-Chapter 15- DWMA High⋙Will This Night Ever End? (Part Two)

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⋙ I wish a Happy New Year to all my followers and readers!     -Divi-chan-san-tan-nee-senpai-kun


I extended my small arm, compared to his, away from Soul and making it possible for me to see the phone's screen.

"MAKA!!" he shouted trying to reach for his prized possession. I snickered in my once empty mind about how stupid he is. Pfft. How pathetic. Can't he see that he's at a much better advantage than me?? I'm almost the same height as BlackStar! And that child is short... I almost forgot what my main objective of stealing his phone was. How did it even come to this? I once again looked up and saw the small box with a young woman's face on it. She had purple hair and looked a bit to old for Soul... I should say the opposite. Who is this lady anyway? And why would she be bombing Soul's phone?

"Wait a minute!" I gasped in realization out loud. We paused our squabbling for a moment. "Could this be your girlfriend?!" I was shocked. "NO, it can't be!" I once again thought aloud. "Your face is not that interesting, well, to girls over the age of 13 at least."

I saw his annoyed reaction and mimicked his classic smirk (Well, I tried to. My mouth isn't THAT huge!). "Just give it here and I'll tell you!" he pleaded once again.

"Nope." I'm not as stupid as he is. "Not gonna happen!" He grit his teeth and made a small growling noise as I slid my thumb across the screen. Then, he let out a smirk.

I underestimated him, didn't I?

I held on to the smartphone for dear life as Soul began attacking me at my stomach with his huge hands and fingers. GODDAMMIT. GET OFF OF ME!

I let out a gross raspberry noise in fail of holding onto my laughter and his phone as he kept on tickling me. "S-stop it!" I attempted to say in between my laughs.

Although I wasn't facing him, I could feel his smirk creeping up my stomach as his fingers did. I dropped the phone.

"PFF. I didn't know you were this ticklish!" He laughed. I laughed alongside him, but not for the same reason he did.

"I-I s-swear! I-I'll puke a-all o-o-over you!!" I kept on laughing. My petty threat didn't affect him and he still tickled me EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY DROPPED HIS PHONE. Oh. I hope his screen cracked.

He chuckled, "I can't stop now, I'm having way too much fun!~" He reached down to my weakest spot. No matter how hard I tried to make a grimace or hold a straight face in, I kept on laughing. Why. Me. I need to fix myself with a hammer or something. I could hardly reach for my book. This saddened me.

He finally stopped but I kept on laughing. He turned me over making us meet face to face. We both laughed for a while longer, looking like total idiots- me with blood rushed up to my cheeks and nose, and him, with his sharp mischievous smile.  

- - -

Comment of the week:

"at first I thought you were talking about the website Yahoo.com"

- Blair_the_cat 

I. Can not. Please. Stop. I'm dying.

Thanks for reading this awfully short chapter! Thank god for phones because that is what I will HOPEFULLY be using to update now!




Nope, don't do that.


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