"Tell General Dameron that there's some little kid asking for him, claims she's his niece"

Ben is flabbergasted. That's all it took. He just prayed no one outside of asshole heard it. 

Poe comes on the line, breathing heavy. Obviously he had been running. 

He only had one word to say.


"Yes, really. So are you going to let me land or what? And for fucks sake, don't say anything to anyone! Tell asshole he better be quiet!"

"Papa!! That's a bad word!"

"Ughhhhhhhh. Get me off this ship Dameron. I'll owe you big time"

"Yeah, let him land so I can kick his ass" Ben hears him tell whoever was holding him up.

Ben lands and climbs out of the cockpit, reaching for Driea first. 

"Papa get me first!" Leiliana screams out. 

"Shhhh, hush already. No whining!" 

Ben is exhausted but he senses that Rey is closer and his heart rate jumps. 

Immediately he throws up a wall between them so she doesn't sense his presence. She'd know he was here. 

Poe comes jogging up. 

"You ass!! You should've contacted us first. That was stupid as fuck Ben. We have to know who is coming here"

There's a tug at his shirt. He looks down to see black haired Driea at his feet looking just like her grandmother. 

"Mama said don't say that Uncle Poe. That's a bad word"

Poe forgets he's pissed at Ben. He swoops her up. 

"Look at you! Oh my gosh, you've grown! Where's your sister?" 

There's a small cry from the cockpit above. Leiliana thinks she was forgotten. 

"Shit! Hold on Leia I'm coming"

"Papa don't say bad words!"

"Ughhhh" Ben throws his hands in the air.

"That's it baby girl you fuss at Papa" Poe tells Driea, throwing her straight up in the air. She squeals. 

Ben fumes."She's not your baby girl" 

Ben climbs down with a still crying Leia in his arms. 

"Shhhh... it's okay I didn't forget you"

"Dameron, where is she? She's going to kick my a…..I mean tail for bringing them here but they need her. Where is she?"

"Well lucky for your as…..I mean tail, she's out flying right now, she practicing maneuvers"

Leia is now falling asleep in his arms. He goes to take Driea. 

"No, I got her. It's okay"

"Oh well thanks" Ben says awkwardly. He feels a bit possessive. He's never seen another man hold his daughter before. 

"Dameron, she doesn't know we are here"

"Well I figured that, there's no way she would've gone on a mission if she knew"

"I want to surprise her, okay? Tell that dic...that guy not to tell anyone we are here" 

Driea eyes him looking all for the galaxy like her Mama when she's pissed at him.

"What? I didn't say it" Ben reasons with his four year old. 

Poe bursts out laughing. 

"What are you laughing at?" 

Conquer, The Sequel to ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now