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Plot 4

Outskirts of Witches' cult.

Liam was now in Venessa's spell room under a strong spell as she tried to find out what was wrong.

He was sweating profusely. What was wrong with him? She began the ritual.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head then she saw everything. She saw what was wrong. The superior werewolf had found his mate so, Valerie's essence no longer bonded his killing nature. It was only a matter of time before he snapped and starts the killing again.

She was truly scared but, there was a loophole. She would have to kill the superior werewolf's mate. She would have to kill the girl.


Liam was staring up. He felt like he had been in the desert for days. He was going to teach Venessa a lesson, maybe a few dead witches at her front porch would ease his anger or...

No, no, no!!! his worst fears had come true. The seal had broken, his true nature taking form.

He opened his eyes. He felt different, he felt stronger, he felt everything and nothing. He then took in surrounding, he could tell he was in Venessa's spell room from all the weird stuff she hung around.

Venessa walked in.

Venessa: I know what is wrong.

Liam: You know what's wrong with me?

Venessa: Liam the seal is broken meaning your werewolf is craving his mate because she is close by. I know you feel different but, it will only drive you to do one thing only which is search for her. Instead, stay here and we can find her together and re-establish the seal.

In the blink of an eye, Liam had Venessa off her feet hanging from her throat. Venessa fought for air. She was scared, was Liam really going to kill her?

Liam: Don't you dare say that to my face.

Venessa: This isn't you, Liam. It's the beast, let me fix...

Liam: NO!!! This is me and stay away from her, Venessa.

Venessa stared at Liam in disbelief.

Venessa: You want to remain this way? Liam, you can't control this side of you, it is only moved by instinct. Instinct to kill, feed and survive.

Liam: And to protect those who are mine.

Venessa: No, Liam. Stop, stop...

Liam's grip tightened and colour drained from Venessa's face as well.

Liam: I can't let you hurt her now that you know of her. Goodbye, Venessa.

He snapped her neck. Strangely, he didn't feel anything. He was only blank. Venessa had helped him get to this point of his life. They had done this to him and they both ended up dead.


Maybe this was how it was meant to be. {He walked out of Venessa's cottage.} those who he cared for and cared for him in return always ended up dead by his hands. Just maybe this was the real curse.

A twig broke behind him as he watched as Venessa's cottage burned to the ground.

Talina: What happened?

He remembered the voice immediately, it was the redhead from the café. She brought her chilly presence here with her if only she knew he could just snap her neck he was sure she would mind her business.

Talina: You plan to kill me too, your highness?

She spat his title out with bitterness but, that wasn't what made him tense, she knew his thoughts. What are you? He thought.

Talina: I am special is what Auntie Vee. Always told me.

Liam thought back to witch history. She had told him witches had special gifts. Some could heal, curse, bless. Others which were special could us the elements and their preliminary stage gift. Her gift happens to be mind-reading, luckily for him there was a way to block it.

Liam turned to face the redhead.

Liam: What are you doing here?

She glared at him. He smiled in return as he stared at her.

Liam: You're a witch in training, precisely her successor. She knew I'd kill her.

Talina: No, she didn't. I saw you.

Liam: Very special indeed, redhead.

Talina: it's Talina.

Liam: You don't like me very much. {He heard her mumble obvious.} I don't blame you. Who would when I killed their teacher, but why not warn her about what you saw?

Talina: It wasn't my place, she said it was inevitable, so I watched.

Liam studied Talina, she couldn't be older the sixteen. He wasn't a witch but, he knew she was special. *sigh* He didn't need to start caring again, he couldn't kill anymore, he was tired but, would the beast in him ever stop.

Liam: I have killed your mistress; the least I can do is offer you some manuals for your training.

Talina: You know witches so well; does she speak to you too?

Liam: Who are you talking about, I don't...

Talina: But she talks about you so much...

Liam reacted so fast it was hard to comprehend even for himself. He had grabbed Talina by her throat.

Liam: I don't very much like being interrupted.

Liam: I am sorry, okay? {Liam didn't leave her.}

Liam: I am waiting.

Talina; No way am I calling you, your highness.

Liam: Then I guess you will die today. Two witches in a night. Fantastic.

Talina: Okay wait {A minute passed.} I am sorry, highness. There let me go.

Liam drops Talina who landed flat on her butt.

Liam: Who is this she you speak of?

Talina: You're no ordinary wolf. Auntie Vee. told me that you were a killer {she turned to looked behind Liam} You are...

Liam began to walk away. He was fed up with her and his brain was in a haze.

Talina: Her name is Valarie. She said she was your lover.

Liam: Come with me.

He wasn't asking nor was he being nice.

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