chapter 9

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*No ones POV*

After Izuku explained his quirk to everyone in the class, he went to go sit in his seat, as the teacher was about to take attendance.

Bakugo quickly grabbed Izuku before he could sit down and dragged the poor boy over to his little collection of crap.

He forced Izuku to sit on the dog bed he had there, then sat next to him. Izuku was beyond confused,  but he accepted his fate, and waited for his name to be called for attendance.

(Time skip to after she takes attendance)

Everyone split off to do their own thing. Some people went to the restroom,  others went to play with a toy kitchen in the room, and others just talked or colored together.

A few people tried to approach Izuku,  but Bakugo wasn't having that, so he shot them a glare that made them turn around and walk away.

*Bakugos POV*

Once I got the fuckers to walk away, I skimmed through my collection,  deciding what I should test first. I decided on the birdseed.

I grabbed a handful of the birdseed and held it up to Izu. He looked at it, no doubt questioning my sanity,  but still ate some of it. He kept the seeds in his mouth for about five seconds before he ran to the nearest trashcan to spit them out.

When he came back, he looked angry. I shrugged it off and reached for a bone I had brought.  I held it up for him to take, and instead of taking it in his hands, he grabbed it with his mouth! He started vigorously chewing it.

After around 20 minutes of him chewing the bone, I decided that I wanted to move on to the next item. I reached to take the bone from him, and the fucker tried to bite me!

I quickly grabbed the feather brush and gently spread out his wing and started to stroke it with the brush. Izu visibly calmed down, leaving the perfect opening for me to grab the bone.

I quickly swiped the bone from him and stuffed it back into the back. I looked back at Izu and he looked so sad! I quickly grabbed the bag of dog treats and put a few in my hand, then held them up for him.

He look one of them in his fingers and popped it his mouth. His face lit up like a fucking Christmas Tree! He quickly grabbed the remaining few and ate them.

I watched as Izu ate them with a happy smile. Once he finished the treat, he looked at me with a huge grin and tackled me to to ground and gave me a big hug. That hug made me smile. The hug was dull of warmth and joy.

That was the moment that I knew. His quirk would bring smiles to many faces.

Sorry for not posting in forever,  I got lazy. Ok, so this was the last chapter of their childhood. Next chapter,  they will be teens, uh. Yeah.

Have a good day/night

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