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Talina ran out of Liam's room to hers rushing immediately flipping through the spell book.

Talina: here, the absolute spell should do the trick. It's a bit complex judging from the transcription. I don't...

Liam: {sounding frustrated} just say it already.

Talina: It requires a certain sacrifice. It's an absolute spell. {recognition flashed in Liam's eyes.}

Talina was silent allowing Liam to ponder on whether he wanted to do it or not. Though she was his mate, this absolute spell would cross boundaries and change the both of them.

Liam: do it.

Talina: your hand, let me get a knife and a bowl.

Liam: first drawer on the left.

She went to get it.

Talina: ready? {her hands slightly shock}.

Liam just nodded.

In a swift motion, she cut his palm blood trickled out before healing almost immediately.

Liam: again, till you have enough, Talina.

And she slit his palm, up to ten times or more. She closed her eyes and inhaled and exhaled loudly before beginning to recite the spell.

Slowly, Liam started feeling it, magic didn't affect him since he became the superior wolf but, this was a special type. It was like a curse and it was running through his veins, attaching itself to him. It wouldn't be effective if there wasn't a price to pay, he thought as he grimaced.

He didn't know how he got to his knees but, he didn't care. He was in pain and it hurt very much till it synchronized within him and hummed signifying it was done. It was set in stone.

Talina: it's done. It took a lot of energy {Talina tried to stand up but, immediately landed back in her seat}. We have to give her this to drink. {she slowly got up this time around}.

Liam nodded and got up taking the bowl from Talina and walking over to a still sleeping Amara.

Lim: drink.

Her body seemed to obey him because though she was asleep, she gulped his blood down. This was the way the absolute spell was, it linked them together in every sense of the word that nothing in this world could separate them , absolutely nothing.



The royals were starting to occupy their seats for lunch, Lander, Lanzer, Freya and Fredrick sat at the table.

Felicia was heading over to the table, tray in hand. She took a seat.

Felicia: have any of you seen Amara today?

Lanzer: {frowns} no, why?

Fred: maybe she is still avoiding us.

Felicia: no way. She wouldn't skip class to avoid me. We spoke yesterday and its English we had together today. Amara may not wanted to see but, I don't think she go as far as skipping just not to see me.

Everyone went silent taking in Felicia's words before a worried Alice came in front of them.

Alice: Amara is not in her room, no one has seen Amara since yesterday.

Felicia: told you something was up. Let's call, Emily.

Alice drew out her phone to dial Emily's number.

Emily: This is Emily speaking.

Alice: hey Em., it's Alice. Hey, any reason Amara isn't in her room?

Emily; oh {Emily was nervous, she had just gotten off the phone with Liam Green}. Alice, Amara went home to visit her mother.

Alice: so soon, when did she leave?

Emily: yesterday evening. Alice, I have to get back to some paper work.

Alice: okay, thanks for your help.

Alice hung up.

Freya: She sounds way too nervous to me, don't you think?

Lander: yeah, she did.

Alice: why would you say that, Em. Won't lie to me, we are good friends.

Freya: I don't really like this Amara but, she is turning out to be quite intriguing. {she turned to Fredrick} Let's go to the estate.

Lander: Why go to your estate?

Freya: this morning, the air was charged with some kind of energy.

Felicia: Liam's witch playing with her tools?

Freya: no, it felt targeted at something.

Lander: how do you know all this?

Freya: we were a little late for school. Besides the distance between our homes is so far that we should have felt Talina using magic if it wasn't something big. Anyway, that's besides the point.

Fred: the point is that we are going to pay his highness a visit, right sister?

Freya: on point. Let's go. Who will inform Angelica and Antonia of our impromptu plans?

Lanzer: I'll do it. Let's go already. Let's find Amara.

They all stood up and exited the cafeteria, eyes trained on them in a supposed unsuspecting manner.

P.S: A thank you for those who stuck with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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