21. Spring day

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     There laid Taehyung's lifeless body in Jungkook's arms. Pale face, dark blood spewing out of his chest. 

Jungkook cried out loud holding his dear brother in his embrace. He kept on mumbling 'Wake up! Wake up!'

Jimin, on the other hand, was frozen in his place. Grief fully consumed him. The sword that was stained with his brother's fresh blood laid on the ground shamelessly. In his mind the scene when he pushed the sword in Taehyung's body was playing itself repeatedly. 

Seokjin and Namjoon came running but were welcomed with the dead body of 'their' son. Both the fathers broke into tears and screams of misery clouded the silence. 

Hoseok, YN and countless other soldiers stood there watching the scene silently. The sadness that was in the air, some felt it, some didn't. 


What happened? Well, Taehyung, being the most caring brother he was, he came straight to the court yard to stop his brothers. But when he saw that Jimin was about to stab Jungkook with his sword, he didn't hesitate to jump in front of the sharp end. 

A life for another, but as it was his own brother, he didn't regret an ounce. While taking his last breath he only looked at his brothers and smiled saying 'It's okay........' 

                                             ~~~                    The soldiers were taken back to the Barracks and the ceremony was canceled

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The soldiers were taken back to the Barracks and the ceremony was canceled. After the funeral, they buried him in the Royal Cemetery. For the people, the agony was short lived but to the royals it stayed forever.  


 And just like that, the days went by with only sad faces hanging around in the shadows. The Prayer festival that was so auspicious to the people became the most ominous day in their life. 

But life keeps moving forward. The people set aside the pain and welcomed the warmth. Though this year's Winter took a lot of time to go away, it didn't overstay. With the new Spring day, the rays of sunshine shone over them and dark days were long forgotten.
"The reincarnation of evil", is what they called Jimin. It's not just them, even he himself called him that. In front of his brother's grave, all power, wealth and even the throne seemed worthless. Guilt and despair became his constant companion. He locked himself inside his palace and only came out to visit Taehyung's grave.

When Jungkook also shut him out he lost his sanity. But he is recovering. He is slowly letting people in and he started with his father. All the miscommunication they had were resolved and now they have a healthy father-son relationship. Sure, It'll take time but Jungkook will get in too, one day.....

Speaking of Jungkook, At first, he used to blame Jimin but gradually as the days, weeks and months went by he realized that no one had the power to control what happened. But he couldn't restore the relationship between him and Jimin. 

In Jimin and King Jin's absence, he had to take care of the state affairs, handle the court officials and even attend the morning assembly. He got blocked and drowned in all the work that he didn't have any time to sit and cry, he kept the pain in his heart and decorated it with great walls. 

But YN helped him break the walls. He is starting to smile again. He is now hoping for better days and a brighter future. He strongly believes that he will overcome all the bad days, he just needs to hold on.
 King Seokjin finally broke down. All the pain that was trapped inside, he let them flow freely. Taehyung may not have been his real son but he was his son, grief struck him too. 

He stepped down from the throne and spent his days praying for his sons.  

But on the bright side he got his closure with Namjoon. The brother who he seemed to have lost, came back. He and queen Miyoon had also sorted things out. Now he just wants to play with his grandchildren.
After the incident Namjoon regretted his actions. Losing his son made him realize that having him close to himself would've just been enough but his greed got the worst of him. However, he repented for his crimes and gave up his 'Royal Prince' title. 

Now, he comes to meet his brother Jin and the princes from time to time. They drink tea and talk about their life. Everyday he is learning new things about his brother. His daughter Lisa was married off to the prince of Qin, she is happy and is currently pregnant. 

Hoseok and Yoongi learned a big lesson 'Never try to cross fate, let it be. Everything has a reason'. Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't know but after that day Yoongi stopped having any visions but he took it as a blessing and still teaches students. 

Hoseok was promoted and became the commander of chief. But being a Jung he still was the Royal Bodyguard. Even to this day they both are single but living happily in the palace. 
And last but not least, YN. Sure, she was engaged with Jungkook or you can say The Crown Prince Jungkook. They meet at the summer palace every other day. That place holds so many memories of them together. They put several portraits of Taehyung and his extraordinary paintings there. That place is now a memory holder and a symbol of love, be it of a brother or be it of a lover.  
Today is another spring day which brings happiness and prosperity. The coronation of Prince Jeon Jungkook will take place today.

All the people of Goryeo would celebrate the day. Their new king has so much to give to them and they would welcome him cordially. 
And this brings me to the end of the story. I know through the journey there was happiness and sadness, fun and sufferings, love and hate, inspiration and conspiracy , trust and misunderstanding, ups and downs etc. But that's just how it is. Generation after generation they will be present in the Royal family. 

Cause, you see, It's a Royal thing. 

#I'll post the Epilogue soon....

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