Dinner together part 1 ( Story by G )

ابدأ من البداية


I looked at him, he was constantly rubbing his eyes in astonishment. I smiled and went and hugged him tight. He hugged me back and I swear to god it was the most soothing place on the earth.

Ahmmm....ahhmm (fake cough) Kareena was quick to do that and we broke the hug.
He then went and sat besides Tim.

"Thank you Saif sir and Kareena for inviting me for a dinner" Kartik said.

"No need of saying thank you Kartik. After all you are my son-in-law" abba said.

" Come on everyone! Dinner is ready" Kareena said.

We had our dinner and I had asked for Ras malai for the dessert as it was kartik's favourite. After a while when kartik was leaving I also decided to leave with him as he would drop me home and we would get some time together.

While coming out of the building I was holding kartik's forearm tightly.

He looked at me and said "Are you sure you want to hold my hand all the way because paparazzi would be there?"


"Of course I am sure, kartik. I can't take this anymore" she said and smiled.

She did what she said, she did not leave my hand even for a second, she was completely carefree.

I was really happy by what she did because since the day I proposed her I was ready to tell the world that she was,is and forever will be mine but it was Sara's suggestion
that we should handle this properly and wait for the right time.


"Baby do you have work tomorrow? Because if not I want to take you somewhere now" I asked.

"I have some work to be finished tomorrow morning but I can postpone it to tomorrow afternoon." She replied.

"Great then. Let's go to your house so that you could take an extra pair of clothes with you" I said.

We stopped the car near sara's house. While she went upstairs to bring her clothes I stayed in the car so that I could make the arrangements.

Sara came down with a small backpack and we left. "Kartik at least tell me where are we going?" She asked.

"I cannot tell you that. It's a surprise!!" I said and continued, "Forget about this, tell me something;missed me?".

Sara kept her hand on mine and intervened her fingers and said "EVERYDAY".

I kissed her hand and smiled. We then talked about what all we did in the past months and we so engrossed in each other that we didn't even realise when we reached our location.
I got down from the car and helped Sara get down as it was dark there.


Kartik helped me step out of the car. "Where are we baby? Why is it so dark here?"

Instead of answering he covered my eyes with his hands and took me somewhere.

After a 10 minute walk to where I don't know, he removed his hands and I opened my eyes. What I saw was just..... MESMERISING

Kartik had arranged a tent by the riverside for stargazing. "This is just beautiful and so romantic baby" I said amazement.

"I know it is. We met after so long so I wanted some Time together and what better than stargazing with you" he said holding my waist from the backside.

"By the way I must say you know how to make things memorable" I complimented.

"Then I deserve a reward for this" he said in a quirky tone.

"Reward it seems" I said and turned to kiss him.

I wished that kiss never ended but we parted to catch some air.

I sat down in his lap resting my head on his chest, just taking in the beautiful view.


"Baby I was thinking that we should go together to Karan's Diwali Pooja this year" I said.

"I don't have a problem with that but only on one condition" she said.

'What' I asked in confusion.

"The condition is that you will have to tell me the reason behind this sudden thought you had" she said clearing my confusion.

"Honestly there is no reason as such. It's just that nowadays I don't feel like attending any function alone, I feel like you should be there with me holding my hand" I said looking at her.

"Aww this is so sweet of you Kartik. If this is the thought behind this then I promise you that from now onwards all the functions that you would attend I will be there holding your hand and standing by your side" she said kissing me on the cheeks.

"I promise you the same baby. Whatever it is I will always be by your side."

We did not realise when we slept but after sometime I woke up and saw Sara she was so adorable in her sleep. I picked her up and took her inside the tent and slept beside her, cuddling her. We got back to the city the next morning.

1st NOVEMBER,2024

It was Diwali time. I woke up early, had my Diwali special breakfast with mom,dad and Kiki. Today I had to attend the Diwali Pooja at Karan's house WITH SARA.

The Pooja was in the evening and the whole time guests were coming home so I had great fun till afternoon.


I wore an off white printed kurta and payjamas with traditional Kolhapuri footwear. I left early as I had to first pick up my queen and then go to the Pooja.

I reached below Sara's house early so rather than waiting for her in the car I went upstairs. Amrita opened the door. I wished her a happy and prosperous Diwali and waited in the living room for Sara.

" She won't come out Kartik. Go inside and bring her out." Amrita said from the kitchen.


I was standing in front of the mirror, getting ready and was parallely thinking about what would happen tonight when suddenly my thought bubble burst after I realised someone was holding me by my waist. It was my baby.

"When did you come?" I asked.

"When you were thinking about something" he replied. I blushed as I recalled what I was thinking.

"By the way you are looking gorgeous in this salwar suit. My sweet little mango" he said.

"Huh... what kind of nickname is this?" I said.

"Aree isn't this cute?" He said making a puppy dog face.

"Indeed it is" I said and we laughed. We then left for Karan's house.

After reaching at Karan's house we got down from the car and Kartik held my left hand tightly or rather I would say he squashed my hand. The paps there were amazed to see us together for the second consecutive time that too holding hands. We happily posed for the media and went inside.

While we were in the elevator, I asked, "why did you hold my hand so tightly?"

He looked at me and said " Look at your left hand" I looked and then realised that I had my ring on and Kartik held my hand tightly so that no one could get a clue about it.

I was about to remove it when he said, " Let it be where it is meant to be. Don't remove it, there is nothing to hide about it"

The entire industry was there at the Pooja. We had so much fun. I was with kartik all the time as he said. It was then time for the photo shoot. Here too we were standing together.

Becoming your princess (sartik)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن