-Chapter 4-DWMA High》The Long Awaited Tutor.

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A.N Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on for a while... You know, the usual... Charger problems, anime, school, anime, anime. :/ so yeah, I procrastinate a lot with all these great ideas in my head... so I'm going to try and make something, when you're done reading this I want you to comment if I should update a chapter every week. Sounds good? It can be Friday, Monday, Tuesday whatever, just one or two days a week. Your choice guys! And thanks for reading my story, it means a lot ^_^

- =÷ - ■_ - _■ - ÷= -

Tsubaki's P.O.V

"W-What!? H-Hey guys, wait!" So I came up with that well-made inspirational speech for nothing?! I tried to come up with a choice of who to chase and why. By the time I chose Maka, they were already out of sight. "I hope she gets over it..." I sighed to myself, watching Black Star finish up his chicken leg and moving on to his third pack of unshared pocky.

Maka's P.O.V.

Hmph! Who does Tsubaki think she is?! I'm never going to get along with that- weirdo! Ugh! He's so mean! I already know that I'm flat chested, he doesn't need to point it out! I guess I was a little harsh to him too... Wait, what am I talking about? He was the one sticking out, who couldn't stare at someone who looked like that? I mind argued to myself while clenching my fists and marching, receiving stares from other students by my facial expressions. But I don't even know if he's been told that before- that he has snow-white hair and ruby-red eyes with sharp toothy grin that you would only see in animated shows. I ran through the door that lead outside and went up to the stairs on the left side of me. Well, I guess I have a point and many people have pointed out the same things Soul had mentioned to me, and probably even more.

I sat on a step and sighed with my knuckles pushing against my cheeks. "Geez, when did I turn all soft? I'm even hard on Tsubaki sometimes..." I talked to myself, "Maybe I should apologize to him." I sighed, taking my hands off my cheeks and getting up. When I walked to the door and opened it, I bumped into the person I was just going to see. "Sorry." We both apoligized in unison. He looked like he didn't know he bumped into me because when our eyes met, his expression changed. He looked nervous scratching the back of his head, so I chose to start the conversation.

"About earlier today-"

Soul's P.O.V

"Look, I'm sorry I-" We both spoke and sighed at the same time. I think there is a serious problem if the both of us are talking together. She laughed, "Ok, you talk." No way, she probably knows I'm going to apologize so she wants me to do it first before she does. "Oh no, ladies first!" I replied with a grin. She sighed, probably knowing what I was thinking. Woah, so she can read minds too?! "Well, I was just coming inside to say sorry," she put her head down, "for saying those things about you."

I smirked while her head was still down. Aww, she's probably blushing under there... Did my cool level just go down by 1%? I want to see her face... "I was just about to do the same," I pushed her head up so we could see each other. She started blushing. Wait, what am I doing? I started to blush too, until Tsubaki ran in and saved my life. "Hey, Maka," she said in between breathes, "I, came. To- wait, just wait a minute, I need to breathe..." She panted. After staring at Tsubaki for a few seconds, she started speaking properly.

"Ok, sorry about that guys!" She said embarrassed, "You really need to-" "We already did." Maka said, answering a bit too fast. "Oh, really?" She smirked, "Well then, back to class you two!" She cooed oddly and walked out the door. "What's her problem," I commented, "she has class too..."

-=-÷ Time Skip ÷-=-

Maka's P.O.V

4 o'clock already?! Well I did keep spazzing out in class for some reason, especially since Spirit was the teacher. I mean, yeah I can tune him out sometimes, but I have to participate in class no matter what to stay the top student. It's just that... I had a weird day today. I started packing my books into my bag until Tsubaki came with those two. "Hey, let's walk out together, Maka." She smiled. I accepted and a minute later in our quiet walk, we were out the door.

Tsubaki and Black Star stopped walking. "See ya later guys, me and Tsubaki are gonna go to the dojo to work out," Black Star said excitedly, "Enjoy studying Soul." He started laughing hysterically and followed Tsubaki to their training. After two minutes of Black Star's annoying laughter, Tsubaki hit him on the head then winked at me. "Ow! What was that for?!" I heard him shout, followed by Tsubaki's giggle. Ah, those two are perfect for each other I sighed.

"So, where do you live?" Soul's voice scared me. He chuckled, "if you're ever gonna tutor, you know you have to stop being scared of your 'student'?" "Well I didn't exactly want to tutor someone I just met," I pouted,"I didn't even want to tutor in the first place." He smirked at my reaction. "Well you have to anyway, and if you don't show me where you live..." He leaned in to my ear, "I'll have to take you home with me." He whispered. That's. It. "Makaaa!!," he's a goner, "CHOP!!"

"OW!" he shouted, caressing the top of his head carefully. "Geez, what was that for?! And where in the world did the textbook come from?!" I took the same book out and watched as he cowered in fear by crouching down in the nearest corner as a response, "I don't like it when people come that close to me," I smirked, "especially weird perverts." I like where this is going... EEK!! ~Soul is afraid of me!!~ I clearly deserve a pat on the back... "Come on," I let out a hand, "I have to tutor you or you won't stay on the team anymore, right?" He muttered something before grabbing my hand and getting up. Then, we started walking home.

-= × =- 30 minutes later -= × =-

"Ugh! Soul, come on! Answer the question: What is 9 + 10?!" I shouted. "Um..." He took a long time to respond, he's... stupid... "Ah! 21!" Kill... me... now... "No Soul, it's '19'." I sighed. "This is so hard," we whined at the same time, "Soul, I think I should know that trying to help you study is harder than to actually be studying." I giggled. "Ouch, I'm not that dumb," he said sarcastically, "Oh please, you can't even do third grade addition." "Well then," he smirked, "how did I manage to get into your bedroom while you're in pajamas?"

-+ ×- Flashback -× +-

"Wait a minute, I'm not letting you go into my house if you're still dirty like that." I crossed my arms. "So what am I supposed to do? Go home, take a shower, then come back here?" He scoffed. "Hmm, maybe you aren't so dumb after all..." He was about to answer back until I pulled out 'The Book'. "Ah! Well I'll be back, see you in a few minutes!" And with that, he ran the opposite way where we came from. "I should probably take a bath too..."

-+ ×- End of Flashback -× +-

I blushed crazily by the thoughts in my head about a boy in my room seeing me in pajamas, even though it was just Soul. He laughed at me. "Makaa..." "Oh no..." "CHOP!"

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