Chapter 20

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"I think you shouldn't get involved," Ron muttered, as Hermione sat down in the common room and looked up the stairs leading to the boys dorms.

"I'm not getting involved," Hermione snipped agitatedly. "I'm just reminding Neville that he should talk to Hannah. It's been over a week, and Neville hasn't said anything to her."

"'Mione," Ron groaned, "Just let it rest. He's going to. Neville's a good bloke, he just doesn't want to hurt her feelings."

"And it was only one date," Harry added. "Why does he have to say anything at all. He doesn't fancy her, its obvious. Hannah will eventually realize."

"He must fancy her a bit though, he did kiss her," Hermione stated matter-of-factly.

Ron and Harry both exchanged looks behind their friend, each boy remembering the conversation with Neville the other night.

"I believe Nev mentioned that Hannah kissed him," Ron said sheepishly, not at all liking to talk about his friend's private life.

Harry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it really sounds like he doesn't at all fancy her."

"Yeah," Ron scoffed, "it sounds like he has more of a thing for Malfoy then it does Hannah."

"What do you mean?" Hermione questioned, turning around and glaring at the two boys in front of her. "Why would you think he likes Malfoy?"

"It was just a joke," Ron said rolling his eyes. "Just leave Neville alone. He seems really happy this morning, which is a nice change."

Harry groaned and elbowed Ron hard in his side. Ron at first didn't realize what he had done to deserve such treatment, but then he saw Hermione's face.

"Why has Neville been unhappy lately?"

"We don't know," Harry sighed. "Maybe Malfoy is giving him a hard time with tutoring. She sent him a book for beginners the other day. Honestly, 'Mione, we don't know, but today he seemed really happy. He was even humming in the shower."

"Why didn't you ask?"

"Neville's a pretty private person," Ron shrugged. "He really isn't the sort to talk about himself much, and we just figured if he wanted to tell us he would."


"Hermione," Ron wined, "leave the poor bloke be. Now can we please go to breakfast?"

Hermione looked as though she were about to continue arguing when Neville started to stroll down from the stairs. Both other members of the trio groaned loudly as she started towards him.

"Neville, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah!" Neville exclaimed enthusiastically. "I actually wanted to talk to you too about something. Do you think you could recommend me more muggle books? Like ones other than Shakespeare. Not that I don't like the ones by him, I just was thinking that some more variety may be nice and—Oh! I forgot to tell you, I read Hamlet the other day, and—"

"You read Hamlet?" Hermione asked surprised.

"Yeah, I did. It was really great," Neville smiled, "Much better than Romeo and Juliet in my opinion. Not that it wasn't good," he added, worried he might have offended Hermione. "Anyways, could you recommend me more muggle books?"

"Yes, of course," Hermione said, a bit daunted by Neville's demeanor.

"Great!" Neville cheered, clearly excited over Hermione's promise. Hermione just continued looking at her friend. Neville seemed so different to her now. She was used to soft-spoken, shy Neville, but not this. Neville on occasion could be this exuberant, like when he got a new plant or during games, but there was always a reason. "Ummm... you wanted to talk to me about something?" Neville reminded, growing increasingly nervous the longer Hermione was staring at him like that.

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