- Watching The Movie -

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Izuku put on the movie and jumped onto his bed, holding a pillow in his arms excitedly. Shinsou followed, sitting on the bed and quickly sliding off his slip on shoes. He sat cross-legged getting ready to watch the movie. Izuku paused the movie for a minute.

"Wait!" Izuku said. "I forgot snacks!" He hopped off the bed and ran into the kitchen. Shinsou could hear Izuku's footsteps hitting the wooden floor beneath him.

Then he heard crumpling and a thud.

It was a loud thud, Shinsou got up and walked to the kitchen where Izuku was, sitting on the floor, rubbing his foot.
"Are you okay?" Shinsou said with concern in his voice. Izuku looked up at him and yelped. Shinsou noticed Izuku had small tears forming in his eyes.

"You walk so softly! You scared me!" He said, noticibly embarrassed. Shinsou smirked at his comment.
" I-I'm fine, I just stubbed my toe on the pantry door." Shinsou looked concerned. "Is that why your eyes look a bit watery?" He asked. Izuku nodded and got up off of the floor.

He shook it off and turned to the taller boy.
"What snack do you w-" Izuku was cut off.
"Gummy bears! Gummy worms!" Shinsou said excitedly.
Izuku smiled.

"O-Okay. You can have those, but you have to share because gummy bears are my favourite!" Shinsou nodded.
Did I seriously just get excited over gummy worms? Shinsou thought. He quickly turned pink with embarrassment.

"Are you okay? You look a bit pink." Izuku said.
"Yeah I'm good Izu, I just got embarrassed at the fact that I kinda got excited over gummy bears." Shinsou smiled.
"I'm gonna make popcorn, and then we can watch It, okay?" Izuku said holding two unpopped bags of popcorn.

Shinsou nodded and was about to head into Izuku's room again when he looked back at Izuku quickly and saw him staring at the popcorn getting popped in the microwave. The tall boy quickly walked over to Izuku and hugged him for a minute.

Then he kissed his head lightly and dashed back to Izuku's room before he could turn around to see a blushing Shinsou. Izuku finally came back into his room to bring the gummy bears and worms, to find Shinsou burying his face into one of Izuku's pillows.

"Toshi? I mean-" Shinsou looked up at Izuku.
"It's okay, I like that nickname." Hitoshi smiled with a tint of pink on his face. Midoriya walked out of the room to get the popcorn.

Midoriya came back after a minute or two with the popcorn that he and Hitoshi wanted. He unpaused the movie and watched 'It' together. Izuku jumped at the sight of the clown almost every time and hid behind Hitoshi's arms.

"Thank you." Izuku mumbled into Hitoshi's arm.
"What was that?" Hitoshi acted like he couldn't hear the scared boy hiding behind him. Izuku held onto Hitoshi's arm and looked up at him.

"I said, thank you, for the kiss and allowing me to hide behind you." Izuku said shyly. Hitoshi smiled.
"Wait, you noticed that? Aw jeez, I thought I was fast enough to get away." He said with a blush growing on his face. Izuku giggled and sat up. He leaned towards Hitoshi and pecked him on the cheek.

"Now it's fair." Izuku said while popping a gummy bear into his mouth. Hitoshi picked up a handful of gummy bears and popped them into his mouth, too.
"You missed." Hitoshi said while he had gummy bears stuffed in his mouth. Izuku giggled.

"Missed what?" He said, still giggling. Hitoshi ate all the gummy bears in his mouth before speaking again.
"You just missed. That's all." He said finally. Izuku looked more than confused.
What is he talking about? Izuku thought to himself. Then he finally guessed. He leaned closer towards the boy with crazy hair, their faces almost touching.

Hitoshi gave in, and kissed Izuku. Izuku was noticibly a bit shy, but he still kissed him back. Izuku kissed passionately, like he wanted to do this for a while. But he was the first to pull away.

He blushed intensely whilst looking at Hitoshi. Hitoshi smiled at him before going back to watching the movie. But Izuku knew that Hitoshi wanted a little bit more, even though they just met. And that was fine with Izuku.

Okay so I now kinda realise that the description is kinda misleading because after chapter three, they are dating. Sorry about that. ✋🏻😔

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