Chapter I: Not Quite My Style

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Loud music blasted my ears, making it hard for me to hear. The thick crowd of people enveloped my vision, not to mention the flashing lights everywhere. Jessie, my friend who brought me here, was wasting herself at the bar with a man in her arms. I snickered at the memory of her dragging me to this party. She had undeniably thought it was a good idea to bring me here.

Yes. It was a great idea to bring your introverted friend to a huge party. The biggest party of the year.

I looked over to where Jessie was sitting, to find that she was nowhere to be seen. Usually she stuck out, her flaming red hair being an attention grabber. I let a heavy sigh escape my mouth when I saw that she had left me alone to go fool around with a stranger. I never spent a good time with Jessie at these parties.

How did I get stuck here again?

I squeezed my way through the abundant number of people, trying to get to the exit. I bumped into a lot of shoulders, until I found an opening. As soon as the door was in my sight, I heard Jessie calling out my name. Her voice grabbed my attention, and I briskly turned around. I knocked right into a tall figure, causing me to lose my balance and fall. All the people dancing blocked my vision so I couldn't grab onto anything to prevent myself from falling. My arms met the hardwood floor as I tried to catch myself, sending a shock of pain through my arms.

"Forgive me ma'am." Someone said while extending an arm down to me.

"It's fine. No harm was-"

My mouth went dry when I came face to face with the person who I ran into. A strikingly handsome young man had helped me up from the ground. His black fluffy hair complemented the button up shirt  he was wearing. This man looked a few years older than me, taking his muscular physique into account. And his eyes were the most dazzling shade of grey. My mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out. This man's charming appearance had me at a loss for words.

"Speechless huh? Now what name can I put to that beautiful face of yours?" He asked, gingerly kissing the top of my hand.

A red tint fell upon my cheeks and I turned my head away shyly. His grey eyes studied my figure as if I was a magnificent treasure chest about to be opened. I looked back up at him and to my surprise he was still looking at me.

"Sophia Warren."

"Damien Green," He said with pleasure, "Nice to make your acquaintance, Miss Sophia."

Damien released my hand; His gaze still on me. I wasn't good at making conversation with strangers. Nervously, I fiddled with my hands while trying to avoid eye contact with him. My fingers naturally circled each other while visibly shaking. I darted my eyes around the room, observing the many people on the dance floor.

"Hey look at me!" Damien huskily said. He forcefully grabbed my arms, pulling me close to him. I turned my face away, feeling his glare. This man was very tall compared to my short height. It made him even more intimidating. My head was at the level of his shoulder, allowing me to smell some cologne on his jacket. It was actually quite refreshing, the new smell filled my senses. But I strongly ripped my arm away from Damien, even though; I did like the smell of the cologne. I found myself rubbing my arm back and forth where he had grabbed me; Conveying a hurt expression, I made direct eye contact with him.

~~~~~~Present Day~~~~~~

Therapist- hmm.... ok I see.

She wrote something down on her note pad, ready to hear more.

Sophia- He was acting like such a gentleman all this time, it startled me when his attitude changed for a split second.

I hesitated for a second before asking, "What did you write down?"

"Nothing of importance at the moment," she insisted. Although her voice slightly echoed around the room, sending a chilling feeling through my whole body.


"Change of heart I see, Mister Damien."

"Wait I-I just hate when people don't look me in my eyes. It makes me think they're afraid or skeptical. It messes with my mind. Please, forgive me."

His face undoubtedly looked like a sad little puppy who had just been scorned. A shred of guilt etched its way to my heart. I was willing to look over this.

"Here let me make it up to you, Sophia. Let me treat you to a drink."

I skeptically agreed and we made our way to the bar. Again, Jessie was not there. When we sat down the bartender looked at me as if I was a mere child. So he continued to clean a cup in his hand, not acknowledging that we were waiting to be served. Damien roughly signaled him over in order to get our drinks. His clenched fist told me he was ticked that the man chose to ignore us.

"Can I get two shots of tequila for me and her?"

"Damien! Tequila?" He snickered at my reaction. I scoffed at him, chuckling a bit. I heard the clinking of glasses on the counter to see our drinks were here. Damien slid my drink over to me, almost spilling it.

"Hey be careful," I said laughing. "So Sophia, have you ever had alcohol before? You don't seem like the type to." A conflicted expression appeared on my face. I didn't desire to be know as a drunk or a prude. Rolling my eyes, I stubbornly lied and picked up the drink with confidence. The small shot glass felt cold in my hand, and I stared at it nervously. Feelings aside, I went to take the shot, but Damien held my arm back, gently this time. His hand felt warm and comforting against my bare skin, as if this was the first time I had felt human touch.

Why did I feel that way?

"Sophia be careful, maybe you shouldn't do this."

He said this with such calmness and concern in his voice. Gosh. How could one man be so charming and sweet, not to mention; incredibly handsome.

"Sophia, what are you looking at?" Ah I hadn't realized I was staring at him for so long. "U-uh nothing, but I'm 19 so I'll be fine. Let's just take the shots," I stuttered, trying to sound reassuring. Damien's expression faded from concerned to playful again. And an adorable grin spread across his face.

"Ok. Then, on the count of three. One. Two. Three!"

Damien and I threw back our heads and downed the drinks. It did have a sour taste, but I loved it. The bitterness on my tongue gave me a weird sensation. I looked over to Damien who was smiling cutely at me. "So Damien, what are you looking at?" I asked him with the same tone he had used. He snapped out of his little trance and to my surprise, he actually blushed.

Damien got up from his seat with such confidence, you would've thought he had just come back from battle. I look over at him curiously. What could this man possibly have had in mind? His face was covered in a devilish grin. Finally, Damien extended his arm out towards me as he had done earlier that night.

"Care to dance?"

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