-Chapter 13- DWMA High⋙

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Maka's P.O.V

I can't believe I actually agreed to this..

8:13 P.M

I'm standing in front of the door about to enter my best friend's house. Just a while ago, Tsubaki, along with myself, met some... Inferior students of DWMA High, and one of them is said to be Tsubaki's friend. Afterward, I lead into an even worse situation having to tutor one of the worst of the pair- which happens to be Soul Eater Evans. Well, the least I can say is that he seems in a higher level of education than Black Star.

Soon enough, we met an even greater amount of students subjected in this small group. Did I say I was feeling moody this past week? Or that I was an introvert? Well, if I didn't tell ya', you know now. I just hope that I'm the first to arrive, otherwise, this crazy night is going to start quite earlier than expected.

"MAKA-CHAAN!~" I heard a familiar voice shout out. Oh no.

A heavy weight covered me interrupting my thoughts- along with a huge cushion covering my face.

"C-Can't... Breathe," I struggled, flailing my legs and arms. What just happened was that Patty Thompson just so happened to come early to the sleepover WITH HER GIGANTIC GIRAFFE leading the way. Oh, and Liz and Kid were following behind.

I stayed in the same position until I felt my body going numb, the giraffe... was too... much...

"Haah??" I heard Patty question in confusion with her high pitched voice. "PATTY, YOU'RE SUFFOCATING HER WITH THAT THING!" Kid yelled. I heard footsteps approaching- those which belonged to Liz and Tsubaki. Then, not too shortly, I saw Black Star come out of the house from the corner of my eye.

I heard Black Star failing to hold his breath in to keep from laughing, but all of a sudden he abruptly stopped snorting after a thump, then I heard a quick thud.

"Hmph, great, even more people to hospitalize..." Tsubaki said grunting, trying to pull Patty off. "Patty, why can't you just try to get up!?" Liz shouted in between pulls. Patty replied with a mouth full of muffles, for she had too encountered that demon giraffe... "I told her not to bring that with her," Kid sighed.

"How the hell did she even carry this thing all the way here if it's that heavy?!"

Liz finally pulled Patty off of me, making her, Tsubaki, and Patty fall back to the ground like towering dominoes, only in a backward motion? I got up brushing off the dirt from my favorite yellow pajamas and my sleeping bag. "See, I always miss out!" I heard Soul yell from behind me. He ran ahead of me to get a closer look of an out cold Black Star and Liz, along with a sleeping Patty. How she fell asleep during the situation? Nobody knows...

Tsubaki struggled to get out, but some how managed to escape by squeezing herself outward in between Liz and Patty. "Welcome... to the sleepover... friends!" She sad panting heavily, "Whoo! You guys came here pret-ty early..." "Tsubaki, breathe." I approached her slowly so I can help her inside. "No no, I'm good, I'm good," She reassured me, "You just make yourselves at home..." she fell down beside Black Star.

I looked at her for a moment, then glanced at Soul and Kid who were just watching in the background. As Soul saw me look at him he just shrugged and when I did the same with Kid he avoided my eyes and started whistling. I looked back at Tsubaki once more and noticed that she fell asleep as well. So, that makes four of them now...

The two guys must have noticed my anger because I saw them trying to sneak past me inside of Tsubaki's house. "Oh, no. Not today~," I said not looking at them. I could sense them stopping their movements as I was about to turn around to face them.

"Holy shit, good job Kid, you got us caught!"

"What?! It's not my fault you shark-toothed delinquent!"

I heard them both whisper in a shouting tone.

"What did you say you OCD freak?"


They were now shouting at each other in normal tones. Watching them like this isn't so bad. Maybe tonight will be fun after all.





Er, anything else?

*Also, I'm about to make a series of Super Smash Bros. fan fictions. They will consist of both yaoi and normal romance crap. Looking forward to be online more during the summer.*


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