- "Yeah Izu, no running!" -

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(Time skip brought to you by Jirou's Earphone Jacks)

It was the early morning, about 7:26am. Izuku woke up and looked around. He was wrapped in Hitoshi's arms, on his lap. He lightly hugged Hitoshi.
I feel so bad! He must've been uncomfortable with me sprawled all over the place!
Izuku murmured. He got up slowly and quietly. Hitoshi's woke up quickly when he noticed there was no warmth on his lap anymore.
"Hmhmn, hey Izu, where are you goingg?" He asked sleepily. Izuku kissed him, which surprised Hitoshi a bit, but he kissed back, playfully.
"I was just gonna make some toast. You want anything yet?" He asked smiling softly.
Hitoshi nodded. "Can I just have..." Hitoshi trailed off as he fell back asleep temporarily.
Izuku giggled.

"You want to have what?" He teased, walking back to the kitchen counter. Hitoshi got up off the couch and stumbled towards him.
"Hmmn.. A kiss?" He said, rubbing his eyes. As he hugged Izuku from behind and inhaled deeply. "I give you kisses all the time!" Izuku smiled. Hitoshi smiled back.
"Yes. But I just want a kiss. Not a peck. An actual kiss.." Hitoshi said, yawning. Izuku put the bread in the toaster and sat on the countertop, legs bouncing. Hitoshi looked at Izuku, a small grin forming. He held his face and kissed him passionately. His hands slowly slid down to Izuku's waist as he held him in place. Izuku wrapped his arms around Hitoshi's back as they kissed, Izuku's small giggles interrupting the silence occasionally. Hitoshi pulled back slowly and bit the greenette's shoulder lightly. He jumped a bit as he heard the toast pop up. The taller boy gave him one last kiss. The two pulled back, smiling at eachother.
"Thanks." Hitoshi said, holding back a smile. Izuku nodded with a big smile on his face ans walked over to the toaster to take the slices of bread out.
He jumped slightly at the heat of the toaster.
"What's wrong?" Hitoshi asked. Izuku turned around quickly, a bit embarrassed.
"It's so warm! Uncomfortably warm. It's too warm. It's almost hot." He said, trying to find different ways to form his sentence.
"Okay I get it. Let me help." Hitoshi snickered. He picked up the toast without saying anything and put it on the plate. Izuku looked surprised and confused.
"Wh-? How did you do that? It was so warm and you just-"
"It's not that warm. It feels nice." The purple-haired boy said calmly.
"It's too warm! It's like heat waves!" Izuku had confusion written all over his face.
"Also the second slice is for you because you didn't answer me." He giggled. Hitoshi shook his head.
"I did answer. I said I wanted to kiss you? Is that not an option?" He laughed a bit.
"Well, yes, but also no. You can have kisses whenever you want but you can't have a kiss for breakfast. Anyway, what do you want on your toast?" Izuku asked.
Hitoshi sat on the counter.
"Hmm.. What do you have?"
Izuku opened a cupboard and looked at all the options.
"I have... Peanut butter, normal butter, Nutella, and my affection." Izuku said quietly.
"And your what?" Hitoshi teased.
"My affection..?" He turned around and scratched his head, a dusting of pink on his face.
"Can I have that and Nutella?" Hitoshi replied. Izuku nodded as he spread Nutella on Hitoshi's toast and gave him a hug as his affection. Izuku also spread some Nutella on his toast as well.

(Time skip brought to you by Hagakure's gloves)

The two boys walked into Izuku's room and change clothes. Izuku put on a plain, gray sweater with black leggings, and Hitoshi wore jeans and a loose t-shirt with a black hoodie tied around his waist.
"Where are we going Izu?" Hitoshi asked. Izuku smiled
because Hitoshi didn't know.
"We're going to go get stuff!" Izuku smiled.
Hitoshi was in the middle of putting on his socks when he stopped.
"What stuff though?"
He asked again.
"Y'know... What's it called.. Your horns and my halo!" Izuku said excitedly. Hitoshi nodded.
"Oh okay." He softly said.
The two got ready. Hitoshi attempted taming his wild hair but it was no use. Izuku even tried, but it kept sticking up. Hitoshi frowned.
"It's okay, Toshi! I like your hair like that! It's cute!" Izuku beamed. Hitoshi sighed a bit and chuckled.
"Thanks, Izu." He said, yawning. They were both ready to go. They slipped on their shoes and walked out the door. Izuku got on Hitoshi's back as he walked to the bus stop. The bus came after 15 minutes of waiting. The two got on Izuku, then Hitoshi. The taller male glared at people on the bus, they were holding hands when an older man interrupted them.
"Are you two together?" He asked a bit rudely..
Hitoshi nodded slowly, a bit unsure of what was going to happen. The older man glared at Izuku and Hitoshi.
"That's disgusting. How can you live with yourselves? Men are supposed to be with women, that's the way it is. You two are going to hell." He said, still glaring.
Izuku tugged on Hitoshi's arm. "Toshi, let's go." He said softly. Hitoshi looked down at him and shook his head as he looked at the older man again.
"You don't know what you're talking about. Times have changed, old man. I can love who I want, and you can't tell me that it's wrong. Mind your own business." Hitoshi said angrily, walking towards the back of the bus with Izuku.
The older man muttered something to himself.
They sat down by a window and Izuku kissed Hitoshi's cheek.
"What was that for?" Hitoshi smiled.
Izuku smiled back as he put his head on the taller boys shoulder.
"For trying to put that old man in his place. I just love you." He'd said.
"No," Hitoshi replied.
"I love you more." He smiled.
Izuku shook his head, giggling.
"That's not possible, I love you the most!"
"Yeah, no, I love you more than you love me!" Hitoshi laughed.


They both giggled and laughed until they got to their stop. They hopped off and held hands all the way to the mall, even while they were in there.
Hitoshi pulled on Izuku's arm, running towards the Halloween stuff.
"No running!" A woman said to the two.
"Yeah Izu, no running!" He said quietly. "You were pulling me!" The greenette giggled.
They were at the Halloween section, looking at all sorts of things. Izuku walked over to some shelves, mesmerized by something that Hitoshi couldn't see. He walked over and asked.
"What's so interesting?"
Izuku kept his eyes glued on something. Hitoshi waved a hand in front of Izuku's face.
"Huh?! What? Oh sorry I was just looking at that." Izuku pointed to something on the highest shelf. Hitoshi got on his tippy toes and looked at it.
"An All Might keychain accessory, dressed as a skeleton?" Hitoshi asked with a smile growing on his face. Izuku nodded excitedly.
"I need it! I've never seen that one! And it glows in the dark!" Hitoshi picked it up and gave it to Izuku.
"I'll buy it for you. You hold it though." Hitoshi smiled. Izuku jumped up and down happily.
They made their way to accessories. There were plenty of halos to choose of, and only one pair of horns.
"Are you kidding me." Hitoshi murmured. There was a singular horn with the other hanging on by a thread.
He walked around the accessories and found more. There he found some horns, they looked almost like small goat horns. He put it on.
Izuku picked up a halo and put it on while walking towards Hitoshi.
"How do I look!" He asked.
Hitoshi smiled. "Like a pure angel." Izuku blushed.
"You so like a.. Uh.. H-Hot demon!" Izuku stuttered out, smiling sheepishly.
Hitoshi smirked. "Thank you." He winked.
They both picked out what they wanted and walked around the store aimlessly, enjoying their time together as they held hands.
"Toshi, I'm feeling snacky." Izuku said.
"Me too. We can grab like a chocolate bar and eat it once we're out of here." Hitoshi said walking towards the snack isle. There were so many Halloween-themed chocolate bars and chips. Izuku attempted at picking up a bag of chips from a high shelf. Hitoshi watched Izuku struggle and laughed. The greenette quickly turned around and pouted. "What? I can't reach it!" Hitoshi kept laughing. Izuku glared at him and proceeded to climb the shelves.
"Izu, what the hell are you doing? Please, come down here before you get hurt!" Hitoshi looked extremely concerned. "Will you catch me? I'm scared that I'm gonna fall if I go down the way I went up."
Hitoshi walked closer to the shelf and nodded. "Yes, I will catch you! Come on!" He'd said with unease.
Izuku crouched down to get a little closer, and jumped. Hitoshi caught him bridal-style and put him down slowly.
"Izu, please don't do that again! I was really worried!" Hitoshi said frowning. Izuku nodded as he held his chips close to him. They walked towards the chocolate bars.
"KitKats! Please?" Izuku asked, bouncing up and down. Hitoshi picked up two, one for Izuku and one for him. Izuku held Hitoshi's hand while they were walking to a cashier.
"That'll be $13.50, please." The cashier said, visibly bored. Hitoshi paid and they walked out of the store, Izuku holding the bag.
"Thanks for catching me!" Izuku beamed. Hitoshi squeezed his hand and smiled.
"Of course. I didn't want you to hurt yourself!" He said as he kissed Izuku's cheek.
They walked out of the mall and waited for the bus. 20 minutes passed and the bus came. Hitoshi didn't bother looking at anyone on the bus this time and was still holding Izuku's hand. Hitoshi liked the back of the bus, there was barely anyone that sat there, so Hitoshi could do whatever he wanted.
Izuku sat on Hitoshi's lap, humming happily.
Once they met their stop, Izuku got on Hitoshi's back.
"How come it's so hard for you to walk?" Hitoshi chuckled.
"It's not hard to, I just like how warm you are." Izuku murmured. Hitoshi sighed and laughed.


Hitoshi dropped Izuku off, quickly walking into his room to grab his bag.
He picked it up and stuffed everything he brought back in.
He walked out to see Izuku, frowning.
"What's with the sad face?" Hitoshi asked.
Izuku whined and put his face into Hitoshi's chest.
"I don't want you to leave me!" Izuku smelled Hitoshi's t-shirt. He smelled like peaches.
Hitoshi held Izuku's head close to him.
"It's okay! You can text me, right? And next time you see me, you can meet my cats."
Hitoshi said softly, playing with Izuku's curls.
He nodded. Izuku walked Hitoshi to the door and gave him one last kiss before he had to go. Izuku wrapped his arms around Hitoshi's neck and kissed his cheek. Hitoshi chuckled as he walked out of the door.
Hitoshi looked back at Izuku and gestured at to the horns, smiling.
Izuku giggled before closing the door slowly.

I love him so much.
Izuku said to himself.

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