- Apology -

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Hitoshi woke up at two in the afternoon. He turned over, expecting to see Izuku, but he was already awake and in the living room. He frowned and laid there, not wanting to get up.

He yawned and stumbled out of their room, going downstairs. Izuku was on the laying on the sofa and scrolling through his phone.
"Toshiii! You're awake! Come!" He had his arms open and smiling softly.

He walked over and kissed Izuku's forehead.
"Why were you sleeping for so long!? I thought you died..!" Izuku frowned.
"I was up until three-something in the morning playing... Games with Denki." Hitoshi yawned.

"Oh. So that's what that swearing was..." Izuku raised an eyebrow.
"Was I too loud? I'm sorry I should have let you sleep, I just had insomnia s-"
Izuku interrupted Hitoshi with a kiss. (omfg i almost typed kid-)
Hitoshi was startled but gave in.

Izuku was leaning on Hitoshi's chest, teasing him. The tattooed-boy held his hips, the kiss slowly getting more and more passionate. Izuku still hadn't pulled away yet, and honestly, Hitoshi was surprised.
Izuku had a hand in Hitoshi's fluffy hair and one on his shoulder.

He eventually pulled away and walked into the kitchen.
"Izu- what! You get me all worked up and then leave!" Hitoshi laughed.
"That's not my fault~" Izuku giggled and shrugged. He walked out of the kitchen, holding nothing.

"Yeah, it is." Hitoshi smiled.
"And you're not even holding anything! What was the purpose of going to the kitchen? To tease me, right?" Hitoshi laughed.
"It's not my fault if you get worked up! I just wanted a kiss, Toshi." Izuku giggled.

"Mkay, anyway, where do you wanna go today?" The greenette asked.
"I dunno. Where do you wanna go today?" Hitoshi asked back.
"The mall!" Izuku swayed back and forth excitedly. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Izuku sprung up from his seat and ran up the stairs on all fours.

"You run up the stairs like a raccoon." Hitoshi snickered.
"Well I'm the cutest raccoon around!" Izuku giggled before running into the closet.
"Can I wear one of your hoodies..? Please?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah sure." He said before getting into the shower.

(damn what is it with me and time skips- I'm soRry)

The two got on the bus and got to the mall.
"I'm c-cold..." Izuku shivered. He was wearing leggings, Hitoshi's hoodie, a long sleeved shirt underneath, and a light coat.
"You're wearing more than me!" Hitoshi laughed. He was wearing sweatpants, and a big hoodie.

"We're almost inside the mall." He smiled. They got inside and immediately felt the warmer air inside. They both warmed up quickly and walked around together.
"Where are we gonna go?" Hitoshi asked.
"I don't know! Where should we go? Are you hungry? Or do ya wanna shop?" Izuku bounced.

"Wait let's go to Hot Topic first, Toshi!" Izuku took Hitoshi's hand and almost ran to the pop-culture store.
"Seems like you really like Hot Topic." Hitoshi smiled.
"Yeah! They have these cute little pins and stickers!" Izuku walked over to the pin area and frowned.

"Oh.." He looked down.
"What's wrong?" Hitoshi asked worriedly.
"They don't have the pin I want.. It had All Might on it and it said 'Plus Ultra' in capital letters. Whenever I come here there always gone!" Izuku complained.

"And there was this other one, it had... It was like a mini cat mountain! It was so cute! And it's not here either!" Izuku crossed his arms.
"It's okay, Izu. Was there something else you wanted?" He asked.

"Hmm... They do have nice t-shirts here.. Nah. Actually-! Yeah, no. It's okay Toshi, there are plenty of other stores!" He beamed. Hitoshi kissed his cheek and smiled.
"You're so positive all the time. It's adorable." He held Izuku's hand and was about to walk out of the store when..

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