Chapter 7

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The sunlight was streaming brightly through my windows. It was 11 am on a bright, shiny Sunday morning. I was lying upside down on my bed, my face stuffed in my pillow. Every Sunday morning, I was a seriously lazy bum. So Laura and I invented a drill. Every Sunday morning at 11, (when I wake up) she would come bursting in with two pots in her hands, banging them together. The last part was her idea.

And that was what was happening now. But for the first time ever, I took no notice. There was only one thing that was circling my mind like the Earth circles the Sun on its axis. God, Im that pathetic that I just related my thoughts to some stupid geography thing. Must be the heat. Or it must be the thing I'm thinking 'bout.

You wanna know what that thing is? Well, it's none other than the fact that Maddie wants me to help her find the 'perfect guy'. 

Yeah, like I was great at that. She called me the 'love guru'. What the heck man. If I was that amazing, then wouldn't I have a boyfriend by now? 

I groaned at the thought. That, and the fact that Laura was still crushing those poor pots by banging them together so I'd get up. Uh, if she didn't take a hint soon, then I'll bang those pots on her head.

She was still going on and on.

That's it! 

I rose up from my bed and marched towards her. She had a huge grin on her face and she finally stopped banging those pots.

"Do you mind?" I exlaimed.

"Dude, you're the one who invented this drill." she answered.

"Well, I was awake! You could have tried to take a hint!" I yelled.

"Yeesh, why are you so grumpy?" she asked, looking a bit hurt.

"Maddie wants me to help her find a guy and I'm totally stressing. Because..."

"Say no more," she said, raising her hand to my face. "I know already, you don't need to be reminded."

Suddenly, I burst into tears and started sobbing. Laura put the pots on the floor and took me in her arms. I sobbed and cried for so long, in my sister's arms. This was another thing I could count on her for. Being there when I was in deep pain. When she found out what happened, she wanted to send this case to the court and wanted him to be arrested. I laughed at that idea the first time I heard it. I still do sometimes, because it seemed silly, but the case did go to the court, and he was arrested.

What he did was cruel and selfish. I just can't believe he used me and then just threw me away. My heart got shattered into a million pieces there and then. Laura's the one who helped me glue them back together, trying to help me become my normal self again. She really is a sweet and amazing sister. And I love her. More than my parents. 

Way more.


Laura and I went on our 11:30 am jog as usual. Another thing we both shared. She always tells me that we girls have to stay fit and healthy if we wanna look good and attract boys. I mostly do it for the first part. And she does it for both. 

"Stop!" I shouted.

I was seriously tired from the continuous 10 minute jog. I had to sit down. Laura turned around to see me sitting on the bench. I nodded at her to go on and she did so. That girl had loads of stamina and energy to spare. It's why she's always so perky and upbeat.

After I had a long, refreshing drink out of my water bottle, I got to catch up with Laura, only to be stopped by my phone buzzing in my bag. I unzipped it and took it out. A picture of a grinning Riker popped up. I smiled and picked it up.

"Hello, charming." I said.

"Why, hello lovely princess," he answered. "It's a pleasure to hear from you!"

We both burst into fits of laughter at our word play. After we calmed down, he spoke.

"So, wassup?"

"Early morning jog. Gotta stay healthy. Laura's idea. Sup with you?"

"Look behind you!" he said.

What does that mean? 

I turned around to see Riker, smiling, standing behind me with his phone pressed to his ear.

"Gotta go, my covers been blown." he said, disconnecting the call.

I laughed and flung my arms around him, giggling at his stupid joke. I let go and couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculous expression. He was grinning widely, looking like a maniac. 

An adorable one, that is.

"Don't you like my surprise?" he asked.

"Maybe!" I said, crossing my arms behind my back. "Why're you here anyway?"

"I was just bringing my dog for a walk and then I saw you, so I thought I'd give you a little surprise." he chuckled.

"Ooh, you have a dog? Show me!" I said, hopping up and down like a bunny. It's just that I love animals, especially dogs.

"OK, OK, wait." he said.

He whistled and then came bustling a Labrador Retriever. It had a chocolate coloured coat, with big adorable eyes. It was wagging it's tail around and jumping up and down, trying to catch a butterfly. Riker picked up the puppy and held it in his arms.

"OMG!!!! SO ADORABLE!!!!!" I screeched.

"Wanna hold him?" he asked.

"Can I?" I said, clapping my hands together like a kid.

"Sure thing!" he said, handing me the puppy.

I held it close. It looked up at me with large, expectant eyes. It's coat was so soft that I could stroke it forever.

"It's name is Aladdin." said Riker.

"Really? You named a dog Aladdin?" I asked, looking at him.

"I was a kid, OK?" he answered. 

I put the puppy down so it could chase the butterfly again. He darted off to who knows where. I turned my gaze back to Riker, who was smiling at me.

"What," I asked. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No! Your face is perfect." he said, coming closer to me.

"Shut up, lover boy." I said, whacking him on the arm.

"And you're strong too!" he said, rubbing the place where I whackied him.

"Want me to do it again?" I asked, raising my hand.

"No, no," he said, raising his hands in defeat. "Once is enough."

I burst into laughter and so did he. He always made me feel so special. 

In friendly way! Nothing else. 

Besides, I can't let it be more. I can't go through it again.


Hello all you lovely ppl! Hope you like this chapter. If you did, then don't be shy! Hit the vote and comment button. Also, make sure you hit the follow button, cause still no more than six followers, all of which are my friends. 

I found the pic on we heart it. com. Awesome site if you need any pics or any book covers. Just search the name and you may find a link of it on that site. 

See ya'll next time! Luv u!

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