13. Hurt you enough

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~Author's P.O.V~

"So, why did you call us all here, father?" Jimin asked, taking a seat in front of Seokjin.

King Jin had called for all three of his sons to discuss a matter. So, they were all seated in the king's study.

Seokjin had a cup of hot tea in his hand. He sat in a very poised manner fitted for a king. On the other hand the princes were very anxious and nervous.

Taehyung had his head down, not being able to look directly at his father. Jungkook had an annoyed expression on his face as he had to leave practice on a fine day like this. And last but not least, Jimin was staring right at his father's eyes, desperately trying to read his mind.

"The reason I called you here today is because I want to talk to you all about the Prayer festival. You know that it's in three days from now and the preparations have already begun," Jin said, putting down his teacup.

"Yes, father. I hope that this year's festival is going to be better than last year and I'll pray to the heaven to bless us," said Jimin smiling.

"I hope so too. So, I was saying that, there'll be some changes. I've been starting the festival since I was fifteen and now I think it's time to let someone else do the honor." Seokjin paused for a moment to look at his sons and then started again, "And for this I have chosen Jungkook. From this year forward, Jungkook will start the Prayer festival."

Jimin's smile faltered hearing his father's decision. He had always dreamed of starting the Prayer festival as it was a way of telling the citizens who the next king would be. He kept on glaring at Jin as if he was spewing some colorful profanities at him.

Jimin banged on the table with his hands and stood up, "Why does he get to have this opportunity? I'm the oldest son!! It should be me who starts the festival!!"

"You ungrateful child, calm yourself down!! I'm the king and I will decide who starts the festival!! And judging by the way you are behaving right now, I think I made the right choice," Seokjin said before getting up and sitting on the bed.

"Do I mean nothing to you? Am I not good enough? Why do you treat me differently? You have never loved me! You lied to me, you betrayed me!! I HATE YOU!!!" Saying this Jimin ran out of the room.

Taehyung ran after Jimin. Seeing his brother who didn't show much emotions burst out like that, made him worried.

"Jimin wait!" Taehyung shouted after Jimin to make him stop.

"What do you want Taehyung? Here to rub it on my face!!? 'Hey I'm Kim Taehyung, the happiest prince on earth, whom father loves the most.' Huh!" Jimin said mocking Taehyung.

"You think I'm the happiest person? Way to go, Jimin! Father doesn't love me. If anything, he hates me!! I was six years old when I found out that Master Yoongi wasn't my father but the king was!!!" Taehyung said, raising his voice. Big sparkling drops of water fell from his eyes like waterfalls.

"You know what hurts the most? Seeing you and Jungkook so close to father everyday. He never talks to me! Who am I kidding? He doesn't even look at me as if I don't exist!!!"

Taehyung's little truth session made Jimin chuckle, "You're telling me that you are unhappy? Dude, you spend the whole day playing, going out with your friends whereas I work hard!!"

"Playing? Did you say playing? I can't believe you are saying that! Do you know what I do all day? I MEMORIZE FU****G SCROLLS!! How to plant trees, how to take care of horses, how to pet a cat, alignment of the stars!! I don't want to know if the stars look like a lion or a stupid monkey!!" Taehyung burst out before falling on his knees.

He looked down trying to wipe his tears, "I want to be like you two. I want to learn swords, I want to be a part of the state affairs and mostly I want........*hic*......... want to see father everyday." By the time he was finished he was drowning in tears.

"It seems like that man is cruel after all. Go to your room, Tae. Go learn your stupid scrolls." Jimin closed the door of his room leaving a crying Taehyung in the corridor.

He wanted to hug him so much. He wanted to wipe his tears and tell him that he loved him even if their father didn't. But he couldn't. He had to be strong. He couldn't show weakness.

He sat down on the floor and clutched his legs before leaning his head on his knees. He cried silently. All those happy memories of childhood with his younger brothers flashed in his mind.

He could remember holding baby Jungkook in his arms for the first time, stealing dumplings from the kitchen to feed Taehyung, chewing grass to put on their wounds when they went to play in the mountains, drawing mustache on sleeping Yoongi's face, putting fake snakes in Hoseok's bed.

To him his brothers meant the world. He couldn't stay even one day away from them. And now, he pushed them away for his selfish motives. He felt guilty for doing all this. He wanted to run away from the palace.


"Father, why do you want me to do this? Jimin would be the best candidate for this. Please father, rethink your decision," Jungkook pleaded with Jin so that he would change his decision. He couldn't see his brother unhappy.

"The decision has been made. There's no point in talking about this anymore. You should go and prepare for this."

"But father..........."

"Did I not make myself clear?" Jin shouted at Jungkook.

"Yes, father. Good night."

Jungkook left the room and went to the stable. He couldn't stay at the palace at that moment. He needed fresh air and a distraction.


"So, do we have a plan or not? How are we going to kidnap her?" Yoongi asked Hoseok, plopping on his bed.

"What do you mean we? I am kidnapping her. You are not doing anything," Hoseok replied keenly examining the map.

"Hey! I thought we were a team."

"In your dreams. By the way, I do have a plan. I just need to take care of her guards. Since she has a history of sneaking out, it's going to be pretty easy," Hoseok said smiling.

"Be careful not to hurt her, okay?"

"Come on, have I ever been rough with a girl?"

"You have never been with a girl," Yoongi said, smirking which earned him a pout from Hoseok.

They were laughing and talking about things when the door suddenly opened.

"So, how is your plan going on by far?"

#to be continued~

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