6. Moving in

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Once all of my things were unpacked I sat down on the bed and looked at my new room. The thought that this room was mine still made me a little uncomfortable. It didn't feel like my room it felt more like Luke's spare room I now stay in. This whole room made me feel so confused, like why did they both have rooms like this ready to use? And why dose it feel like they know me but then they also don't know anything about me with these rooms?

My stomach twisted and I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up my camera. The first picture was one of me and my mum smiling and having fun and I instantly felt homesick. I missed mum and I missed Megan. I missed my room and I missed my garden. But then I'd also missed my brothers for 3 years. Why do I always have to be missing things now? Why can't things just be like they used to be? When my brothers weren't famous and we were happy. When we were still a family.

I decided to go to bed early that night. I tried my best to sleep in the bed but it was too big and the mattress was completely different to my old one. In the end I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and slept peacefully on the floor. I dreaded Luke coming in and finding me on the floor but I was too tired to do anything about it. I used a rug for comfort and it actually worked pretty well.

Next day

Luke's POV

In the morning I went to go check on Lucy. When I knocked on her door there wasn't a reply so I went in anyway. But when I saw my sister asleep on the floor I didn't quite know what to do. I looked over at her bed and I saw that she'd been in it. I would have woken her up but oddly she looked rather peaceful laying on the floor. I walked out and closed the door softly so that I didn't wake her and started making my way down stair to make some breakfast.

When Lucy came down a few minutes later I told her breakfast was nearly ready and she gave me a small nod. Then I noticed she was kinda just standing awkwardly in the middle in the room looking kinda lost.
"You alright?" I asked whist putting everything on two plates.
"Yeah." Her voice was shaky and uncomfortable. I walked over to her and handed her a plate and then lead her to the table in the kitchen. I sat down opposite her and watched as she looked at her food with a look of confusion.
"What, is something wrong with it?" I asked concerned.
"No its fine, its just..." She started.
"Just what?" I asked getting more confused.
"When did you learn how to cook?" I started laughing and I saw a small smile form on my sisters face.
"Are you saying I was a terrible cook?" I said still laughing slightly.
"Yes that is exactly what I'm saying." This time we both laughed. I'd missed this, just having a laugh with my sister and a casual conversation with her. Seeing her smile made me realise how much I'd missed her and instantly I hated myself for not coming to see her or talking to her for so long.

After breakfast we cleared everything away and then I had to leave for work. I told Lucy she could make herself at home and do whatever she wants, providing it was reasonable, and left. I didn't want to leave though, I wanted to stay with her and have a good laugh and get to know her because she's changed so much. But I had to leave otherwise my boss would probably yell at me. I got in my car and drove away and then a thought came into my head:

Your leaving her behind now just like you did 3 years ago.

My stomach flipped and I wondered if every time I left Lucy I'd have this thought enter my head. I wondered how she put up with all of it over the past 3 years and how she coped. Only she didn't cope did she? She fell apart and now she's broken. I just hope me and Jake can fix her again, after all we were the ones who broke her in the first place.

Lucy's POV

After Luke left, the house felt even more unwelcoming. It was like I was trespassing in my brothers home. Like I wasn't supposed to be here and if I got caught I'd be in big trouble. He told me to make myself at home but I'm not sure I can. All of his things look either really expensive or really important and I don't want to risk getting in trouble with him again. Or in trouble with Jake. I didn't want to stay in 'my' room, and I didn't want to stay in the kitchen out of fear I might break or ruin something. His living room looked large and nice but it looked almost too nice and I didn't want to risk spoiling it. I didn't want to go anywhere near his room because that would be an invasion of privacy even though growing up his room and Jakes were probably my favourite places to be. Then all of his other rooms were either too nice or seemed too important. So in the end I just went and sat outside in the garden on the grass because the path seemed too nice as well.

It was cold outside but I didn't want to go back inside, not even just to grab a jacket. I laid down on the ground and stared up at the clouds passing by for hours. I watched as the sky subtly changed colour. Watching all the stars appears high above. There wasn't any noise out here and this was  probably the most comfortable I'd felt in a while.

Luke's POV

I came home late. It was about 11pm when I got back so I assumed Lucy would be in her room asleep or something. But when I looked out of the kitchen window I saw her sat outside looking up at the sky. Then I started to panic a little when I realised she didn't have a jacket on. I walked over to the glass doors that lead out to the garden and slid the door open and started to walk over to her. I could see my breath for in front of my face which didn't help my worry.

I sat down next to her and looked up at the sky like she was. It was actually really beautiful and I can't blame her for wanting to stay out here. But how long had she been out here for?
"How long have you been out here for?" I said still looking up at the sky.
"About 15 minuets after you left." She said calmly. I looked at her.
"Have you not been in since then?" I asked shocked. She looked at me nervously.
"I lost track of time?" She said as an excuse but I knew that wasn't the reason.
"Nice try with the excuse, but tell me the truth." She sighed.
"How did you go from such a simple life to... all of this? The expensive looking things, the big rooms, all the things that are so different from... home." She was homesick. Her eyes were sad and lost and I could see she was struggling to adjust. But now it made sense why she came out here.
"So did you come out here because it's the closest to home your gonna get here?" I asked.
"I came out here because after... well I just spent a lot of time alone outside, then when it got late mum... mum would come out and we'd talk about... things and it would just be nice." I could tell she was watching what she said and I could tell that she missed our mum a lot. I reached out my arm and pulled her into a sideways hug. Her head rested on my shoulder and it was nice to have my sister not pull away and for neither one of us to feel awkward about anything.
"So you and mum did this a lot?" I said.
"Most nights yeah. I know it might seem stupid and silly but it helped."
"It doesn't sound stupid or silly at all." I said and she wrapped her arms round my waist, just like she used to.

When it got late we both went to bed. I didn't ask about the whole bed thing because I just wanted her to feel comfortable for once.

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