Chapter 26

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I looked outside and saw Riker standing in the quad, with some basketball players. I was close enough to eavesdrop onto their conversation.

"You're back in!" exclaimed one dude.

"Yes!" Riker sighed.

I heard them all laughing and then I peaked and saw that they'd all left. Only Riker stood there, smiling.

"You can come out now, Luna!"

How'd he know? I was very careful that I wouldn't get caught. Did he smell my perfume? Do I wear too much? Or did he see me?

I shook my head, clearing all my thoughts. I went up to him and grinned.

He didn't need words to express how happy he was.

"I... am just great. Amazing. Magnificent. "

"Upbeat, much?"

He nodded, cheerfully. I smiled and gave him a light kiss on his cheek.

"You're not getting away that easily!" he said, grabbing my waist and pulling me forward so we were kissing.

I shook my head and pulled away, laughing.

"You have too much happiness to spare right now."

"I know, " he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"God, you're so hopeless!"

He perked up. He was probably thinking I'd give him another kiss. Instead, I gave him a glare and walked away with sass in my hips. Sadly, he caught me and spun me around.

"Sorry," he said. "But I'm too happy right now as to not kiss you, so I'm gonna do it. "

Once again, he was kissing me. God, this guy has kissed me three (or was it two?) times in the past minute. He's gone mad. But at least it's with me, so I don't mind all that much. If it was someone else, I'd be exploding like a volcano right now.

Then again, he's mine. No one else's. And I'm hoping it stays that way.


I was waiting for Scarlet right now. She said we should hang out, so, I'm here. In the quad. Waiting for her like a ninny.

She came running up to me. Her short, red hair was pinned back. She wore a white sweater with red roses on it. Underneath, she wore a blue shirt that was peaking out from under the sweater, navy blue shorts and sneakers.

"Hey!" she exclaimed.

"Good to see you're finally here,"

"Missed me?"

I laughed. "Sure,"

We in-twined our arms and headed out.

"Wanna go to Starbucks? " she asked.

I nodded and we walked all the way to Starbucks (as I don't have my limo anymore and I don't know how to drive Riker's car, let alone have the keys).

There, Scarlet ordered the new Chestnut Praline Latter while I ordered a Peppermint Mocha. We chose a table near the window and sat down, enjoying our drinks.

"Now, tell me all about your relationship with Riker."

"What's there to tell?" I asked. "We're dating, that's all there is to it."

"Wait, he hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend yet?"

I shook my head, taking a sip of my Mocha. She sighed and looked out the window.

"Should I ask him," I suggested. "To be my... boyfriend?"

Her head snapped towards me and she gaped.

"What? Are you crazy," she yelled. "You can't just... ask a boy to be yours. That's too clingy. Besides, it's much more romantic when the guy asks, not the other way around."

"True," I remarked. "But, if he doesn't ask... does that mean he doesn't love me?"

"Or maybe he's unsure if you love him. It could even be the fact that he's afraid you're not ready, and will turn him down."

"Then... what should I do?"

"Wait," she answered. "Wait for him. If you really love him, then just wait. If you don't, then leave him. It's your decision."

I thought about that. It was a good plan, but could I really wait for him? I'll try, because I really do love him. And if he feels the same way, then that's just... amazing!


"Where do you wanna go now?" I asked Scarlet.

We were in the mall for some shopping. We had bought new tops, tanks, dresses, jeans, skirts etcetera.

"Let's shop for shoes!" she squeaked.

True, we hadn't bought shoes yet. I sighed and let her lead the way. Over there, we decided to buy open toe shoes, flats, platforms, boots etcetera.

This girl LOVED shopping. She calls it her second love, next to her parents. She doesn't have a third love yet, as in, a boyfriend. She's still working on it. And I'm with her every step of the way. Or so I say, because I mostly just want to win over Riker myself.

After all that shopping, (and some more) we headed Beau Jo's Pizza. Another thing: my girl here loves to eat. You could call food her fourth love.

There was talking, and eating, but mostly talking. Then, we decided to call it a night and head home. Her car picked her up at 7, so it was me at the mall then, until Riker came to pick me up.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Good," I confirmed. "We talked and really communicated with each other. I think we have a special connection."

"I think our connection is way more special!" he laughed.


"You're doubting it?"

"No, I'm just... never mind," I sighed. "Let's go."

He started the car and we headed home. There was silence throughout the whole car ride. God, that conversation was a bust. It was one that I didn't get, and probably never will.

The conversation I'm more worried about is if Riker will ask me to be his girlfriend, or not.

I needed to stop thinking about that, that I should wait and trust his judgement, but I just couldn't. My thoughts wandered around on random things. Like my past, my future, my mistakes and whatnot.

Finally, the car stopped and Riker got out, but I stayed put. I just didn't feel like getting out.

"You coming?" he asked me.

I nodded slightly and slowly got out of the car. While doing so, I tripped. Luckily, Riker caught me and steadied me, so I was once again on my feet.

"Thanks," I whispered.

As soon as we were in the house, I bolted up to my room. I was so tired that I just brushed my teeth and hopped into bed, not bothering to change.

All I could think about...

Was my relationship with Riker.

Will he ask me to be his girlfriend?

Or not?

Well, only time will tell.


Man, I did not study all that well for my maths paper, which is on Monday. As in, 15th December. Which is tomorrow now, cause it's 12 am right now. Gotta get ready for it. It'll be hard, like MAJORLY HARD, cause I don't get chapter eight which is area and perimeter of mixed shapes and some other junk. Ughhhh, please wish me luck.

Remember, vote and comment, and also follow. See you on another free night. Peace out!

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