8. Prince WHO?

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     Yoongi's sound sleep was disturbed by yet another vision. Not just any vision, a vision of YN. The same scene played in his mind. Frown line visible on his face. He was sweating a lot. 

A scene that revealed itself broke Yoongi's sleep. He sat up at lighting speed and was breathing heavily. Eyes as big as a bowl. 

"What did you see?" Hoseok's sudden question made Yoongi jump and fall from the bed. 

"Don't do that, ever again!! I almost had a heart attack! What are you doing here anyway?" Yoongi asked after he got up and collected himself. 

"You saw that girl again, didn't you? Tell me what you saw," Hoseok asked, ignoring Yoongi's previous question. 

Yoongi gulped looking at Hoseok. He was very good at reading other people's emotions. There was no way he could lie to Hoseok. So, he decided to tell the truth.  

"Actually, I did see her but...... I saw more than what I used to see." Yoongi paused, waiting for Hoseok to say something but when he remained silent he started again, "She is not sick. She-she is killed by a sword. Somebody draws a sword through her heart." Yoongi's eyes blazed as he remembered the scene again. 

"Who?" Hoseok asked, getting more and more angry by the minute. 

"I don't know. I didn't see them." 

"You do understand that it's going to become a problem, right? The reason you're seeing these is because she is somehow connected to the royal family. We need to push her as far away from us as possible," Hoseok ended, giving Yoongi a warning glare. 

"We don't know anything! Besides you were the one who said not to tamper with the future!!" Yoongi shouted at Hoseok. 

"I'm doing this because I don't want to change the future!!! This girl will die just as you saw and she will not have any relation with the princes!!" Hoseok ended with rage. 

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked, being dumbfounded as to why she would have any relation with the princes. 

"Jungkook's in love with her! We had a talk the other day. He might have already sent a marriage proposal to her as we are talking here..... I say, we go to the king, tell him all about it and ask him to reject the proposal. What do you say?" 

Hoseok's proposal put Yoongi into a maze. If the king knows he definitely won't let Jungkook get married to her. But it was also true that she was going to die. Maybe keeping her away from the royal family might save her life. So, he agreed with Hoseok and went with him to tell the king about the whole situation. 
"So you're telling me that Jungkook wants to marry her but she's going to die?" king Seokjin confirmed, no profound expression on his face. 

"Um, murdered, I'd say," Hoseok corrected him. 

"Right, murdered. It doesn't matter if she dies or not but the problem is, the killer is someone from the royal family. But who would want to kill someone as harmless as her?" Seokjin said, frowning. 

"The princes are very much delighted with her. Other members don't seem to be acquainted with her. I think it's......... " Yoongi stopped himself from completing his sentence to look at the king. 

"Go on. Tell me what's on your mind," king Jin encouraged him to speak. 

"Concubine Hoonjae." 

"What makes you think that?" 

"She had already tried to harm Jungkook when he was little. Thanks to Jimin he survived. But it is said that she still holds grudges against his mother. I'm afraid she might want to kill YN in the future to take her revenge as YN would be Jungkook's wife," Yoongi explained to the king.  

Concubine Hoonjae's family had committed treason. They were severely punished except her. It was Jungkook's mother who had told the king about the treason. So, concubine Hoonjae has hated her since then. 

"We can't do anything about it since it hasn't happened yet. So, let's just focus on Jungkook's matter. Are you sure he loves her?" King Seokjin asked. 

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied Hoseok. 

"Then make sure the proposal doesn't reach her house. I'll take care of Jungkook." king Seokjin waved at them and went back to his chambers.                            
YN sat under a tree surrounded by flowers. She was making a flower garland and humming. Nature's lap seemed to be her favourite place. 

Images of her and Jungkook played in her mind. She could still feel the tingles which she felt when Jungkook touched her face. His warm touch made her feel safe. She couldn't even tell when she had fallen in love with him. She wondered if Jungkook had the same feelings for her or not. 

"There you are. I was looking all over for you. What are you doing here child?" YN's father asked, looking at the garlands. 

"Nothing, father. I was just getting bored. What brings you here father?" 

"About that... I want you to know that I'm not forcing you for anything. Whatever decision you make I'll respect and fully support it," he ended patting his daughter's head. 

"I don't understand. What are you talking about, father?" 

"A proposal came from the palace, a marriage proposal. I was confused at first but after I read the letter, I'm sure that he is very much in love with you. It's prince J......" 

"I accept it!!!" YN replied hastily before her father could finish talking. 

Her face beet red, eyes sparkling, a huge smile on the lips. Jungkook loved her back. It wasn't just her who got struck by Cupid's arrow. 

"I love him too, father!! I can't explain how happy I am! Please, father, accept his proposal." 

"I'm happy if you're happy. I'll happily accept the proposal." He kissed her forehead and hugged her. He went to his room leaving behind a very excited YN in the garden. 
"Then I guess, I'll send an acceptance letter to Prince Jimin saying that YN had agreed for the marriage," he said to himself before sitting down to write a letter. 

#😱😱The groom changed 

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