10. Love you 2

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     "He's not going to come!!!" YN cried out loud and plopped on the ground. Her hands tightly clutching her dress. 

"I'm sure he will come. Let's just wait a bit longer," Taehyung assured her. He was getting anxious. 

"No, he won't! He hates me now! He thinks that I agreed to marry his brother. I lost my love, Taehyung! I lost him forever!!" 
"You claim that you love me but you don't trust that I'll come? How can you call that love?" Spoke Jungkook from behind them. 

As soon as they heard his voice, they turned their heads. 

Jungkook was on his horse. It looked like he came straight from practice. He had a few bruises on his hands and face. 

He got down and approached them. He looked at YN for a moment. His face turned soft looking at her teary eyes. "Do you mind giving us a little privacy, Taehyung?" Jungkook said to Taehyung. 

In reply Taehyung just nodded and went out of their sight to wait for them. 

"So, tell me. Why did you call me here?" Jungkook asked. 

Suddenly YN lost all her words. She had many things to say. She wanted to tell him that it was all a misunderstanding, she wanted to express her love. But now, when he was in front of her, she turned speechless. 

"Did you really accept Jimin's proposal?" 

"I did."

Her words made him stumble backwards. It hurt the most hearing it from her mouth. 

Seeing him back away YN hastily took a step further and said, "But I thought it was you!! I thought you had sent the proposal. I-I got so happy thinking that you loved me too. I didn't think it would be someone else!!" 

"Love you too? That means you....."

"I love you, Jungkook. I love you so much!" YN completed his sentence. 

Jungkook was shocked for a moment. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. The woman he loved, loved him back. 

"Say that again," Jungkook told YN with an amused face. 

"I love you."


"I LOVE you!"


"I. LOVE. YOU. JEON. JUNGKOOK!" YN screamed loudly with all her might. 

Jungkook was smiling like a crazy person, his bunny teeth on full display. 

They both stared at each other for a moment. Suddenly Jungkook knelt down and held her hands in his. 

"YN, I love you to the moon and back. So much that I can't express in words. And I've decided that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Grow old, have children and die together. Will you be with me, YN? Will you marry me?"

"Yes. Yes, yes, YES!! I'll definitely marry you!!" YN exclaimed with a full bloomed smile. 

Jungkook stood up and hugged her. They felt magnetic pull towards each other. Jungkook broke the hug and put a chaste kiss on her forehead. 

He stared at her face. He had sneaked a few glances at her several times before but they never felt so lively as it was feeling now. He held her face with his palms. Her soft skin under his touch felt so fragile. 

His eyes trailed downwards. Her plump lips felt ever so tempting. But he was unsure whether he should do it or not. 

"Do it," YN said looking at Jungkook's lips. It seemed that she had also anticipated this moment. 

Without wasting anymore time Jungkook smashed his lips on hers. He had imagined this moment countless of times but doing this in reality was something else. 

Their lips moved in sync. What started as a soft kiss, turned into a very passionate one. Jungkook wrapped one arm around her waist and another in her hair. He nibbled on her lower lip signaling her to part her lips. But when she didn't respond, he gently tugged on her hair which made her gasp, giving Jungkook access. 

He smoothly slipped his tongue inside her mouth intertwining it with hers. Euphoric feelings made them hold on to each other more. No one was ready to let go. 
"I want two nephews and a niece and one of them must have my name in honor of my good deed to get you two together," Taehyung said, making googly eyes at them. 

They both bolted out of each other's embrace, blush creeping up on their faces. 

Jungkook cleared his throat and said, "Why would I give my kids your name? It's not going to happen. And could you please stop making those googly eyes?!!!!" 

"Then you are going to pay a hefty amount to keep my mouth shut cause that was quite a scandal you made back there," Taehyung remarked wiggling his eyebrows, a wide smirk on his lips. 

"Are you going to blackmail me now, brother? I thought you had my back. Don't you love me anymore?" Jungkook gave him the puppy dog eyes. 

"Oh! Don't you dare give me those eyes. I taught you how to make those eyes. I'm immune to them."

"Fine, what do you want?" Jungkook asked, giving up. 

"My name~......"
"Father, you asked for me?" Jimin asked his father, king Jin. 

"Yes, I did. Sit." Seokjin instructed him to sit on the chair in front of him. He had a letter in his hand. 

"Did you send a marriage proposal to the Kang's house asking for their daughter's hand?" 

"Yes, father. Is there a problem?"

"You can't marry her."

"But why? Why can't I marry her? I-I have gotten a liking to her, father," Jimin said being anxious. 

"You can't marry her and that's it!! She is not suitable for you. I don't want to hear anymore words about it," Jin said, slightly raising his voice. 

"But she is suitable for Jungkook? He too is a concubine's son!!! Then why should only I get this kind of treatment?!!!" Jimin was fuming by the time he had finished his words. 

"Preposterous!!!! How dare you raise your voice in front of the king?!!! Get on your knees and bow down to apologize!!!" 

"Yes, a king. That's what you are. The great, benevolent, magnificent king. That's what you'll always be!!  You were never a father and you'll never be!!" Jimin spat and left the room. 

"You despicable son, come back here this instant!!!!!" Jin shouted after Jimin but to no avail. He was already gone. 

Jin sat back on his chair looking at the letter. It was a letter that came from YN's house regarding the marriage. 

He tore it to pieces. "First Jungkook and now Jimin? How can they both be in love with the same girl? She is turning into a bigger problem than I imagined."
#Imagine the above picture as Jungkook and YN kissing....

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