Chapter 20

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"When the hell will you get out of that damn bed?" asked Laura.

I didn't feel like getting out of bed, so I didn't go to school. After seven hours, I was still in the same position.

"Never!" I said, pulling the sheets over my head.

I heard her groaning and then opening the door. She probably left. Just then, someone grabbed my hand and dragged me out from my sheets onto the floor. I looked up and saw Laura, still pulling me.

"Let go already! I'm out of the bed!" I screamed, as she dragged me out of my room.

Finally, she let go of me and I got up.

"What's your deal?" she asked.

"It's nothing." I murmured.

"Please! I know you, and something is definitely up," she exclaimed. "Spill."

"I ain't spilling no nothing!" I said, making an about turn back to my room.

"You aren't getting away that easily!" she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back so hard that my fell on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Stop doing that!" I yelled.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" she said.

I heard Lacey's voice but I couldn't see her till I sat up properly.

"What the hell are you two bozos doing?" she asked, furiously.

"There's something wrong with Luna, and I'm trying to figure out what it is!" answered Laura.

"Really? What's wrong?" Lacey asked me.

"If I'm not answering her, how do you expect me to answer you?" I said.

"True," she said. "Let's tickle her!" 

"I agree!" Laura spoke.

"Shut up and leave me be!" I moaned.

I got up and stormed back into my room, this time locking the door. I flopped onto my bed, allowing myself to crumble apart. There's no way I could hold back my tears, so I let a rip. 

My phone rang. I checked the caller ID. It was the other two, I thought. But I was wrong. 

It was actually Riker. 

He'd been calling me all day, and, all day, I'd been rejecting his calls. I couldn't bear to talk to him. It was just too hard.

There was a knock on my door. I ignored it and went on sobbing. Finally, I got annoyed of the constant thumping, so I got up and opened the door. The two idiots stood there, looking worried. I slammed the door right in their faces before they could say anything.

After an hour of crying, (yup, an hour!) I decided I needed to get some fresh air. So I put on a grey tank top and pink track shorts and went for a jog. 

I got tired of it, so I decided to head back home. But first, I went to the beach. The sounds of the waves and the fresh air always soothe me. I stood there, barefoot, enjoying the fresh breeze.

"I knew you'd be here." I heard someone say. 

I turned around to see Riker standing behind me, hands in the pockets of his hoodie. The sunlight shined brightly on him. His eyes looked so beautiful. I could keep on staring at them all day, getting lost in them. 

I snapped out of my trance and crossed my arms, trying to give him a menacing look. It wasn't really working out.

"Why are you here anyway?" I snapped.

I could see the hurt and pain in his eyes, but he quickly regained his posture. "We need to talk."

I just knew what he wanted to talk about, but I still asked. "About?" 

"The kiss."

My heart skipped a beat. It was racing like crazy. My head felt fuzzy and I could barely make out what was in front of me. I was pretty sure I was hyperventilating. Before I could faint, I tried to run past him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. 

That's when the flooding began. And once it started, it took forever to stop. He let go of my wrist and pulled me into a tight embrace. He gently stroked my hair while I sobbed into his hoodie. I finally stopped and stepped away from him, so I could look directly at him.


My voice sounded like a frog croaking. I tried again

"W-why di-did you say w-what you d-did?" I stammered. "Why'd you k-kiss m-me?"

A blush crept up to his cheeks and he looked away so I couldn't see it. Too bad I still could. He looked so cute!


"W-well..." he started. He cleared his throat and started again. "I did it, cause, well..."

I waited for his answer, tapping my foot while I waited. Finally, I got sick of the silence.

"Spit it out!" I snapped.

"I like you!" he blurted out.

Now, that was unexpected. He liked me? HE liked ME? That was so totally impossible. Did I hear him right? Or was I just imagining that moment? 

"Y-you like m-me," I asked. "That's impossible!" 

"Why?" he asked, looking hurt.


Truth was, I didn't know why. Why was it so impossible? Why didn't I   I was good enough for him? It always feels like he deserves better. 

He looked at me expectantly, waiting for my answer. Sadly, I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know." I murmured. 

"See," he said. "It's not impossible. And I'm not lying."

He came closer and clasped my shoulders with both his hands. 

"Do you like me as well? Do you return my feelings?" 

"Of course!" I said, honestly.

He smiled down at me. I avoided his gaze. I was just too embarrassed, and was pretty sure I was blushing. I stepped back and covered my eyes with both my hands. This moment was just too unreal. I couldn't believe it.

I heard him chuckle, but I still didn't uncover my eyes. I heard him coming closer. Finally, he removed my hands from my eyes and pulled them to my sides. I just had to look at him. Next thing I know, he was kissing me. 

At that moment, it felt like time had stopped and we were the only one's in the world. My heart, which was frozen for a long time, had just melted. My feelings re-surfaced and I felt like he was the one for me. 

He pulled away, only to kiss me again. I giggled and held back a love struck sigh.

He liked me.

And I felt the same way.


Exams are next week. Still WAY behind on my revising schedule. Today we had a History test. ACED IT! 11 out of 12. There was English Literature test too. Still haven't gotten it back. Fingers crossed for good marks.

Also, please check out my new book: Teen Witches. You'll find out more by reading it. So far, I've posted the first chapter, and am working on the second chapter. Soon enough, I'll barely be updating. And then I'll have to stop completely.  WHEN WILL THE EXAMS END? THEY HAVEN'T STARTED AND I'M ALREADY COMPLAINING! LOL! 

Comment, vote and follow me please. OK, bye bye now. Let me enjoy the vamps, move my way. LOVE DIS SONG!!!! AND BRAD!!!!!

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