-Chapter 10- DWMA High⋙ We're In The Same Class?!

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A.N Well, hello there!~ Turns out the tablet stilll isn't working x3 ha ha.... Juvia's dying on the inside out ;-;. Please- Help. Juvia's anime schedule has went down by 2%... No... Juvia can't deal with that... HELP MEE- Ahem, sorry about that guys... Woo! It took me a while to get out of the water lock... she-she trapped me in the basement... Also, sorry about not taking my time in checking my work last chapter, before I could save... I already published it ;-;

Death The Kid's P.O.V

Liz and I were walking home together, for once. I wouldn't blame her after our crazy first day of school...


 I just finished moving my books into the locker Soul guided me to, he's okay when you get to know him, but I still haven't figured out why he's acting so nice to me after I shot him with those Nerfs. I started thinking about this last minute though- when I came upon Dr. Stein's class. There were murmurs around the room when I entered, and I doubt it was because I was the new student. Soul told me to watch out for Dr.Stein because he's... creepy.

Yep, that's a pretty sufficient reason. There were placed seats, so I had to sit in between Liz and Soul. My luck. "Hey kid," Liz whispered to me, "you hear that Mr.Stein was a major perv?" I shook my head in disbelief and shock. "W-What do you mean?!" "Well," She looked at the girl who was arguing with Soul just now, "Do you know Maka Albarn?" she whispered. "Uh, I think that's her right there, what about her?" 

"Well-" Dr.Stein entered the room falling back on his wheel-chair. All the talking stopped. He still had a cigarette in his mouth even though most schools don't allow smoking in buildings. Oh well, this isn't an ordinary school after all. "Welcome students!" He fixed himself up,"Welcome to my Experimentation-ahem, I mean Science class," he giggled sheepishly. "Well, he is pretty creepy," I whispered to myself. 

Everyone watched as he turned the oversized bolt on his head. There were murmurs saying "What is he doing?! I-Is he alright? That's it- I'm out!" and many more I heard that were too explicit for me to say. He laughed maniacally, "Woo! It's so easy to freak kids out these days!" he laughed. "Now that's just plain creepy Dr.Stein!" A voice shouted from who-knows-where. The entire class looked up and saw Black Star hanging from the ceiling. He jumped down beside Dr.Stein's chair and Tsubaki started getting up from her seat.

"Oh boy," Soul said, putting his ear buds in his ears. "Here we go again..." Maka said face palming herself. Liz and I looked at each other in confusion and looked back only to find a Black Star pinned to the chalkboard. I snickered at the sight. The entire class- excluding Soul and Maka- watched Tsubaki trying to unpin Black Star from the board until Dr.Stein began to get the class started. "Ahem," He turned the bolt again, "Anyway, let's go on with dissecting the endangered species of this... animal." I watched people shudder, but I think Maka was shaken up the most.


I sighed on my way to the lunch room with Liz and- wait, where's Patty? "Liz, where's Patty?" I asked worriedly, since it was dangerous to not keep watch on her for a second. "I think she said something about going to a gift shop." Liz thought, "But that was before we went into Science class." We both sighed in exhaustion and knew what we were getting in to. The last time we lost Patty, we saw her crying in the corner of my bathroom at 4a.m with a ripped animal tail... that was yellow...

We were on our way to the lunch room, just in case she was already in there, and before I could open the door Patty came running through with a yellow giraffe in her hands. I am now on the floor. 

Liz's P.O.V

 "PATTY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I just had to yell at her- she almost knocked me down! Almost. She giggled, "Look! Look Liz, I have a giraffe!~" She danced around Kid's dead body with the giraffe in her arms. "I-I just can't." I muttered to myself. "Hey, Kid get up," I wrapped my arms around his waist and tried to pull him up. He's just... too... heavy! Well, he's up alright, but he's... laying on top of me... I watched him as he slowly opened his amber colored eyes and stare right into mine. I could tell I was blushing, because I was too.

We were in an awkward position for what seemed like forever and he picked up his hand- probably reaching for the hands I forgot to remove from his back- and slowly- "HEY GUYS! YOU WANNA GO SIT WITH US AT THE TABLE?!" Black Star shouted. "Ohh..." He thought carefully, and in a matter of seconds he started chuckling. I.... can't.... move!! KID, GET. OFF. After that, Tsubaki, Maka, Patty, and Soul came into our awkward situation. Tsubaki and Patty started giggling while Soul and Maka just stared at us as if we were wearing Hot Dog costumes in the middle of December.

Wrong. Timing.

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