4. A lie to tell

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#This is the new chapter. Hope you like it and plz give feedback. That'll help me. And if u like it plz vote 😊😊
     The celebration ended. Everybody went home. For them it was going to be a night of sleep and floating in the dream land. But Master Yoongi had other plans. 

For a few days he hadn't been able to sleep properly. So, after the celebration he went straight to his study. 

Scattered papers, untouched food that went bad and scribbles on the walls could be seen in his room. In the midst of all that laid Yoongi, frown line visible on his face. 

"So, are you going to tell me what you saw or not?" Asked Hoseok while trying to find a proper place to sit. 

"Go away, there's nothing to tell," Yoongi replied, getting irritated by Hoseok's presence near him. 

"It's that girl, isn't it? The one Jungkook was talking with? You clearly saw something. Tell me what you saw." Hoseok knew Yoongi very well. In fact he was the only one who could read Yoongi's emotions. 

Yoongi sighed and got up from his laid position and said, "I'm not seeing her. She is interrupting my visions." 

"What do you mean interrupting your visions? Did you not see her future?" Hoseok was very confused. 

"I did, but not how I usually see them. Whenever I see something, it glitches and......... jumps to her. The problem is..... I'm seeing the same thing.... over and over again," Yoongi explained to Hoseok with a you-know-that's-a-problem face. 

"Now, that's what you call tragic. The same thing every single time?" Hoseok asked, earning only a nod from Yoongi. 

"But you never see anything twice.... By the way, what did you see?" 

"Dying, I saw her dying. S-she spewed blood but I know there's more to it. I just can't see it." 

Yoongi's answer shocked Hoseok. 

Yoongi's visions were always blurry, just a few glances of the future, as to why they could never fully depict what was going to happen. It was the first time he saw a full fledged scene, somebody's death to be exact. 

"We have to tell this to His Majesty! It means you're improving!" Hoseok chirped with joy written all over his face. 

"Don't you understand? Somebody's going to die and you're happy about it?" Yoongi shouted.  

"Then what do you want me to do? Sulk over it? Admit it Yoongi, you're happy too! After years of practice you are finally able to see big things like death!" 

Hoseok had always been a happy and charming person. Seeing him raise his voice made Yoongi shocked. 

"I-I know but we have to do something. We can't just let her die." Yoongi's remark made Hoseok soft, 

"We can't. Remember what your father said, changing the future will only cause more damage. Let's-let's just go and tell the king about it." 
Though he didn't agree, he followed Hoseok nonetheless. Guilt eating him up as to why he had the power to see it but not change it.                            
~Yoongi's P.O.V~  
Me and Hoseok stood in front of His Majesty's bed and king Seokjin sat there with all his glory and handsomeness but in just a simple robe. 

"Master Yoongi, I suppose you saw something again but could it not wait till morning?" King Jin inquired. 

"Your Majesty, trust me, you want to hear this. Say it Yoongi." Hoseok indicated to me to reveal my findings. He was all too excited about this. 

But I was contemplating whether I should tell it or not. I wanted to help that girl, I wanted to change her future. This had happened to me for the first time and I wanted to do something about it. 

If the king knows about it he won't let me change it after what happened with my father. It shook all of us, especially His Majesty as he was very dear to father. 

My visions were all related to the royal family. So, she definitely had a connection. I needed to know the truth so I didn't have any other way but to lie. But to solve one problem, I created another and a very big one at that. 

"Prince Jungkook is going to be the future king!!!" I anything but shouted. A little lie won't hurt much, right? His Majesty and Hoseok stared at me with widened eyes. 

"What, really? But didn't you say about the gir......" 

 "YES, YES, I saw Jungkook!!!" I cut Hoseok's line before  he could say anything.   

"You-you were putting your crown on his head Your Majesty and-and he was sitting on-on-on the throne," I managed to complete my words somehow. 

'I'm doing this to save a person's life. It's not a sin, God will forgive me.' I pacified myself. 

After collecting himself from his shocked state His Majesty spoke, "Well, this is a great news. Jungkook is very capable of becoming the next king. I thought it was going to be Jimin as Jungkook and Taehyung seemed fairly uninterested in the throne but it's good. If he does his duties properly then it's definitely good." 

He seemed really pleased with the idea of Jungkook becoming king. 'Sorry, Jungkook, but i have to do this. You'll forgive me later.' 
Hoseok and I said goodnight to His Majesty and took our leave. I was waiting when he was going to inquire about my new found vision. 

"When did you see it? Jungkook becoming king, when did you see it? Why didn't you tell me and why didn't you say anything about the girl?!" 

"Will you calm down for a moment? I saw it a few days ago. I-I haven't been able to sleep properly that's why I didn't tell you. And let's not talk about the girl please. It's giving me a headache." I hoped he bought all that. 

"But..... it's....." 

"No buts. End of discussion. Maybe she is sick and is going to die in a few days. We don't need to care about that." There was a pause for a moment. 

"You're right. Her death isn't our problem. We should forget about it. You go get some rest. You look really tired," said Hoseok tapping my shoulder. 

"You bet I am," I retorted and started for my chambers when he called my name. I looked back to find a smile on his face. 

"You did a good job Yoongi. His Majesty was really happy. Your father would have been very proud of you." 

Oh! Only if you knew the truth, Hoseok.   

#Will it be just a simple lie?what do you think? 😉

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