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Lanzer: not here.

Amara: *sigh* let's go. Alice I'll see you later, okay. I am really sorry about this morning. Lanzer?

She tuned out when she heard them walking away, hurriedly grabbing some pastries and a drink. She speed-walked to their table and dropped her food.

Should she follow them or sit here and looked at the hair of Liam? She thought as she munched on her pastries. The familiar sound of the bell ringing declaring lunch over.

Liam still sat unmoving maybe, it was better to go home because Liam was in no state to deal with anyone.

Talina: Liam? {hesitantly}

Liam slowly rose his head then took off her head phones, the phone was not playing anything.

Talina: you heard everything?

Liam: loud and clear.

Talina: Liam... let's go home.

Liam got up from his seat not minding the moving queue. She got up to her feet picking her bag-pack and his before following him out of the cafeteria.

Today was certified worst day.

Royal's table.

Fredrick grinned at the retreating figure of his Alpha and the little witch.

Fred: would you look at that?

Antonia: mind your own problem, Beta?

Fred: don't tell me you people didn't feel that, the power rolling off him in waves. And suddenly witchy bits to the rescue with a ring around his neck. Why? "{plays with his drink in the glass cup.}

Freya: what are you talking about, brother?

Fred's smile only grew wider. He knew one of Liam's secret, the witch wasn't his mate because Amara is.

Fred: let's go to class shall we?


Outside Fonton.

Amara: let go of me, Lanzer. You're acting weird.

Lanzer: you wanted to know why I was acting weirdly. This is the chance, Amara dearest. {he let go of her wrist when they reached his car from this morning.}

Amara stared at him wide eyed.

Amara: can you hear yourself, Lanzer?

Lanzer: get in the car.

Amara: {shakes her head.} when you come dome, come find me then. {she turns wanting to leave.}

Lanzer: get in the damn car, Amara. NOW!

She turns facing him, he was angry and dead serious about her coming along. Why? she thought.

She would stick around to find out.

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