20. Meeting

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Luke's POV

I never left her side. Not even for a second. It was 2 am by the time I get the update and texted Jake. I knew like me he was worried as he replied instantly which meant he hadn't slept. I felt really bad that this had happened and that both of my siblings had been effected by it.

When I noticed Lucy was slowly waking up I faked being asleep because I knew if she knew I hadn't slept she'd feel guilty and I really didn't want her to worry about me or anything for now.
"Luke?" I heard her whisper and pretend to wake up.
"Hey how you feeling?" I'm glad I'm an actor because other wise this pretending to be sleepy thing would be so much harder.
"Confused..." She says looking around and I can tell she doesn't really remember what happened. So I very slowly tell her what happened making sure to pick my words carefully so that I don't accidentally scare her.

"I passed out?" She says and I give her a small supportive smile.
"Yeah... but they said you can go home soon which is good. Right?" After yesterday I'm not entirely sure that is good news to her. And of course this being Lucy she picks up on my uncertainty and comments on it.
"Of course it is. I don't blame you Luke." She says giving me a typical Lucy smile. I'm not sure what to say so I just walk over and pull her into a protective hug. She tugs onto the back of my shirt and I know she's struggling a little with coping what's happening so I rub my hand gently up and down her back and then soon enough I feel her whole body start to relax. That was always how I would get her to calm down when she was little and had been picked on or was having a heard time. I'm just glad it still works. 

The nurse then comes in a checks Lucy and then let's her go home. I wait outside whilst she gets changed into the clothes I had randomly in the back of my car that I brought in whilst I was waiting to know if she was okay knowing she'd need some clothes to change into. I gave her one of my long shirts that are huge on her yet she seems to enjoy wearing and a pair of leggings that she'd left in my car one time.

When she came out she was a little wobbly but still her normal self. "Ready?" She asks me walking towards the door but I put my hand out and stop her.
"Where do you think your going?" I ask.
"Uhhhh home?" She seems kinda worried.
"Not like that." Now she's really confused but I just smile at her. I pick her up and she twists to piggyback me and laughs. "You came out the hospital little sis meaning no walking just being a coach potato." It's uplifting to hear her laugh with joy and she hugs my shoulders.

I carry her out to my car and help her into the front seat and even buckle her in which makes her laugh. I then get into the drivers seat and start to pull out of the car park. Then as we're driving Lucy asks me, "How's Jake?" I understand why she'd be worried if I'm honest I'm a little worried about him too. I have no idea what time he went to sleep if he did. I feel bad for leaving him alone with our mum. I feel like I kinda left him helpless.
"He's... worried like any older brother would be." It's all I can say. I can't keep everything from her because that's not fair on her or anyone else.
"Were you worried." I hear the guilt in her voice and it breaks my heart a little.
"Honestly?" I sigh.
"Honestly." She says looking at me.
"I was terrified. I didn't know what I was doing I just acted."
"I'm sorry." She says looking away.
"What that me and you are close? Or that we care about each other?" He lets out a small laugh.
"I never thought about it that way." I pull up in the driveway but don't get out. Instead I just turn to face her and she turns to face me.
"Don't ever feel sorry because I care about you Lu. Cause that will never be your fault." She smiles at me and hugs me. 

"Come on we gotta go make sure Jake Hasn't done anything stupid." She laughs and I go around her and give her a piggyback into the house. When we walk in I see Jake is in the kitchen with our mother and I feel Lucy tense up a little which makes me a little suspicious. "Wanna go to your room?" I whisper to her and she nods her head. So I quietly carry her up stairs and drop her off on her bed. She looks tired so I tell her to try and get some rest but she hesitates. So I walk over to the other side of her bed and lay down on top of the covers next to her.
"Promise I'll be here when you wake up." I say and she smiles and mutters thank you before laying her head down and drifting softly to sleep by my side. I mainly just look at my phone until I get a text that I really wish I'd never opened.

Idiot director
Luke get down to set now we
Need to have a meeting to discuss
Some things as a crew

I'm busy today
Idiot director
I don't care just get down here

Like I said I'm busy
Now leave me alone

Idiot director
I ain't asking Luke
Now either you get down here
Now or I show up at ur house
Again do you understand?!


Brilliant. I can't break my promise to Lucy. But then I can't risk scaring her by letting that maniac come here again. If it were just me he could come and do whatever he wanted to me. But with my brother and sister here I can't risk anything. Not at when they could get hurt. Not because of me.

It's been an hour that Lucy has been asleep and this idiot of a director won't leave me alone and his threats are only becoming more and more dangerous for my siblings.

Idiot director
I'm coming to your
House you waste of space!

Oh no he isn't. I look at Lucy and feel horrible as I gently nudge her awake. She looks as me and smiles sleepily and my stomach flips.
"Look Lu there's something I need to quickly sort out. But if you want me to stay then..." she cuts me off.
"You can go Luke I'll be fine. Just be safe okay." I try so hard to hold back my frown.
"Promise you'll call me if you feel even slightly off." I say sternly and she smiles again.
"I promise." I then kiss her on her head and make my way down stairs. I update Jake on what's going on but leave out the part of the crew meeting as I know he'll forbid me from going. I ask him to go sit with Lucy and he happily takes me up in the offer and goes straight away.

As he leaves I see our mother staring sadly at me from down the hall and I can't help but feel angry with her. This was her fault not mine. She made this mess and now I have to clean it up.
"Luke can we-" she starts sadly but I'm not in the mood.
"I have to go." I say harshly before storming out and going to my car.

Lucy's POV
I'm not gonna lie I didn't want Luke to go but I knew I couldn't keep him because I was nervous though when Jake came into my room I instantly felt better. He smiled at me and we talked for a bit before I fell asleep on his chest and he must of fallen asleep with me.

Jakes POV
I'm just glad she's okay. I hadn't realised how tired I was until she fell asleep next to me. I hadn't slept since she went to the hospital even when Luke told me everything was fine. There was just a small part of me that I couldn't quite convince everything was fine and from the look of Luke he'd also had the same problem. He can hide his tiredness from Lucy as much as he wants but I know when he's acting and when he's being real and I could tell just from his lack of energy that he hadn't slept. Not that I blame him. I just wish I could of been more helpful. It sucks that I wasn't able to help either of my siblings during any of this. Though now that i think about it that's probably how Lukes been feeling this whole time for a while.

Not being able to help Lucy cope with out disappearance or her trust issues or with school or even with her recent fears. And then me with my injuries and stress and all Ive done is take it out on him and he's always been patient.

He's had to deal with hate and news reporters and our bossy director and the crew that only dislike him when the directors around and he's just been having such a hard time and no ones even bothered to try and help him... until Lucy came.

I can't let Lucy go now. She means too much too me and it would break our brothers heart. Plus call me crazy but I think she may actually be starting to like it here. I just want the best for Lucy and my brother. Nothing else matters as long as their both safe.

Though as I start to slowly fall asleep one last thought enters my head that unsettles me a bit,

Where's Luke?

Lukes POV

When I get there the directors already waiting with that stupid unimpressed look that greets me every morning I show up too work.
"Get in here!" He yells at me as I get out my car and he grabs the back of my shirt. He practically throws me into a room that's pitch black. I look around and realise no ones even here. Then it hits me.
"Wait where is every-" but before I can finish I feel something hit the back of my head and I fall to the ground and black out instantly.

What's going on? What's gonna happen to Lucy and Jake? Please let them be safe.

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