- An Idea -

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Hitoshi walked Izuku home and flopped on the couch immediately. He took off his capture weapon and mask. He touched his scratch that he had on his face and winced quietly.
Izuku walked in from his room, wearing short shorts and a big t-shirt and saw Hitoshi touching his scratch.

"Toshi don't touch it! It could get infected!" Izuku quickly said before walking over.
He looked at the male's right cheek and saw a diagonal scratch, about the size of a small ruler.
He frowned and took his hand into the bathroom.

Izuku bent over to get three cotton pads. Hitoshi thought of something and smiled. He put his hands on the greenette's waist and slowly moved them towards Izuku's ass.
"Toshi, come on." He said, getting back up.
"No, you come on. You bend over and expect me to not do anything..?" He smiled.

Izuku just giggled.
"I'm trying to find rubbing alcohol. But don't do anything while I'm looking for it..!" He said, bending over once again. Hitoshi stared and turned pink. He squeezed the greenette's waist and ass, trying to hold back a laugh.

Izuku finally got up again and stared at Hitoshi.
"You can't get upset with me." Hitoshi laughed.
"You're right, I can't. But I don't understand why it was so hard for you to not to touch my butt!" He exclaimed.
The tall male inched closer and just smiled.

"Izu, I have a right to touch your ass. It's soft and squishy." He said with a straight face. He picked up the blushing boy and kissed his forehead.
Izuku started squirming.
"Toshiiii, I have to put something on your face." He said, pointing at the cotton pads.

"But it's gonna sting.." Hitoshi murmured.
"I'll be gentle! Don't worry." Izuku reassured.
He let Izuku go as he sat down on the counter, waiting. The greenette moved quickly, getting the first cotton pad a bit wet with water and gently dabbing it on his scratch.
He then moved carefully with the cotton pad that had rubbing alcohol.

"Okay, prepare for a whole lot of stinging." Izuku said. Hitoshi squirmed.
"I need something to distract m-" Izuku kissed Hitoshi as he put the rubbing alcohol on the open wound. The greenette put his hand in Hitoshi's hair and kissed him passionately.
He eventually pulled away, taking off the cotton pad slowly.

"Thanks.." Hitoshi smirked. Izuku nodded and smiled softly.
"Heh.. Again?" He asked.
"O-Okay, but then I have to-" Hitoshi lifted Izuku up and kissed him. His tongue slithered its way in to Izuku's mouth and explored.

"Mmph, hm!" Izuku murmured. Hitoshi pulled away and let Izuku put the bandaid on. He led Hitoshi out of the bathroom and into the living room again. They snuggled on the couch before Izuku got a sudden burst of energy.

"What time is it?" Izuku asked.
Hitoshi rubbed his eyes. He was just falling asleep.
"Hmm.. 6:38pm. Why?" Hitoshi yawned.
"I feel like I need to do something.." He said, getting up to peck Hitoshi's forehead.
"Me," Hitoshi said under his breath.

"Hm?" Izuku said, walking into the kitchen.
"Heh, nothing..!" He chuckled.
"I have to go home soon," Hitoshi stated sadly. "Why?" Izuku frowned.
"I have to make sure the cats didn't mess anything up. Also because I'm sleepy as hell."

Izuku looked at him sadly.
"Will you text meee?" He asked.
Hitoshi nodded, getting up slowly and hugging Izuku. He picked up his things and walked towards the door.
"Wanna go on a date this Friday? I have an idea. It might be cheesy but, I don't care." Hitoshi smiled.

Izuku jumped up and down, smiling.
"It's a date," Izuku said softly. Hitoshi kissed his head and waved bye.
I have the perfect date planned. At least, I think.
Hitoshi said to himself.


The end was a bit rushed,,, I apologize! ●﹏☉ Hitoshi's date will be super cute.
Oml it's like 4:47 in the morning- holy shiT- okay gn!
Sorry for any errors!

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