Chapter 101

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Chapter 101

"You can't seriously still be mad," Graces deadpanned, looking at Neville across the table with a mixture of irritation and exasperation.

Neville flushed slightly around his collar and muttered that he would rather have this conversation in private.

McGonagall took another spoonful of stew and thought about how interesting her dinners were going to be for the rest of the term. Neville and Graces were probably better than muggle television for entertainment.

"When are we ever alone to have a private conversation?" Graces muttered irritatedly, pushing her food around.

"I give you two plenty of time to be alone," McGonagall pointed out.

"You're still around here, just in another room. Neville won't fight if you're able to hear us."

Neville shifted uncomfortably and it was obvious that he was grinding his teeth to keep himself from saying something unfortunate.

"You two can put up silencing charms. I wouldn't mind," McGonagall suggested. "Though I am interested in why you're upset, Mr. Longbottom."

"He's not upset. He's rather furious," Graces supplied, taking a bite of her food when she noticed McGonagall's pointed look.

Neville didn't at all seem happy with Graces' new found openness and for a brief moment she wondered if Neville was going to remain tight lipped just to spite her.

"Fine. You want to have this out now, here. Fine." Neville put down his spoon and crossed his arms sullenly. "You shouldn't have told Professor Sprout."

"I explained why I did. I—"

"I don't care," Neville snapped. "You shouldn't have told her. We shouldn't be telling anyone. It's not safe, Graces. You know it isn't safe."

"Are you worried Sprout is going to get me killed? Seriously?"

"We shouldn't trust anyone," Neville stressed.

Graces cocked her head over to McGonagall. "You don't seem to have a problem with Professor McGonagall knowing."

Neville opened his mouth to say something and then closed it abruptly. Minerva felt bad for him as he seemed to be trying to figure out what to say regarding this.

"Do you have a problem with my knowledge, Neville?" She asked simply, curious herself to the answer.


"But you don't like Sprout knowing?"

"I don't."


Neville ran his fingers through his hair. "She didn't need to know, so I would have rathered that she didn't."

"But she knows now," Graces shrugged. "So why is it so horrible that she knows? Do you not trust her? Think she's working for the Dark Lord?" Graces teased, rolling her eyes at how ridiculous that idea was.

"I really hate when you do that," Neville warned, giving Graces a meaningful look. "You don't have to be condescending to make your point."

Graces raised an eyebrow. "You're being ridiculous. You can't get mad at me for being bored with this discussion when you can't explain to me why it is that you're so upset."

"I have explained."

Graces snorted and took another bite of her stew. "Then your reasoning is dumb and you need to get over yourself."

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