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Hitoshi followed Izuku into the bathroom. "What are we doing?" He asked. Izuku opened a drawer and grabbed two elastics.
"I just wanna see how you look!" Izuku got onto his tippy-toes.
"You want me to shrink?" Hitoshi smiled. The greenette nodded.

Izuku grabbed a brush and tried brushing Hitoshi's hair down. Surprisingly, it eventually wasn't as perky and wild. Izuku blushed at the sight. Hitoshi looked so different with his hair down.

"Whoa.." He whispered, his face getting a bit pinker. "Huh? What is it Izu?" Hitoshi asked, brushing a hair to the side.
"Your hair down... You look so different."
"You like it?" The taller male mused. Izuku nodded.
"Uh- Anyway!"

He picked up a section of Hitoshi's fluffy lavender hair and tied it with a elastic. He did the same to the other side. Once Izuku finished, he stepped back and giggled.
"Look!" He smiled.
Hitoshi looked in the mirror. It looked like he had two little horns on his head.

"Oh my fuck- you're so cute." Hitoshi smiled as he quickly picked up Izuku and kissed him aggressively. He put him down, walking out of the bathroom into the living room, and sat down on the sofa, Izuku still latched onto him.
"Wanna go somewhere?" Izuku beamed.

Hitoshi nodded. "Sure. Where?"
The greenette blinked slowly and shrugged. "I dunno!" He slithered off of Hitoshi and watched the news that was playing in the background.

New, young potential hero, Hitoshi Shinsou, took part in protecting the city two weeks ago. Will we ever see him again?

"Toshi! Toshi! Toshi! They're talking about you! Look!" Izuku bounced in his seat excitedly. "Why are they... Talking about me?" He questioned.
"That was two weeks ago." He said.

Here are some thoughts on the young man.

Girl 1: Shinsou is so amazing! He signed my phonecase! I'll cherish it forever.

Man 1: Shinsou and his quirk is really cool. I really hope he considers becoming a hero so I can buy merch or something!

Girl 2: I love Shinsou! He seems like a very quiet and reserved person, which is what I like, y'know!

Hero: The kid's pretty talented. He's going to be a fine hero, I know it.

Hitoshi smiled slightly, hearing all the good things the citizens, and hero, said about him.
"They like you! I'm so happy, Toshi!" Izuku kissed Hitoshi's cheek excitedly.
"I love you so much," Hitoshi smiled. "I hope I don't become so popular that people will follow me around.."

"It's okay! Now let's go out!" Izuku said excitedly. He jumped off of the sofa and slid his shoes on. "Are you gonna leave your hair li-"
"Yes. I don't care if I get stares." He slid his shoes on and walked out of the door, smiling.

He took Izuku's hand and walked up the street. Hitoshi definitely got odd looks from people as they got to a more populated area.
"Everyone is staring at you!" Izuku giggled quietly. "I know. It's awesome." Hitoshi snickered.

A younger man walked up to him, his eyes bright as he smiled. "Excuse me, A-Are you Shinsou?" He smiled. A couple gasps were heard around him.
Shit. He thought.
Hitoshi inhaled sharply and tried to maintain eye contact.

".. Yes. I am." He said quietly. The teenaged boy looked at him, stunned.
"C-Can you sign this!?" He asked, gesturing towards his notebook.

Izuku smiled as he unconsciously tugged at Hitoshi's sleeve happily. Two to four people were now gathered around him.
"Shinsou can you sign this!?"
"Can I get a picture with you?"

Hitoshi pinched the bridge of his nose and picked up Izuku suddenly.
He walked away from the small crowd of people, smiling at Izuku. His fans stood still, amazed by Hitoshi's coldness towards them.

"What was that for?" Izuku asked. "I don't like being around people very much. I just wanna spend time with you." He said softly, kissing Izuku's cheek. The greenette blushed and didn't squirm away.

Izuku began murmuring something under his breath, which made Hitoshi laugh.
"Izu, you're muttering again." He snickered.
"Uh? Oh! Sorry I was just thinking about Christmas! It's coming up soon! In 15 days!" He beamed.

"Oh yes, Christmas. What do you want?" Hitoshi asked. Izuku got a bit flustered from the question. "I-I don't know...!" He answered quickly.
"You want me to make you a card that says 'i don't know'? Odd idea, I'll think about it." Hitoshi laughed cheekily.

They walked around the city for a while, Hitoshi was still getting stares, but he didn't care. Izuku and Hitoshi were talking as they walked through a park when a man, maybe a few years older than them, glared and frowned at Hitoshi holding hands with Izuku.

Hitoshi stared back and flipped him off.
"Dumbass. If you don't like it then don't stare..." He said under his breath.
"Toshi- It's okay!" Izuku said quietly. Hitoshi huffed and muttered something rude.

Izuku shivered. "Oof, you're scaring me." He giggled. Hitoshi's face softened when he looked at the giggling greenette. He kissed his forehead and kept walking.
"Where are we g-"
"Shinsou!" A girl squealed.

"Oh my fucking god- I just wanna walk." He squeezed Izuku's hand.
"Be nice..!" Izuku whispered.
The happy girl ran over, smiling brightly.
"Can you sign, uhm, m-me?" She asked, a bit flustered. Hitoshi nodded and took the pen she was holding.

"Where do you want it?" He asked. She pointed to her hand. Hitoshi signed and gave her the pen back, smiling softly. "Thank you so much!" She waved and ran away giggling.

Hitoshi flipped his hood on and got out a mask that was in his pocket.
"What are you doing?" Izuku asked. Hitoshi looked down at him and chuckled.
"I don't wanna be asked for autographs on a daily basis, so I have to hide myself somehow." He responded.

He put the mask on and kept on walking with Izuku. "But I wanna see your faceee..." Izuku whined with a frown. Hitoshi pulled his mask down to expose his mouth. "Now you can see m-" He was interrupted by Izuku's lips on his. Izuku was barely reaching, as he was on his tippy-toes.

"Wh- Thank you." Hitoshi laughed. "Where do you wanna go? We're just walking around aimlessly." He said.
"I don't knoooooow." Izuku murmured.
"How are you not cold?" The greenette said, confused.

It was a chilly day. It looked like rain was going to fall any minute, but there was just cold wind. Hitoshi's cheeks and nose were a bright pink, as he was only wearing a sweater and jeans with a light coat.
"I like the cold." He responded.

Izuku squinted his eyes and tilted his head. "Are you sure about that, Toshi? I don't want you getting sick!" He said worriedly.
"I won't get sick, and if I do, then... Well I don't know." He laughed.

"What if you get a cold though? You're barely wearing anything warm." Izuku sneezed just as Hitoshi said this.
"I knew it."
"You knew nothing! I'm not sick yet!" Izuku giggled.

"Yeah, not yet.." Hitoshi laughed.


Hahaa. You thought it was gonna be silly! But no, just some random... Random uh.. I don't really know actually- anywaY, I am gonna go to sleep-

Sorry for any errors!
(And the rushed ending woops)
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