12. Save her to save him

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         ~Several weeks later~
     Yoongi fell from his soft bed. These few weeks had been the worst weeks of his life. He saw repeated visions of YN dying. But today he saw another part of the scene. 

"Why don't I ever dream about cats?" Yoongi questioned himself getting up from the ground. 

"That face indicates that you saw something again," Hoseok said out of nowhere. He was sitting on the window and lazily swinging his legs back and forth. 

"Yaaaa!! You startled me!!" Yoongi said, clutching his chest. "Why do you always appear out of thin air?"

"I don't. I was here all along, when you were sleeping. Now, spill the tea," Hoseok said, jumping down from the window. 

Yoongi looked at Hoseok for a moment. What he was going to tell would give him a heart attack. So, he indicated Hoseok to sit on the bed. 

"I saw Jungkook," Yoongi said with a straight face. 

"Is it the kin..............."

"I saw Jungkook kill YN," Yoongi said, cutting his line. 

Hoseok just blinked a few times in response. His mind couldn't process the information. 

Seeing his frozen state Yoongi decided to continue his words, "The person who drew their sword through YN was Jungkook. And I think it's the day of the Prayer festival."

"That is not possible. Jungkook is probably getting under her skirt as we speak here!! He is so in love with her, why would he hurt her?!" Hoseok said as a matter of fact. 

"I don't know tha.... wait.. what do you mean getting under her skirt?!"

"He's sneaking out every single day to meet her. What else would they do if they are meeting secretly like this?" Hoseok replied, rubbing his forehead. 

"I didn't take him to be that kind of a person. Well, at least he's  getting some, unlike us who are still single."

"Can you focus on the matter, please? What do we do about it? We can't let Jungkook kill someone in front of all the citizens. It's a very auspicious day for the country and he can't be seen doing something as horrible as killing someone."

Every year the people of Goryeo celebrate the Prayer festival. On this day they pray to the heaven for their betterment and a happy life. 

"I think we should talk to the king. It would be better if Jungkook doesn't attend the festival," Yoongi advised. 

"You are right. We should talk to His Majesty. I also need to discuss with him about Jimin's problem."

"What problem?" Yoongi asked, frowning. 

"Well, you know that I had stopped Jungkook's proposal from reaching the Kang's house but later I found out that Jimin had also sent a proposal," Hoseok replied, getting up from the bed and pouring himself a glass of water. 

"Jimin is interested in her? What rubbish?"

"I know, right? Well, it was taken care of as His Majesty disagreed with it but they had a huge fight. They've been bickering on every subject these few weeks."

"Hmm. I heard."

"That's not it. My spies gave me some suspicious information about him. He's been secretly meeting with the court officials and buying patches of army here and there," Hoseok ended, giving Yoongi a knowing look. 

"Are you implying on a possible treason!!!?" Yoongi asked, widening his eyes. 

"I think so. That's why I need to talk to His Majesty."

"NO!! You can't tell this to His Majesty! Their relationship is hanging on a thread right now. If you tell him about this, things might go wrong. We have to be sure about it before telling him this," Yoongi spoke holding Hoseok's shoulders. 

"Fine. For now let's talk about Jungkook's matter," Hoseok said, nodding. 


"So you're saying that Jungkook is the one who kills her?" King Jin inquired. 

"Yes, Your Majesty. If Jungkook doesn't attend the festival then we can avoid this situation," Hoseok replied. 

Hoseok came to talk to Seokjin straight from Yoongi's. He promised him that he won't talk about Jimin for now. 

"But that can't be done. Master Yoongi said, Jungkook is going to be the next king. So, I want him to start this year's prayer. He must attend the festival," Jin replied with a stern gaze. 

"Then what do you suggest we do, Your Majesty?"

"Take care of the girl. Kidnap her or do whatever you want but don't let her attend the festival."

Hoseok nodded and bowed to him before leaving the room. 
He was thinking what to do when Namjoon had blocked his way. 

"May I know what you two were talking about in there?" Namjoon asked, narrowing his eyes. 

Hoseok thought that Namjoon might be able to help him. So, he decided to tell him everything. 

"It is indeed a terrible situation. I think kidnapping her would be good. That would keep her away from the festival," Namjoon suggested.

"I thought that too, Your Highness. But I have to be present there as His Majesty's bodyguard, I can't leave him unprotected."

"Then how about you kidnap her and take her to me and I'll keep her in my palace. No one will suspect anything and the day will go by without any interruptions." 

"Thank you, Your Highness. I shall act according to your suggestion then." Hoseok bowed and left. 

"Sure I'll help to save the girl but the show must go on. The people must see how unworthy these concubine's sons are."
#Short chapter.... srry.. but i was very busy these days 😳

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