-Chapter 2- DWMA High》Two persons per study group. A request for tutoring?!

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"Well!" Black Star chimed. "Let's start!-" "Without me, Black Star?" A person said.

"Soul, my man." They fist bumped each other. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in..." Black Star started counting his fingers up to 1...2...3...4- "two days!" I sweat dropped at nearly everything Black Star just did. "Don't worry Black Star I had way more cooler stuff to do outside of school." The so-called 'Soul' smirked and said 'coolly'.

"Like what?" Tsubaki blurted out. Soul soon shoved his hands in his hoodie and looked away from Tsubaki and Black Star. "It was nothing Tsubaki." His eyes met mine. "Who's the new girl?" Before I could answer Black Star did it for me. "That's Maka, the other bookworm, she's supposedly also Tsubaki's best friend."

With that, he crossed his arms, rolled his eyes and Tsubaki stared at him in shock- all of that just when he said 'she's supposedly also Tsubaki's best friend'. We all stood there in silence. What was with him? One second he's all self eccentric and the next he's- what's the word? Could it be that he's je- "But that won't be true anymore-" he had a crazy look on his face.

"Black Star!-" Tsubaki tried to stop him. "Because," his expression changed again, "By tomorrow, we'll all be best friends. YAHOO!" We all laughed at his introduction of me and our reactions.

"Let's go find a table before Sid comes back and gives us his 'life' lessons," Black Star started looking for somewhere to sit, "and Soul, you can join us since you have 'learning difficulties', unlike me." He smirked at his comment until Tsubaki gave him a death stare.

We started following Black Star to a table near the back of the Library. I had no idea what to start with since I've just met Black Star and no one ever told me what we were studying for.

"Ok guys! I guess we can all start with... math!" Tsubaki said brightly as Black Star cringed at the horrid word and Soul slumped in his seat. "But why math Tsubaki?" Black Star whined. "Because that's your worst subject and I have to help you." She said matter-of-factly. Black Star sighed and lied his forehead on the table, "Ok mom whatever you say..."

Tsubaki started to giggle. "Well hey, I'm ok in math so that means I don't get to study, right Tsubaki?" Soul grinned. Woah! Talk about shark toothed... I thought, not looking away from his sharp teeth. "No way Soul, you came here so you have to stay." Tsubaki denied. "Aw man why do you always have to-" He stopped, catching me eyeing his face. I looked away as fast as I could but he already saw.

"Hey Maka, I'm gonna look for Sid's math textbooks with Black Star, Ok?" Tsubaki said as she dragged a broken Black Star with her. "O-ok" I replied. What are you doing?! You can't leave me alone with him! What if he thinks I'm... that I'm mean!?!?!?

W-what am I gonna do?! He's probably already been teased about those teeth and I probably only made it worse! No no no, Maka, it's ok, nothing is going to happen... "Hey, new girl," Oh no what does he want!? I turn to face him hovering over me with his right hand on the table supporting him. He lifted my chin with his left hand, "like what you see?" He smirked, probably because he saw me blush.

Wait what? Me, blushing?! Not possible, no way. I stood up to pull his hand away from me. "Just what are you thinking? I barely know you and I-" "Soul," Mr.Sid interrupted,  "just who are you partnered with? You know you can't partner with Tsubaki and Black Star all the time, Black Star needs to focus and take in all the help he can get from Tsubaki." Soul smirked. I-I don't really like where this is going...

"Of course not Mr.Sid," Soul hooked his right arm into my left, "Maka is my partner, you know the rules Maka, 'Only two persons per study group'." I pulled my arm away from his and dusted it off as if there were crumbs on it. "Well then Soul, I guess this means Maka will be studying with you every week here on Mondays and Wednesdays, correct?" Mr. Sid asked.

"Yes, I'll be sure to tell her my address soon enough so we can study for the finals coming in a few weeks." He hooked his arm through mine again as a tease. Wait, what did he mean by 'address'? "Ok," Mr. Sid faced me, "Make sure you're tutoring him at home or in the library on those days Maka, we need him to pass so he and Black Star can re-join the basketball team."

I blinked twice as I watched Mr.Sid walk out. "T-tutoring!?"

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