Chapter 23

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"How was your day today?"

Graces looked over at her brother. He looked so worn these days. The childishness that had once played along his face was gone, replaced with the shadowed look of a man that had an ocean of woes.

"It was a day." She shrugged, looping her arm through his and resting her head on his shoulder as they strolled along the sleeping castle, attending to their prefect duties, a content hum musing from her as Draco placed a hand over hers while they walked arm in arm. Graces loved this part of her day, the part where her and Draco could be alone together. These days there was usually a lack in conversation, but both her and Draco enjoyed the comfortable silence and the unspoken words just fine.

"I never did thank you for doing so much of my homework," Draco said quietly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Graces said innocently, "You did your homework, remember? We were originally going to study in the library, but you wanted to study away from so many people so we found an abandoned classroom and worked there. That's why you and I have been absent so much from the common room."

"Oh, yes that's right," Draco chuckled, playing along with Graces' story and giving her hand an affectionate squeeze. "How I ever could forget is beyond me. If I keep going on like this people will start calling me Longbottom."

Draco was so busy laughing at his own joke, he didn't notice the uncomfortableness it caused his sister.

"Did I tell you I pruned a fanged Geranium the other day?"

Draco frowned and looked down at his sister, clearly examining her face for some hint of this being a joke. After finding none, his eyebrows went up and he had a faint hint of delighted surprise to his voice.

"I'm impressed. I honestly thought there would be no way for you to pass that part of the class. How did you manage it?"

"Longbottom," Graces shrugged coolly. "He's very talented in Herbology."

There was silent for a moment as the strolled along the corridor, their steps echoing off the stone walls.

"How did Longbottom help you?" Draco asked frowning.

Graces casually told him about the situation, making sure to keep out anything that would give Draco the slightest hint that her and Neville were involved, but glancing at his face to see his reaction to Neville's finer points.

"I suppose even a maggot has use for something," Draco sneered, pulling Graces tighter to himself.

"He did save my life," Graces reminded, still maintaining an indifference in her voice.

"You are in more danger now than ever because of him and his friends," Draco muttered darkly, thinking of the ministry and their father being gone. "Fucking blood traitor. I hate that you have to tutor that idiot."

Graces, realizing that bringing up Neville was a mistake, quickly changed the subject.

"Speaking of tutoring, I was wondering if you could tutor Nott in potions."

"Nott?" Draco asked in surprise. "Why would I need to tutor Nott? He's very skilled in potions."

"Well, apparently he needs some help." Graces shrugged. "He asked me if I could aid him, but unfortunately I don't have much time these days."

"When did he ask you? I don't recall him ever asking you that."

"He approached me after dinner in the halls yesterday."


"Yeah, he asked me when I was walking to tutor Longbottom."

Draco sent a sideways look at his sister. There was something too casual in her voice, and while he liked to believe the matter was this simple he had an odd feeling that there was something she wasn't telling him.

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