8. Last night

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Lucy's POV

Tonight's my last night at Lukes and tomorrow I have to move across the street to Jakes house. I'm half looking forward to living with Jake because out of the two of them he's the fun loving one with no rules but I'm also half dreading it cause I don't know if he's changed in the past few years.

I didn't go outside to wait to have the midnight talk with Luke because I knew that as soon as it was over it would hit me that tonight was my last night with Luke until my month with Jake was over. I hadn't told either of them much of how I was feeling about the whole move to LA thing and living with them because I didn't want to make anything messier then it already is. But the truth is I miss home. Being with my brothers just doesn't seem worth it considering neither of them are ever home because their always working. But I can't say that to them. They'd only argue back with me.

I was sat on 'my' bed staring at the wall lost in thought when I heard a gentle knock at the door.
"Lucy?" It was Luke. He slowly opened the door and stepped in. He gave me a small smile and I gave him a weak one back before looking down at my hands. He walked over and sat down next to me.
"Saw you weren't outside tonight, is everything alright?" I didn't respond instead I just started to play with the ends of my sleeves and fiddle with my hands. I do this whenever I'm nervous or don't feel like talking. But now its the only thing that will stop me from crying. Slowly Luke gently cups my hands in his and without meaning to I took a sharp breath in. "Lulu?" I look up at him in shock. That was his nickname for me whenever I was worried or panicked or if I just wasn't having a good day Luke would always be there to hold me and stroke my hair and hold my hands and whisper Lulu in my ear.
"Don't..." Tears form in my eyes and I can see him trying to hide whatever pain he felt. I pulled my hands away and tightly crossed my arms over my chest. "Please... just don't." I plead.
"Lucy please, I..."
"Just go! Leave like you always do now or go to work or something other then sit here and... and..."
"And what?" His voice is calm even though I'm yelling and now tears are falling down my cheeks. 
"And remind me of how things were! Your not the same Luke who'd hold me and promise never to leave and to always protect me!" I get up and walk to the other side of the room. I feel slightly light headed but I chose to ignore it. "Lulu? Really? Why, why bring up that nickname why bring up the old you? Cause I miss him, I needed him, but where was he? Refusing to even... to- to even..." Everything starts to spin and wobble and I see Luke look at me with panic.

Then just before I hit the ground I felt Luke catch me. Then everything went black.

Lukes POV

I caught my sister seconds before she hit the floor. Her body was cold and fragile. I held her tightly and sighed. Her face was pale and stained with tears. Then I looked at her hands and I saw the scars on her knuckles.
"Oh Lulu what have you been doing?" I said sadly in a whisper to myself. I carefully lifted her up off the floor and walked over to the bed. I pulled back the sheets and laid her down. I stroked the hair from her face and pulled the covers back over her. I turned to leave but I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave her again. Not like this.

I walked back to her bed and I sat down on the edge. I sat and watch her peacefully. It was the calmest I'd seen her in a long time.

I miss it.

I miss her.

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