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    Liam was in his mansion in the Green's Estate. In his basement precisely talking to his assistant, computer and ally, Stephanie.

Stephanie: That kinda of looks deep.

Liam: And I created you to assist not to comment.

Stephanie: Well technically, Sir Liam, I have been created or well designed to think for myself. So I can be your therapist for a while and then delete the fact that any of this actually happened.

Liam: Deal, assistant in need of an attitude adjustment.

Stephanie: First question, why are you cutting yourself?

Liam: It's about yesterday's dinner meeting. The council thinks I should find a queen soon and continue my line.

Stephanie: What's wrong with that, you get to find you mate?

Liam: Besides the fact that she will forever be a figment of my imagination because I can't have her, Stephanie. I am a living, breathing killing machine. The reason why vampires bow and we are superior. I am definitely sure my mate's arrival won't stair up any trouble whatsoever. And...

Stephanie: And what sir?

Liam: My curse is active again, would you let me finish?

Stephanie: Your curse, you never really told me about that, how did you get it again?

Liam: Let's just say it was meant to be a gift, Stephanie. Now, I've got to go to school, dear assistant. Do the following, delete that this conversation ever happened, set my meeting for 5pm with Rebecca and Spencer and have Nadia prepare me a meat feast for dinner.

Stephanie: Consider it done, sir.

Liam marched out of his basement to his bedroom, his cuts had already healed up. Dressing up, he grabbed his bag pack. He was going to take his bike today, he needed to clear his head a bit. He had avoided answering Stephanie's question; why was he cutting himself? He thought. One reason too many.

Maybe he should stop, his curse was over powering him, his season was on and... no, he was just being delusional or was he?

{Liam stood in his bedroom by his bedroom which overlooked the forest and then his cell phone rang.}

Liam: Green speaking. Mr. Storage, I called earlier to inform you that I'll be driving myself to school. Do have a nice day.

Liam didn't wait for Neil to reply before he hung up and left his bedroom to go to his garage.

He hopped on his bike and put it on. He loved the sound it made as it roared to life. Wearing his helmet, he sped out of his territory.

Liam arrived at Fonton Academy in no time. He saw Fredrick as he got of his bike. He gave a small nod of acknowledgement before making his way into Fonton.


Mr.Vietam's art class has always been Liam's favourite class. The man had always been passionate about art, never failed to express it in his teaching.

Mr. Vietam: Draw students. Let the paint-brush be free, let your fingers glide. Ahh! Good work, Grace. Laurel a little red on the right will bring it to life.

Someone spoke disturbing Liam's concentration. He was painting her face again. It was the second time now, who was or is she?

Fonton: Beautiful drawing.

Liam kept quiet, closing his eyes and then opening it again to view it himself. It was a girl, flaming red hair, button cute nose, high cheek bone and then her eye; piercing sparking brown eyes with a dark rim.

What was this season doing to him? The last one was quite eventful.

Fonton: Hello, Green.

Picking up his paintbrush, Liam spoke.

Liam; Lanzer.

Fonton: Who is the beauty?

Liam: You've got some nerve, don't you? It's always the same with you and the Beta. Makes me wonder you aren't buddies.

Liam was drawing again as he spoke.

Fonton: My apologies, your highness. She is just really beautiful.

Liam had this strong urge flooding his veins to kill Fonton for his statement and his eyes which were fixed on his lady with flaming red hair.


Shortly after the bell rangindicating lectures were over and it was lunch time. Liam didn't leave, he continued his painting.

Mr. Vietam: Mr. Green, the lessons are over, its breaktime.

Liam: I'm not really hungry, Mr. Vietam.

Mr. Vietam: Oh well, do carry on then.

Liam paused suddenly something was wrong. Changing his mind, he dropped his paintbrush and decided to phone Neil. He was going out.

Neil: Your highness.

Liam: Are you close by, Neil?

Neil: No sir, would you like me to come get you?

Liam: No, I would like you to come get my paintings. Meet Emily for it.

Neil: Will you be in school, Sir?

Liam: I am going somewhere. Goodbye Neil.

Liam hung up immediately. He grabbed his jacket and walked out.


From Dideolu.

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