

I smiled at the thought. I would do anything to see him smiling, showing off his dimples, like every single second of the day. Wouldn't that be something?


"I need a date!"

My head snapped towards Maddie, who was sitting on the opposite side of my bed. She came over so we could both do our homework together. I was taken aback at what she just blurted out.

"A-a date! Wh-why?" I faltered.

"I've been single way too long!" she complained.

"You've dated?" I asked.

"Obviously! I've already had 5 boyfriends!" she said.

WHAT!?!?!?! Wow, she's good. 

"So, who'll be your lucky no. 6?" 

"That's what I'm trying to find out!" she yelled, doing a dramatic bed flop. I giggled. 

"There's nothing funny 'bout this!" she said, getting up.

"OK, so when are you gonna get one?" 

"Very soon I hope," she said. "I just know that there's a spectacular guy waiting for me out there. He'll have to either be in our school or a complete, but cute, stranger."

"Looks like you've got it all figured out!" I sighed.

"He'll come up to me and will say ' I've been watching you for some time now, but not in a weird way. I really like you!' And then, he'll take my hand in his, and will ask me out. Soon enough, he'll be my boyfriend." she said, dreamily.

"OK, I never took you for the dreamy type!" I said.

"I am, and don't make a big deal out of it! I'm an amazing actor. Get your autograph now while they're still free!" she said, dramatically.

I laughed and smacked her with a pillow. Not long after, we emerged into a pillow fight, in which I was victorious.

After that, she stayed over for dinner. We even decided that she should stay for the night too. We played it cool in front of my parents, but we totally squeeled and jumped around in my room.





But there's still more.


Maddie was lying on the right side of my bed while I was in the opposite direction. We talked all about school, and each other's lives. Suddenly, she brought up a question that shocked me.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

My eyes opened up so wide that I was afraid that they'd fall out of their sockets. I started to hyperventilate and my heart started racing. I just wasn't ready to answer this question. 

"I used to." I answered, weakly.

"What? Really? Who?" she asked cheerfully.

Then she saw my expression and her smile faded. "What happened?"

"I can't really talk about it. It's way too painful." I said, changing sides so I could end this conversation. I could hear her doing the same. She must have gotten the hint.

Good! I never, EVER, want to be reminded of HIM!  

I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about the past. When I was still with him. But sadly, I knew that it was never meant to be. I just wish it didn't end like it did. If I had broken up with him, then I wouldn't have gone through utter despair and humiliation. 

He's the reason I had to leave high school. He's the reason my parents didn't let me go to another. And he's the one...

Who has broken my heart forever. 

I'll never be able to love again.



Sup ma peeps! So major bummer that she can't, ya know, 'fall in love'! Yeesh! Like that's true. But this is a romance, so I had to make it cheesy. Let's see who she'll fall in love with. 

The picture is what Maddie is supposed to look like. I chose the old Miley Cyrus cause she had brunette hair before. And was pretty, but now she doesn't have that hair colour so... well, you get it.

Please vote and comment on my books if you like 'em. I'm still short on followers, so if you press the button, you'll get a reward. If I have the time, that is. So, see you all next time, whoever's reading this!

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