-Chapter 11- DWMA High⋙

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Death The Kid's P.O.V

I'm going to go through the list of events that occurred just now...

Awkwardly fall on top of Liz.

Get totally frozen on top of Liz.

Watch classmates walk into the room seeing myself on top of Liz.

-Last Step- Get off of Liz?

I blinked a few times only to find myself looking into her indigo iris each time and scanning the rest of her face that was going in intervals of different shades of red. After going through the checklist over and over again I realized that I had to get off of Liz, so I can be less embarrassed and so she wouldn't have the urge to later kill me when I least suspect. As I got off of Liz and apologized I saw everyone staring past me with a blank face, "Wh-What's wrong guys?" I sweat dropped. Black Star pointed behind me, quivering in fear just when I turned around to see my father.

"Ahem, well." He cleared his throat eyeing me specifically, "I think it's time for me to teach you about the birds and the bees..." After a silent moment of my dad's elbowing everyone burst into laughter. Except... For me and Liz. 

=-_-Time Skip-_-=

Well, today was crazy. I have new friends, with that and a share of embarrassment from them. Still, an annoying Patty carrying an oversized stuffed giraffe in her hands. Aaaaaand she's gone.

"Kid," Liz started, "I... don't really know what happened today but-" "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE," Patty ran by interrupting Liz. "What the f-" "Aw, Liz, I thought you guys would kiss!" Patty puffed her cheeks up while Liz was blushing. They soon went into a mini argument while I laughed silently behind them. Patty soon went back home by herself since she wanted to "give us some privacy". Le sigh...

"A-Anyway, Kid," She sat on the nearest bench and called me to follow, "You don't have to act awkward or something after that incident, we'll always like each other as friends right? We have been like this for years." 


She smiled slightly. "Yeah, guess so." I smiled too, but only to show her that I wasn't hurt?

"Let's go back home before Patty breaks something else," she snickered. "Yeah I don't want her disorganizing my toilet paper again..."

With that we started heading home, not knowing what feelings we really have for each other...

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