26. field trip

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Lucy's POV

"And yep clear of boys." Luke says after checking me as soon as I walked through the door from school.

"Is this going to happen every time I come home?" I ask throwing my bag down into the corner.

"Depends are you still interested in boys." he asks and I grin knowing I can mess with him.

"Absolutely head over heels for them." I laugh and he frowns.

"Maybe we should consider homeschooling." he says to himself and I laugh.

"I'm kidding big brother." I laugh walking away and to the couch.

"I wasn't." he says sounding a little shaken as he joins me on the couch.

"If anything I should be checking you for girls. Who was that I ran into the other day anyway?" He goes pale and I can see he's nervous.

"She.... they," He sighs and pauses for a second, "It was a drunken mistake." though it wasn't I know it wasn't. he would get so nervous over some drunk mistake. maybe it was the fact his little sister had caught him.

"Did you like them?" I ask quietly.

"Lucy can we please not talk about this right now. it's weird talking about my love life with my little sis." He's nervous.

"Your love life? so you do like her." I mock.

"Oh for crying out loud." He rolls his head back and sighs.

"Ok fine I won't talk about you and your mystery woman." I laugh and his face goes bright red.

"I'm going for a walk." he says getting up and I laugh knowing I've won.

I turn the tv on and the first thing that turns on is Jake and Lukes show which is strange cause Luke never watches the show. He finds it weird to look at himself acting when he's by himself cause he thinks it's him being full of himself. So why on earth is it on now? That when I see her. The mystery woman. SHE WORKS ON THE SHOW WITH HIM?!

Luke's POV

I'm humiliated that my little sister found me with a woman. I walk in through the door and immediately have a pillow thrown at my face. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I fall over from the impact and sit on the floor holding the pillow.

"Ummmm oww?" I say rubbing the back of my head that I hit on the door.

"You slept with someone from your show?!" Lucy yells in shock.

"I did?" I say confused.

"The girl from the other morning." She says as she stands in front of me with her arms crossed.

"Ohhhh yeah. yeah I guess I did." I say slightly embarrassed.

"Why though? Do you like her?" she asks softly.

"I don't know. I was drunk that night and she was a friend that I called. Then we got to talking and well... the rest will remain a mystery to your sweet little innocent ears." I sigh.

"Ewwww gross." She says scrunching her nose.

" I said nothing. But now I go to work and I see her and... I get this weird feeling." I say.

"So you do like her?" She says quietly.

"I dont know yet Lu. I dont wanna make you uncomfortable or rush anything. But I also dont wanna screw things up between you and me." I say sadly.

"Luke, nothing could come between us. I want you to be happy. And if you want to go and date someone thats perfectly fine and your old enough to do so." she walks over and hugs me and I hug her back.

"Aww thanks sis. Though still no boys." I say.

"Damn it." she says and we both laugh.

"Now help me up since you threw a pillow at me." she laughs and starts to pull me up. But as soon as I'm up the pain in my ankle comes back and I almost lose my balance. I must of winced or something cause Lucy figured it out.

"Luke whats wrong?" I hear the panic in her voice and I limp over to the sofa.

"Nothing I just hurt my ankle earlier." It really hurts but I try my best to diguise it.

"Luke you need to get it checked by a doctor." She says as she walks over and loops my arm around her shoulders for support and guides me around the sofa.

"I don't need a doctor. its probably just a sprain." I say as I sit down. Lucy grabs a pillow off the sofa and gently lifts my leg and puts the pillow under it.

"Fine for today I'll let it go. but if your still limping as badly im getting Jake and we're taking you to the doctor." she says as she goes to leave.

"Fine." I sigh.

"Do you need ice?" she asks.

"Possibly." I say innocently. she walks over to the fridge and then back over to me with a bag of ice in her hand and hands it to me. "Thanks."

"I have some homework to do and then I'll be back to join you and check on you." she says.

Lucys POV

I wasnt really doing homework I was actually thinking of a way to sneak onto Lukes tv show set and find out who this girl was. I started texting June and Mia, they'd know how to come up with a foolproof plan. then once everything was sorted I went down stairs and found Luke looking bored staring at the tv. I don't think he actually knew what he was watching. I jumped over the back of the sofa and sat down next to him.

"Oh hey Lu." He says sounding sleepy.

"Hey, how's your ankle." I ask looking at the bag of ice. how has it not melted yet ?

"Cold." he says. I laugh slightly and he smiles.

"Would you like a blanket?" I say and he just closes his eyes and nods slightly. so I grab the blanket by my side and throw it over both of us. Luke pulls me into a hug and we stayed there for the rest of the Evening watching movie after movie. I ordered pizza for dinner cause Luke didn't seem strong enough to cook and well I can't really cook. After the pizza be both fell asleep.

Thankfully id remembered to set the alarm even earlier on my phone. I managed to get up without waking Luke up and I quickly started to get ready. once I was done I was at the door when,

"You going school this early?" Luke says in his sleepy voice.

"Yeah I'm meeting up with June and Mia before School. Mia has some big news apparently." thank you Mia for the excuse.

"Oh okay. I'll see you when you get back then." Lukes not going to work today which helps make the plan much easier.

I run across to Jakes and using the spare key I grabbed from Lukes unlock his car and hide in the back seat foot well behind his seat. I thankfully don't have to wait long for Jake. he puts the radio on and just drives. its actually quite boring. though as soon as we reach the set I wait a few minutes after Jake leaves before I climb out. Once I'm sure that Jakes gone I run out and lock his car so he doesn't suspect anything. I have to find this girl.... and maybe learn her name. I just have to make sure that Jake doesn't catch me otherwise I'll be in really big trouble.

A/N: sorry for the late update I had to deal with some personal problems 🥺. Hope it was worth it tho and I'm already working on the next chapter. Thanks so much for ur support and I love reading ur comments knowing ur enjoying the book 😊

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