20. Reminiscence

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~Meanwhile in Namjoon's room~

Namjoon was drinking tea peacefully in his room. He was humming a sweet tune that his father, the late king used to sing to his sons. The song was deeply embedded in his heart.

"You seem very calm after causing such chaos," Seokjin said entering his room.

"Brother!! It is so nice to see you here! Want some tea?" Namjoon asked pouring a cup of tea.

"Stop your act, you clearly know why I'm here."

"Well, I really don't know why you're here."

"Here is the proof." Seokjin threw some sheets of paper on the table.

"It's all stated here how you illegally bought an army. And I have a hunch that you definitely got something to do with the fight outside." Seokjin glared at Namjoon.

"I have to admit, you clearly did a thorough investigation. Fine then, I did it, I caused all this. I will not let a concubine's son become king! I will not make the same mistake as father! I should have been king as the rightful heir whilst you a concubine's should have bowed down to me!!!" Namjoon shouted.

Jin didn't reply rather he just stood there reminiscing the past. His eyes held resentment and guilt at the same time.

"Do you hate me that much? Am I that pitiable?" Jin asked clenching his jaw.

Namjoon's face showed only hatred, there was no sign of love.

"Yes, I do. I hate you so much! You took everything from me! My throne, my love, everything!!" Namjoon shouted at Jin. A drop of tear fell on his cheek.

"You know nothing. What I did was only to protect you. I love you, Namjoon and I only want the best for you. "

"To protect me?! Are you even hearing yourself? How is this protecting me? You and father never cared for my emotions."

"No, Joonie, father loved you so much. To his last breath he only kept mumbling your name. If you knew the truth you wouldn't say that," Jin said putting his hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

"Then tell me the truth! Tell me why was it so important that father even took it to his grave!"

Jin looked at Namjoon's eyes and smiled a little. He took in a big breath and started, "You and Miyoon were so happy together that everybody was sure that father would definitely grant you two marriage. And he did plan to do so. But Master Hyun-gi had a vision. He saw you die on your wedding day by the hands of some assassins............You were try...trying to save Miyoon."

Seokjin looked at Namjoon who was intently listening to his every word. Revealing about the past was hard for him but the misunderstanding must be cleared.

"Father decided to change the outcome and ordered me to marry her. He named me king thinking, by doing this you'll live. And he was right. Nothing happened to you but Master Hyun-gi and Sir Do-eun had to pay the price."

"You could've told me inseated of doing all this. We could've found a way out," Namjoon said with teary eyes.

"You think I don't regret that?! I regret every single decision of father! To save his son, someone else's sons were orphaned! He gave Yoongi and Hoseok the respective posts of their fathers, but position can't fill the endless void that they felt in their heart."

"Regret?! Huh! Oh, don't tell me you are not happy! You got the throne, the woman you loved. You should be really happy. You could've told me if you had wanted to, but you didn't. Because you wanted all this!" Namjoon paused and chuckled.

"It doesn't matter anymore. What matters most now is that Taehyung becomes king, a true heir."

"Is it the only reason why you want him to be king, brother? A true heir you say?" Jin looked at Namjoon's eyes with untold questions.

Namjoon gulped in response. Jin's gaze was dominating.

"You think I don't know? Haha..... I loved her too, I still do. When I heard about her pregnancy I was so happy! But when I took Taehyung in my arms I instantly knew he wasn't mine. Those black eyes looked just the same when I held you the first time when you were born. I could never forget them! Every time I see him, I'm reminded of the dark past, so I pushed him away," Jin finished.

Both the men were in tears. They were remembering the past days and stayed silent. The pain in their heart was graver than the situation at present.

After a moment of silent tears Jin decided to speak. "I'm sorry for what I did but I'm not going to forgive you for your actions! What you did only turned two brothers against each other. My sons mean the world to me and you decided to corrupt it. You'll receive your punishment after this is over."

Just at that moment a guard came hurriedly and bowed before them. His face was flustered and pale. "Your Majesty, Your Highness, the fight has stopped but........" he paused mid sentence.

"But what," Jin asked, approaching him.

"But... but pri...prince Taehyung was killed in the fight!!"

The words were as sharp as blades which pierced right through their hearts.

Namjoon fell on the ground. The pain of losing a child, he felt for the first time.


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