The cheerleader's smile grew wider as she listened to Beca explain what happened, "How are you not more buzzed about this, Becs?"

"Maybe because by the time I actually get round to finishing this demo CD, the guy will have forgotten about me so what is the point in getting excited about something that might not happen?", she shrugged again but couldn't help but laugh when Chloe shook her head back at her.

"You say that all the time, you need to work on your self-belief", the redhead slapped Beca on the arm.

"Ow! Jesus, calm down Gandhi", she didn't stop laughing, rubbing her arm now.

"Seriously though, you said that about the whole college thing and then Coach told you that you have a shot of a scholarship", Chloe calmed down and spoke softer this time, "You are special Becs, you're special to me and soon you'll see that everyone else thinks you're pretty awesome too!", she leaned down and pecked a kiss on her girlfriend's lips.

"You are way too happy for someone that is about to go and spend the next two nights sleeping in a tent on the floor", this time it was Beca who was shaking her head and Chloe laughing as she climbed out of Beca's grip and moving towards her bag that was nearly fully packed for their trip.

"Oh shoot, what time is it?", Chloe ran into her small bathroom, grabbing toiletries now, "I need to finishing packing before we go and pick up the others"

"We're picking up Stacie and Aubrey, and to be honest I wouldn't mind being a few minutes late just to piss off General Posen", she pulled her phone out of her pocket, scrolling through her notifications while her girlfriend continued to throw things into her bag.

Chloe stopped and leaned her hands against the foot of her bed, looking up at the brunette, "Please don't stress her out all weekend, Beca"

"Well I don't even get why she's coming on the trip, it's not as if Sophie is coming, it's just us, Jesse, Fat Amy and Stacie and now Aubrey", she didn't look up from her phone, missing the way that Chloe rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I swear Beca, if you ruin the weekend all because you can't stop annoying Bree, I with withhold sex", Beca's head snapped up at the sound of Chloe's voice coming from the bathroom again.

She smirked and watched Chloe walk in with a serious look on her face this time, "Wait.. are you serious?"

"Dixie Chicks serious, baby", the redhead winked, laughing again when Beca groaned once more.


After a painfully long and possibly one of the most annoying road trips Beca has driven, and she's had to endure Fat Amy's loud singing in previous years, they had finally made it to the campsite they visited every year for Stacie's birthday. Luckily for Aubrey because if the soccer star had to spend anymore time in the car with the cheerleading tyrant, they would be in an epic screaming match right now.

Aubrey, Fat Amy, Chloe and Stacie were given the job of setting up the seating area while Jesse and Beca said that they had the tents covered. "How come you choose to come camping every year for your birthday? You seriously enjoy sleeping on the ground that much?", Aubrey helped carry firewood from the surrounding area back over to their campsite.

"Jesse, you dickwad just hand me the correct pole", they all heard Beca shouting at her teammate once they were close enough to see them attempting to put tents up.

"How the fuck am I meant to know which pole is the correct pole, when you threw away the instructions three years ago, Beca!", he screamed back at her, the both of them refusing to back down.

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