-Chapter 3-DWMA High》 The outcome of a lesson.

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Makas P.O.V

T-Tutoring?! Th-that's it! I'm done for! I would've understood a complete idiot like Black Star, but this complete stranger I just met and could be a possible crazed pervert?! No. No way is this happening to me. I-I have to find a way out of this or I'm- no, Tsubaki is in BIG trouble. She was the one that got me into this, right? Yeah, if it weren't for her introducing her soon-to-be boyfriend to me I would've never met this guy!! Oh geez, I think he noticed me thinking so hard. Ok Maka, stop. Just stop. If he does something just do a simple 'Maka Chop' on his forehead! Yep that would work.

He pulled his arm out of mine, "Hey, you alright?" he said with a grin plastered on his face. "Well what do you think?!" I scoffed "And what did you mean by 'address'? Are you saying I have to tutor a crazy and perverted guy in his house?!" His expression changed from foolish to surprisingly serious. "Yes, you have to come to my house or I come to yours, and for starters, I am not a pervert and even if I was I wouldn't go after a flat chested girl like you," He smirked and lifted one of my pigtails up to my face, "that has pigtails in high school...? As soon as he let go of it I knew trouble was stirring up.

"Well then, who would go for a white-haired, shark-toothed, red-eyed pervert like you?!" I half shouted angrily. "You take that back," He looked scary when he was mad, but I argued on. "Make me." I smirked. Just before he came back with something else, Tsubaki and Black Star walked in empty handed. "Sorry to keep you waiting guys," Tsubaki said in between breathes, "we couldn't find the textbooks, so we ran here before the bell rang for lunch time."

"SO WE WENT DOWN SEVERAL HALLWAYS FOR NOTHING?!" Black Star shouted. "Well, at least you got your exercise Black Star." Tsubaki snickered. As Black Star kept shouting random words only one person could hear, Soul and I had a silent battle of a staring contest that felt like forever, but in reality was only 5 seconds. What does he have against me? He started it...

--=+Lunch Time+=--

"Maka!!" I hearda familiar voice shout from across the lunch room. "Sit over here!!" Tsubaki waved her arms in the air. I smiled, until my eyes saw white spikes of hair sticking out beside those that were cyan colored. I can't not sit with Tsubaki! That's crazy, but I want to stay as far away as I can from that Soul. I want nothing to do with him. Without noticing, I sensed my legs moving towards the direction of the table in the far back. What am I doing!? If I sit there, Death knows what could go wrong. But if I don't... Ugh I hope you see what a good friend I am Tsubaki.

Unconsciously moving, I made up my mind and sat down beside Tsubaki, not making eye contact with him who was sitting in front of me. He scoffed noticing me not making eye contact with him and he faced down to eat his lunch. "Hmph!" I said a little too loud reaching for my lunch box.

Tsubaki's P.O.V

"Ooh! Could this be the beginning of a lovers quarrel?! Eep! This is just like a fan-fiction I read before! Hmm... maybe I shouldn't have left those two alone for THAT long in the library, they both looked pretty mad at each other... Oh well, Maka will just have to deal with him because I'm gonna make him hers! Or her his..." I thought aloud by making the body gestures I only half noticed I was doing. Everyone on the table gave me a worried look. What's wrong with them? I don't have something in my teeth do I?!

"Ahem! Well guys, may I ask what's the problem between you two?" I asked, trying to change the subject quickly. They both had an aggravated look and immediately darted at me with the scariest faces ever. "Her/Him" Soul and Maka said in unison. They had a silent glare competition between each other while I was left in worry. Where was Black Star in all of this? Eating like nothing else was going on around him.

"W-Well guys I'm sure you can work this out!" I said with my innocent smile. They, as expected, stopped their 24 hour contest and looked at me. I let out a sigh of relief, "Well you guys can start from the beginning... but I doubt you'll let each other speak the part first." I said with reason. Ok, this is good, I just have to keep this going. "Soul, Maka." I sighed, "You guys can't keep this up forever, the reason why I made you all sit here together today was because I want us all to be friends!" Now I got their attention!

"And I think I know what this silly argument is about, it's about your appearances, isn't it? Nobody's perfect and I don't think it matters which person came up with the comment about 'how they look' first. Also if you look different from the average person that just means you're original." I smiled brightly to top it off, "So what do you say guys? Will you forgive each other from this small argument?"

There was a brief silent for a few seconds, then Soul and Maka both looked at each other. Yes! This is it! Soon, they'll get married and have babies and- "Never!/In your dreams.They both replied together and stormed out the lunchroom in opposite directions.


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