Chapter Forty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Hm? Honey, what are you making?" Kade asked as he eyed the strange deformed blob of sand that the girl was tending to. Hayden made a small gesture with his hand trying to signal Kade to stop but it wasn't working.

"Yeah, what the hell is that?" Max asked, now also looking over from his sand drawings. Lucas, who had been told by Kade to keep an eye on the two teens (but he wasn't doing a good job at it), just sighed already knowing how this was about to go down.

Ceres looked up from her sand castle with a small smile.

"It's a...oh...." Before Ceres could explain, the waves had came up and washed her "sand castle" away. Ceres frowned as she watched her sand castle get destroyed.

"It washed away...." she muttered sadly.

"It's okay, we can just make another sand castle" Hayden said grabbing the bucket that Ceres was using. He mentally sighed in relief when he saw the smile on Ceres' face as she thanked him.

"What Ceres is doing is a great idea! Let's make sand castles" Kade said cheerfully and had immediately asked Lance to help him out.

"I suppose I can" Lance said with a nod before joining Kade in the sand.

"Maxi~" Max turned to see Ares staring at him with a gleeful smile and he immediately grimaced. That smile meant the man was about to ask him some kind of crazy request.

"W-What?" He asked stepping back.

"Can I bury you in the sand?" He asked and Max threw a glare.

"Why the hell do you want to bury me in the sand?!" He exclaimed.

"Because it's a fun thing to do...?" Ares said as if it were the most normal thing on the planet.

"If you don't get away from me, I'll bury you in the ground" Max said and Ares pouted.

"Well at least come in the water with me" Ares said and Max gave a reluctant sigh.

"Fine but Lucas is coming too" Max said and Lucas turned up his head at the sound of his name.

"What?" Lucas didn't even get the chance to have a say as Max just dragged him to the water.

Seeing the others going to the water, Hayden turned to Ceres who was still sulking about her sand castle washing away.

"Ceres, wanna go in the water?" He asked and Ceres shook her head.

"Can't swim" was all she said and Hayden gave a small smile.

"That's okay. I'll teach you, come on" Hayden said standing up and holding out his hand to Ceres. Ceres looked at it wearily before grabbing it and letting Hayden lead her to the ocean.

"What are those two up to?" Roman mused as he saw the two teens heading to the water. Kade tried to look at what Roman was speaking about but Lance was quick to distract him.

They did not need Kade's dramatics right now when everyone was having such a relaxing day.

"Kade your side is falling" he said and Kade gasped as he turned and saw that his side was indeed falling.

Ceres shivered as the cold water of the ocean met with her sand covered feet, making the sand sloshy and sort of weird feeling. Despite feeling cold, the hand that was still being held by Hayden had somehow made her feel warm.

Looking out at the sea had made her feel almost nostalgic in a way as she remembered how fondly her Mama spoke of the beach. Ceres wished that they had gotten the chance to go together, maybe that would have been the only happy memory she'd have of her Mama and if it were, she would have treasured it above all else.

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