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Momo was standing outside waiting for Hitoshi.
"You okay, Hito?" She asked softly.

He shook his head and slumped to the ground.
"N-No.." He said sadly. He had tears in his eyes but no expression. He looked lost. Hitoshi looked different when he was sad. Instead of his hair sticking up, it had fallen down, a couple of strands in his eyes.

Momo walked over and rubbed his back.
"He didn't let me explain." Hitoshi sniffled.
"On a scale of one to five, how upset was he?"
"I dunno, like a six..."

"Oh. He must really love you, Hito. If he was so upset, that means he's highly protective and doesn't want to lose you." Momo stated.
"He told me to get out of his life, Mo. He wanted to lose me..." Hitoshi sniffled. He bunched up his coat and squeezed it close to him for some kind of warmth.

Momo sighed.
"Relationships, huh? Why don't we take the long way to my house? I'm in no rush to go home." She offered.
Hitoshi took a shaky breath and agreed. "Yeah, okay." He got up and walked with Momo down the street. He stared out at the beach sadly.

He then quickly averted his gaze to the ground and started up a conversation.
"And it's almost Christmas.. Great timing..." He said. Momo laughed softly.
"How am I gonna give him his present if we're not on good terms..?" He asked.

"What did you get him?" Momo asked.
"A new limited edition All Might figure.." He chuckled.
"Hito! How much did that cost?" Momo asked.
"Irrelevant!" Hitoshi chuckled.
"... Fifty dollars." He finally said.

Momo covered her mouth in shock and smiled widely.
"You must really love him too, Hito. That's so sweet. When you finally walk me to my house, you should try to text him, okay?" She smiled.

He nodded slowly.
"But what if he bloc-"
"Then explain and apologize in person!"
"But Mo, you know I'm not good with that!" Hitoshi complained.
"I don't care, Hitoshi. You have to do it or I'll kick you in the shins!" Momo said sternly.

"Okay, Okay! I'll try!" Hitoshi put his hands up, defending himself.
Momo laughed and walked to her door.

"Thanks for the walk, Momo. It helped." Hitoshi said softly.
"No problem. Walks always make me feel better so it's the least I could do." She waved before walking in to her home.

Hitoshi was walking away from Momo's house, the sun was setting, casting an orangey-pink tone on the clouds. He got his phone out and texted Izuku.

Hitoshi: Please let me explain.

Izuku: I don't need an explanation right now, Hitoshi. I just want a day or two to myself.

Hitoshi: If that's what's best for you, that's okay..

He put his phone away and stared out at the beach. He decided to change course and walked over to it. He didn't need to look both ways before crossing, the road was almost always empty.

He walked onto the soft sand and sighed. Hitoshi stared at the water and immediately thought of the time at the creek when he played that song to Izuku. He hummed it to himself as he walked to the creek. He sat down by the water and took a couple deep breaths.

Get out of his life...? No, stop thinking about that. But did he really mean it? Hitoshi was really trying to stop thinking about it.

He sat there for a while and decided to go home. His other home.
He walked past their house and up the street. He walked and made it there after a while. He knocked on the door and heard his dad's voice from inside.

Hizashi opened the door and smiled.
"Hitoshi, my boy!" He hugged him. Hitoshi hugged back weakly.
"Hey Pops..." Hitoshi walked inside to be greeted by cats. He picked up one and scratched the fluffy animal's chin.

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