17. Surpri-

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Lucy's POV
Jakes been in a bad mood ever since the accident. He's refused to see anyone except for me, Luke and that stupid 'girlfriend' of his. Though finally he gets to go home and me and Luke have been hoping that maybe this will start to make him feel slightly better.

Lukes in the drivers seat right in front of me and Jake is in the passenger seat still sulking, whilst I'm in the back, with Jakes Crutches, staring out of the window and daydreaming. Everyone in the car is silent and its been like this since we went to go pick Jake up.
"So you must be excited to finally see everyone again..." Luke says nervously and I turn my attention back to both of them. Jake huff and starts to fidget slightly.
"Yeah sure, living in my brothers house just so him and my little sis can take care of me cause i cant do anything by myself anymore. With regular people coming over to pester me and babysit me like I'm 5 years old." I feel bad for Jake. And for Luke. Since the accident Lukes been getting all of the blame and is having to work twice as hard and now even Jake is having a go. I mean I know Jakes frustrated and that Luke hasn't told him yet about work but still a little gratification would be nice.
"So you don't wanna see anyone?" Luke says desperate to stop us all from going silent again.
"No Luke I don't. I also don't want to talk to anyone either." Ouch. His bitter tone is mean and cold. Now I really feel bad for Luke. Then after that no one else bothers to talk. Lukes given up trying to be supportive and is instead giving in to being a pushover.

We pull up into Lukes driveway and me and Luke get out first. Luke parks at the bottom of the driveway which confuses me until he pulls me to one side and whispers in my ear, "I need you to run into the house and make sure theres no surprise party we weren't told about before twinkle toes in there gets all huffy again." I nod before I run over to the house, leaving Luke to help get Jakes crutched and help him out of the car.

As soon as I run through the door and close it behind me my face drops to pure horror. Wow Luke was right.
"Hey Lucy?" Erika says slightly confused as to why Jake and Luke aren't with me.
"Quick take all the decorations down and Run!" I yell frantically trying my best to clear up.
"Okay, but why?" Ryan says already helping me.
"Because Jakes in a really bad mood and he's just gonna blow if he sees this." Then suddenly everyone is running around taking everything down. The door handle slowly starts to go and I know Luke is trying to buy us some time. Everyone stops and looks at the door in horror before grabbing whatever they can carry and running towards the back door leaving me in the entryway/ living room with a random handful of confetti. The door opens and Jake walks in with Luke behind him and they both see me.
"Lucy?" Jake says suspiciously as he looks down at the mess in my hands. I panic and instead throw all of it up in to the air and yell, "surprise no ones here, just peace and relaxation." I see Luke desperately trying to hold back his laughter which makes me want to laugh. Jake on the other hand just rolls his eyes and walks straight passed the mess I've made.

Jake goes to the guest bedroom, on the ground floor which Luke agreed he could stay in, then closes the door and just stays in there. Finally we can laugh. Luke walks over to me and practically falls to the floor laughing. He lands right in the confetti mess I've made and I immediately burst out laughing as well and shortly join him on the floor. I feel like I'm 5 again with Luke by my side cheering me up and making me laugh again with one of his pranks or silly jokes that would always cheer me up on a bad day. Its nice, much nicer then it is being with Jake at the moment.

Then dinner comes around and I can tell neither me or Luke really know what to do for Jake. Does he even want anything to eat?
"You go ask." Luke says looking at the closed door at the bottom of the hallway in front if us.
"What why me?" I panic.
"Cause you've git the sweetest face, its harder to yell at you." I laugh slightly at Lukes logic.
"Ugh fine."

I slowly start to walk over to the room before I gently knock. I hear Jake on the other side say come in do I slowly open the door and shut it behind me.
"What do you want Lucy?" I brush off his rude temper because I know he's probably tired.
"Just wanted to know what you wanted for dinner." I shrug.
"I'm not hungry." He huffs.
"Got it." I go to leave when I'm stopped by Jake.
"Luke still avoiding me then?" I sigh.
"He's been Busy J." I say calmly as I turn back to face him.
"With what?" I hesitate. "Come on Lucy what are you not telling me?" I bite my lip.
"I can't." I mutter sadly.
"Why not?" He sounds concerned yet angry. I cant take it any more.
"Because Lukes been getting enough hate as it is. From being yelled at by work colleagues to being beaten up in his own home..." I gasp slightly. Jakes eyes widen in shock. I wasn't meant to say that.
"He what? Why didn't he tell me?" I shrug.
"I only found out because I walked in on the fight." I say sadly as I remember the blow Luke took to the stomach trying to protect me. Before I know it theres tears in my eyes. I see Jakes face soften and he gestures for me to come closer. I sit down on the bed next to me and he wraps his one good arm around me and pulls me closer.
"How bad was it?" He hesitates to ask.
"His stomach still has the bruises, he tries to hide it but I can tell. His face is also cut up from after your accident." I mumble into Jakes chest trying my best not to cry.
"What do you mean by that?" He asks sounding concerned.
"The director... he blamed Luke and then slapped him. He walked into your room with the cut visible but you don't remember because of the medication you had been given." I explain.
"But then why can't I see it now?" He asks.
"Because he's been covering it up with makeup. Trying his best not to cross the director again by stirring up drama."
"So he's been going to set?" I shake my head.
"He couldn't handle all of the hate so he just works extra hours at home." I can see the lost look on Jakes face.

"Hey Lu you still in there?" We both jump slightly at the sound of Lukes voice at the door.
"Yeah just a second." I yell back. I turn to Jake. "So you really don't want anything?"
"Not tonight, maybe breakfast tomorrow though." I can tell he's trying to cheer me up and I appreciate his efforts. I smile then gently hug him goodbye before bouncing back out of the door and into Lukes arms.

Jakes POV

I couldn't believe it, how had I not noticed. I'd been so wrapped up in my own self pity I'd left my brother defenceless. Then it hits me. Why he hadn't come in, because everyone had made him think it was his fault. Why he'd given into my moods because he didn't want to start anything. And why he was too nervous to open the door, because he didn't want to know it was all true.

I grabbed my phone off the tabloid beside me and pushed myself up as well as I could. Then slowly I started scrolling through all of the headlines and hate posts that had been made about Luke.

Brother responsible for stunt gone wrong
How could Luke do that to his brother?
Poor Jake becomes victim after his brothers stunt puts him in hospital
Sign here to have Luke fired from the world famous tv show: Siblings Till The End
Luke finally shows his true colours
'I knew he was too perfect'
'Poor Jake he deserves a better brother.'
'How could he do that too Jake?'

'I hate Luke.'
'I hate Luke.'
'We hate Luke'

And it just goes on and on with more and more being added every minute. But none of this was Lukes fault.

Later on in the night at about 3am I woke up. I needed the toilet which was right next to the kitchen and was only down the hall. I grabbed my crutches from the side of the bed and slowly pulled myself up. I then slowly started to make my way down the hall towards the kitchen. I wasn't quite yet fully adjusted to using crutches but I was definitely getting better. Then I stopped right out side the bathroom door. I could hear something. I moved back slightly so I could see the entire kitchen and thats when I saw him.

Luke was stood at the sink facing the window in nothing but a pair of tracksuit bottoms. So thats what Lucy was talking about. The bruises on his back leading to his stomach were terrifying. How many punches had he taken? Then I realised why he was there. I saw a tear fall from his check and land with a thud into the bottom of the sink. His phone vibrating like mad next to one of his hands. Then I look over at his other hand. Since when did Luke drink whiskey? Ive never seen Luke like this in my entire life. I cant just watch.
"Luke?" I try my best not to startle him but it doesn't quite work. He wipes a hand over his face like he's tired then lets it drop.
"I... I didn't know you were still up." He sounds exhausted and weak.
"I woke up needing the toilet." I say. Finally he turns around to face me. I immediately notice the cut on his cheek that Lucy was talking about and I don't even want to see the bruises on his stomach.
"You okay?" He asks trying to act like nothings wrong.
"I'm... getting there." I sigh.
"Good. Well I'll leave you be and go to my room. If you need me then just call me or something." He goes to leave but I stop him.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Does that even matter?"
"Of course it matters Luke." I say sadly. He's quite.
"Then no, I'm not." He then disappears before either of us can say another word.

I turn back and go into the bathroom. Whilst I'm in there I splash water onto my face before I start to make my way back to 'my room'. By the time I lay back down my whole body aches and I instantly fall asleep.

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